Chapter 33

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Jin sighs as he puts the phone down. He's glad Taehyung called him, he saw the younger storm out of their café yesterday, fuming with anger. Jin had been confused and went inside only to find Jungkook totally passed out by the desk. To say Jin freaked out is an understatement.

He was doing everything he could to wake Jungkook up, but nothing worked so in the end he just called an ambulance.

Jungkook has been sleeping for about 10 hours now, so it won't be long before he wakes up. His rut is still going, but it's less aggressive, so Jungkook probably won't attack the first omega he sees when he gets up. It will be very painful for him though...

Jin looks over at his son and gently grabs his hand. He runs his thumb over the skin and feels his chest tighten uncomfortably. He should have seen the signs, Jungkook was on the edge of something like this happening... still he begged Jin to let him continue working, probably in order to get his mind off things.

A lot have been happening in Jungkook's life lately, it probably took him by storm. Therefore, seeing Taehyung being mad at him was probably enough to make it all crumble.

However, Taehyung seems to be regretting it deeply. Jin hopes Taehyung will start seeing Jungkook in a different light... for more than just a pure-blood and a mate.

For being the amazing person that he is.

After a few minutes of Jin just staring at the raven, he finally gets up and leaves the room. But only after having placed a gentle kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

He wants to talk with Taehyung in person, but getting him too close to Jungkook is dangerous and it would probably make Taehyung go into heat. They would be forced to do something their relationship isn't ready for yet.

With that thought he leaves the room and heads down to the cafeteria.

Taehyung arrives about half an hour later, clearly uncomfortable being in the hospital. He's longing to be with Jungkook more than anything, but he just can't right now and that's hurting him.

"Hey Tae," Jin says and allows the younger to hug him.

"Hi," Taehyung replies with a hoarse voice.

"Let's sit down, okay?" Jin offers and they do just that. They order a few drinks and some snacks to eat to make it a little more comfortable for them.

"How is he?" the younger questions hesitantly. He's glad Jin even let him come he so they could talk a little. Clearly, he has broken some trust between himself and this family. He's determined on fixing it again though.

"He's sleeping, for now. But he'll be okay," Jin assures him.

Taehyung nods and looks down at his folded hands. He feels like a fucking asshole to be exact and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Jin I-... What I did and said I-..." he stutters. He can't even get a right sentence out.

"Tae, whatever it is that you're holding in is not something you have to tell me," Jin says gently, "I know you will learn from your mistakes. Jungkook will too."

He doesn't exactly know what happened between them, but it isn't very hard to figure out, considering that they didn't talk together in weeks before it all happened.

"I know it's just... I feel really terrible about it. I said a lot of things and Jungkook didn't deserve that. I just want to tell him how sorry I am," Taehyung explains.

"And you will, don't worry. I'm sure Jungkook has a lot to tell you too. Now he might be able to right now, he can't really run away when he's here," Jin states fondly, shaking his head.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now