Bonus #1

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Valentines special

(before the epilogue)



"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I-I don't know... how should I... what do I ask? How do I ask? I can't speak dad... I can't breathe-"

"You seriously need to relax this is not the end of the world," Jin laughs, "you guys literally live together, what is it that you're so scared of?"

Jungkook sighs. He has been debating for a long time how he should invite Taehyung out for valentines. It should be just like any other day, but why is the younger so nervous then? Just because the day has a title, he's getting way more freaked out and it's honestly so stupid.

"Just bring some flowers and some chocolate, tell him you love him and he is sold," Jin says. He's thrilled his son traveled all the way here just to ask for advice about a date. Well, this valentine is a little special because it's full moon tonight so it's the perfect time to have a full moon date. But Jungkook has never done that and he's honestly a little scared to let Jeon have that much control, even if he knows V will be able to control him any day.

Jungkook is planning on inviting Taehyung to the movies, take him for a run and then maybe... just relax at home... or something? Jungkook gulps and fittles with his hands, looking at his father.

"Should I buy him a present too?"

"I'm sure he will be happy about it, but Taehyung is satisfied with anything you do honestly," Jin says and Jungkook nods. He guesses he just has to jump into it and hope for the best.


"-and the maybe... we could like um... go for a run?" Jungkook questions finally after a whole minute of opening and closing his mouth for absolutely no reason. Taehyung came home from work not long ago and Jungkook took this as his chance to ask the other out. Even if they have been on dates before, it just never gets easier for Jungkook to ask the question. The elder has - with a fond smile - patiently waited for Jungkook to get to the point.

A small giggles escapes his mouth and he reaches up, running a hand through the boy's soft, dark locks.

"I would love to baby, you don't even have to ask."

PET NAME ALERT! FUCK. Jungkook's cheeks flush with warmth and his entire face turns red. Taehyung has called him that a million times, yet here he is looking like a goddamn tomato. Will he ever learn? No, probably not.

"Why are you being so shy?" Taehyung asks. Jungkook gulps and looks down at his hands shyly.

"Well... I thought that maybe afterwards... we could just go h-home and... um you know... do... the thing-"

Taehyung lifts an eyebrow and smirks a little. Oh so that's how it is. He did think about what he and Jungkook would be doing to celebrate valentine, but he didn't expect Jungkook to make the first move, so he's very happy.

"What? Are you horny?"

Jungkook squeeks and hides his face in his hands. If it was possible for him to get anymore flustered, he would have exploded by now.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now