Chapter 15

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Jungkook is having a bad day. Like a really bad one. He ended up not going home after running away, he didn't have the heart or energy to speak with Jin about it. It's possible the elder stayed up all night waiting for him... that's just one of the reasons why this day is already stigmatized as shitty.

Jungkook still isn't sure why he ran away. Maybe it was because he was so disappointed in himself. He almost let Jeon take over so easily, in front of his father at that. If he had turned, he could have hurt Jin by accident. Why did Suho have to come to the store? What kind of karma is Jungkook paying for?

He sighs as he steps inside school, his body shaking slightly from the cold. He slept out all night on a bench, but it ended up with only a few hours of rest. His body is exhausted and his mood isn't any better. Why does everything have to be so hard for him... he doesn't know what he did wrong to deserve this.

He shakes his head in order to get rid of the thoughts, walking over to his locker. It's lucky he placed all his books in there yesterday or else he would have been going to class without anything today.

Just when he grabs his english textbook, he feels a harsh smack to the back of his head. He yelps and holds a hand there, looking behind him and seeing Suho walking away. He's holding up his middle finger at Jungkook and shoving his tongue. What a displeasing sight.

Jungkook has to move his head and stare into the locker in order to keep his glare down. He doesn't want to deal with Suho right now, not in the slightest. His chest is getting warm from the mare irritation and frustration from the slap to his head, making him take a few deep breaths before closing his locker and heading towards his classroom. He keeps his head low and takes long, fast steps into the room so he can reach his spot as quickly as possible.

He barely gets to sit down before gets a crumbled piece of paper thrown at him. With a deep sigh he takes it and opens it up.

Thanks for yesterday freak, hope to get that father of yours in bed soon ~

Jungkook's teeth plants themselves deeply into his lip as he keeps in the growl that almost escaped his mouth. He feels his heart increase it's speed in pure annoyance as he looks down, his chest getting warmer and warmer. His hands are digging into his thighs as he stares at the note.

He's just doing it to make you mad Jungkook. Calm down. Calm down. Those thoughts keeps repeating themselves again and again inside Jungkook's head.

If he could just rip that peace of shit into pieces, he would do it without hesitation. That's probably mostly Jeon's thoughts taking over.

Jungkook is able to keep himself steady until the teacher arrives and starts the lesson. At least he can try getting distracted that way. Still, he feels so uncomfortable about being in the room. Even if the class is totally quiet and focusing on what the teacher is saying, Jungkook still feels like all eyes are on him. The eyes of every wolf in the room.

The lesson is finally over after way too much struggling in Jungkook's opinion and he fleets from the chair as fast as he can. He's the first to leave the classroom and he immedietly heads for the toilets. He needs to cool his head.

Luckily, it's empty when he arrives so he can without trouble place himself in front of the sink and slash some water to his face. The sensation is amazing and somewhere deep down he just wants to drown himself in it, even though he knows that's not impossible.

He grabs the counter with his hands and stares at his reflection. His eyes are dark with bags underneath, his hair even messier than it usually is and his skin looks unhealtily pale. Sleeping outside clearly doesn't do anything good for your well-being. Not to mention that his clothes is slightly damp, giving it this smell of wet dog. It's straight up disgusting.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now