Chapter 28

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Jungkook looks at the small shop before him. it's the place he has lived and grown up for so many years. The bright, pink color has never really been to his liking, but he loves it nonetheless. Through the window that's covered in raindrops, he can see his father clean the counter. He's having his back towards Jungkook, so he hasn't realized that his son is standing completely drenched and broken outside his front door.

Jungkook traveled all the way home this evening. It's currently 2 am in the morning. Therefore, it's cold and it has been raining ever since Jungkook jumped on the train and left his mate and friends in Busan.

Watching his father being up until 2 am, cleaning up the counter and tables which is normally Jungkook's job, breaks the younger's heart.

He's a terrible son. Jin was absolutely right, going to Busan didn't solve anything, it only caused more trouble for Jungkook. With a sigh, the raven finally encourages himself enough to push the door open and walk inside. The bell rings and catches Jin's attention, but he doesn't turn around. He can probably smell who it is.

Jungkook stares at the floor, seeing how he's dripping with water on the newly washed floor. he guesses he's going to clean that up later.

He hears the small gate open, meaning Jin has walked out of the desk area and is most likely standing and looking at him. Is he angry? Sad? Disappointed? It's probably all of them at once... Jungkook doesn't have the confidence to look up... he just can't.

He takes a deep breath and slowly lifts his board which he has a piece off in each hand. He looks at it as tears flow to his eyes, making his vision blurry. They roll down his cheeks before falling and hitting the painted wood that's no longer worth anything. 

Many would probably call him a child for caring so much about this skateboard, but it truly meant the world to him... that's why it's hurting so much to see it broken like this.

Jin looks at his son with pained eyes, staring at the gift he gave so many years back. It's just a toy. Just some stupid wood with wheels... then why does it make him want to bawl his eyes out to see his son holding it like this?

The elder takes a deep breath and turns around. Jungkook can hear him leave and just slowly starts following his father. He knows he as a lot to apologize for and explain. He destroyed the trust that was between them long ago to live his life, but seeing that Jin was absolutely right makes it all so worthless now.

They walk up the stairs in complete silence, only the old steps that creak once in a while indicate that the world didn't go mute. 

"Sit down," Jin says before walking towards the bathroom. Jungkook does as he instructs and sits down, placing the board on the table with shaking hands. He sees the painting of Taehyung has been cut in half, also getting slight messy from the rain.

Jungkook runs his fingers over it at the tears start running again. His heart tugs painfully and he catches his lip between his teeth.

He's so stupid. So, so stupid. How could he do all of this? Against Jin? Against Taehyung? Against himself? He doesn't know...

Jin comes back outside with a towel and a clean set of clothes. The clothes get left on the chair beside Jungkook as the towel lands on top of his head. Jin starts moving the towel around Jungkook's watery locks, drying him up just like he did back when he was a kid. 

The younger starts sobbing quietly, letting everything go as he slowly wraps his arms around Jin's torso and hides his face in his chest. The feeling of home settles in Jungkook's chest as he feels Jin just gently continuing the motion and letting Jungkook embrace him. It hurts. So freaking much... however, Jungkook still wants to be here more than anywhere else.

They stand like that for what seems like hours before Jin gently pulls back.

"Change your clothes and we can talk, okay?" he says and cups Jungkook's cheeks. The son's eyes are completely red and he sniffs a few times. He's like a little boy all over again, lost and alone. 

Jin smiles a little and kisses Jungkook's forehead. He's just glad his son is alive and okay. Maybe not mentally, but he's safe and that's what matters for now. 

He goes to the kitchen to prepare some hot chocolate for them while Jungkook changes into some better clothes. He gently folds Hoseok's outfit before pulling on his own old hoodie and sweatpants. Immediately, his body feels warmer and more comfortable even though everything inside how him is hurting.

Jin takes him to the couch where they sit down together with blankets and each a cup of hot chocolate. The elder looks at his son with awaiting eyes, wanting Jungkook to explain himself before he says anything. Jungkook's eyes looks terrified and sad, his body language telling he's regretting everything he has done.

"I'm... I'm s-sorry dad... for running away," Jungkook begins. When Jin doesn't reply, he takes a deep breath and continues, "you were right. I should never have gone on this trip. It was stupid and selfish... I-I did more harm than good... I'm sorry for running away just like that and-" he gulps, "I'm so sorry for using my alpha voice on you."

Jin looks at him a little more. Just taking in the existence of the boy he has spent the last 9 years on taking care of. Trying his best to make Jungkook a good person,  but also a happy one. He softly places his cup on the sofa table and moves Jungkook's as well.

He leans in to hug the other who just gladly accepts all the care he can get.

"You didn't do anything wrong Jungkookie... I'm at fault too," he leans back so they can look at each other, "I should have listen to you more. Seen your point of view and tried to understand your wishes... but I didn't, and that was selfish of me."

Jungkook shakes his head, but Jin stands his ground.

"I'm glad you came back... I-... I felt terrible these last days, wondering if you were even going to come home again... I know I can't give you much and I can't help much with these type of things but... I love you more than anyone, I just need to make sure you know that," he adds. Jungkook nods violently, getting teary again. Since when did he turn into such a cry baby?

"Just promise me... promise me you won't leave me like that again," Jin looks him in the eyes sternly.

In his many years of living, he has never felt 'worry' worse than this, only when he lost his mate back when he was younger. This though, was different. He's scared of failing as a father... of not giving his child the life he deserves. It broke him so deeply he can't even express it. So seeing Jungkook here before him makes him want to make sure they never leave on a bad note again.

He has done that once too many times before.

"I promise," Jungkook replies. He will never cause harm for his father ever again. Since he doesn't have a cellphone, there was no possible way for Jin to contact him. He must have been scared to death.

"I'm glad," the elder smiles, "I really want to know what happened Jungkook, but you're tired and not in your right mind... we can figure it all out tomorrow, okay?"

Jungkook nods. He is indeed very spend... traveling all the way back wasn't a short ride and the fact that he almost shifted back there spend a lot of his energy. 


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