Chapter 48

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This is almost a triple update isn't it? I hope you guys are enjoying the story!


"Let's try not to cut someone's head off from a start," Taehyung says as he gently starts walking out of Jungkook's body shield to walk closer to the ally, but he's quickly stopped with a growl.

"Do not go down there, we don't know what he can do," Jungkook hisses, tightening his grib around the other's wrist so it's almost painful.

"We have to talk with him somehow or else he will just keep following me," Taehyung says in return, his face now stuck in a stern expression.

"I know, but you are not going. Stay here, I'll go to him," the younger replies but Taehyung just rolls his eyes and hocks his arm with the other.

"Well, I guess we both have to go down there. Come on!" Taehyung whisper-shouts and starts dragging the fuming pure-blood with him. Jungkook's eyes are so red it could be mistanken for blood that's just about to drip from them.

He hasn't shifted in a long time because Taehyung has calmed almost all his anger, but this seems like the perfect oppertunity for Jeon to come out. However, Jungkook isn't sure this stranger will come out of here alive if he does.

Or rather, if Jungkook comes out alive.

He doesn't know how big a threat this boy is. Jungkook is aware that all pure-bloods living in this century has some sort of weakness giving to them at birth. Jungkook's being aspergers and lacking ability to control his wolf fully. Whatever the green-eyed boy's weakness is, Jungkook will find it and use it against him if he needs to. It's scary what lenghts he's willing to go in order to protect his mate.

The two of them slowly walks closer to the boy. He seems to take this as an invitation to walk out of his hiding spot too, ignoring the growl that leaves Jungkook's lips by his movement. He indeed is a true-blood if he can withstand a growl like that as if it's nothing.

When they are only a few meters away from him, they stop in their tracks and stare at each other. The boy pulls off his hoodie, giving a better opportunity for the males before him to take in his appearance. He's not very tall, he looks rather young and his hair is messy and brown. Even though he's standing high with his chest forward in a confident matter, the fear is still oozing off him like crazy. It's almost sickning for Taehyung so he keeps a hand discreetly in front of his mouth and nose.

"Who are you?" the omega ask to break the insane silence that's almost visible between them. The boy still looks at Jungkook, probably aware that if he as much as glances at the omega, he'll get sliced in half.

He opens his mouth to say something, but it seems like the fear once again overrules his abilities to function and makes it impossible for him to out a word.

"Why have you been following my mate around," it's now Jungkook who asks, his voice low and almost shaking with anger. He doesn't know why, but he's so freaking mad with this boy. Why has he been bothering them so much?

The mate couple stares as they see the boy shake his head slightly to collect himself, his hands tightening into fists and his legs sliding a little further away from each other so he's standing more securly. Almost as a fight stance.

Jungkook gets to grab Taehyung's arm before the green-eyed boy finally shouts out to them.

"Alpha! I challenge you!" he yells and watches in horror when Taehyung gets dragged behind and pushed a few steps backwards. After barely a second, the twisting and agonizing sound of bones cracking and clothes ripping is heard.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now