Chapter 42

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Jungkook stands with his face buried into his mate's blue locks, pressing his lips against the other's scalp to give him signs of assurance. Anything that can make him feel just that little bit better, Jungkook will do it. He will do anything.

They are in the entrance of his and Jin's house. They stopped there because Taehyung once again couldn't stop the tears from escaping his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to hold them back. His body and mind are in shock, he didn't think he would react this badly. He's inhumanly lucky those alphas didn't get to go any further. People have tried way worse than he did, so why is he freaking out?

Because the memory of their filthy hands infesting his skin and body is like an insect crawling all over him, making his body shiver and flinch in discomfort. He hates it, he hates it so much.

However, as soon as his face gets leaned against the warm chest of his mate, filling is nose with the familiar intoxicating scent... he forgets that for a second and the tears slowly stop running, drying on his puffy cheeks. Oh how grateful he is for Jungkook right now. He doesn't believe he will ever be able to formulate his gratitude with words, so he settles on just letting himself get engulfed in everything Jungkook has to give.

Taehyung yelps slightly as he feels himself getting lifted from the ground, his legs wrapping around Jungkook's waist as the younger starts lifting him up the squeaky steps. Taehyung doesn't complain and holds his arms tightly around the raven's neck, feeling like a little kid all over again. He seems so helpless right now.

Why is he destined to live like this solely because of his rank? Why are there even ranks in this society? He doesn't hate being an omega... but god, it can be so unfair sometimes.

They slowly reach Jungkook's room and the younger gently places Taehyung back on the floor as soon as they are inside. It seems like Jin already went to sleep, so at least they don't have to explain anything for now... both of them seem emotionally exhausted.  

Jungkook ever so gently lifts his hand and places it on Taehyung's cheek, sliding it further so it rests underneath the blue hair. Taehyung sighs and leans into the touch, his heart slowly starting to get back to normal.

"I'm sorry," it almost comes out as a whisper from Jungkook, the male having tears in the corner of his eyes as he looks at Taehyung's broken state. He feels terrible, he wants to make sure that his mate is always safe and happy at all times, but he failed at that... it's not like there's much he could have done, but for some reason it still makes him feel like shit. This mate-bond is really a game-changer in his sorry excuse for a life.

"Don't say that," Taehyung replies and places his own hand over Jungkook's, moving his thumb back and forth in a comforting manner, "you did everything you could."

Jungkook gulps and nods. He knows that, but he still feels guilty. He tilts his head slightly, looking over the other's expression. He's afraid of asking questions considering Taehyung is probably really sensitive right now, but he can't help but ask a small 'how are you holding up'.

"I-I'm okay..." he whispers and takes a deep breath, "I'm just glad it's over."

"It won't ever happen again," Jungkook says, his eyes shining red for only a second before turning back to his usual, caramel-brown ones. Jeon is just as upset about the whole situation as Jungkook is obviously, he wants to come out and comfort their mate but right now... it's the human side that can excel at that.

"I hope not... I'm scared," Taehyung mumbles and bites his lip.

He has never thought much about leaving work or school on his own, he has done it several time before, also back in his old city. He kept thinking 'it won't happen to me', but it seems like karma decided to pay him a visit. 

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