Chapter 8

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To say Jungkook has been struggling is an understatement. He has been doing everything in his might to stay close to his mate so he won't be hurting, but at the same time fleeted the place as soon as the other figured it out.

It's hard and it's draining all of Jungkook's energy.

Yeah, just get it together and talk to him. You don't even know his name yet.

Easier said than done. Jungkook sighs as he grabs some cakes and walks over to one of the booths by the windows.

A group of alphas decided to come by today, luckily they seem to be from another part of town so they don't go to Jungkook's school.

He places the plate down and earns a nod from one of the alphas before they continue talking.

Jungkook likes it when alphas once in a while aren't selfish pricks who hate him.

He goes back behind the counter and tiredly leans against the table behind him.

He's weakened way more than usual and Jeon is being a throbbing headache 24 hours a day. It's not easy to run from your better half.

"Jungkook? Can you help me for a second?" Jin asks and Jungkook quickly enters the kitchen. He sees his father struggling with lifting out some sweet breads from the oven.

Jungkook quickly grabs the sides of the plate and lifts the stuff out. He puts them down and takes a deeper breath than he usually would have.

Plates like these are heavy, but it's normally not a big deal for Jungkook. He really has been loosing energy lately. Probably because Jeon is using all his energy on trying to take over instead of giving Jungkook strength like he usually would.

"What's the matter?" Jin asks with a worried tone. He doesn't like the lack of endurance from Jungkook lately, he's not holding up well.

"I-It's nothing," Jungkook sighs and turns so he can lean against the table. He arches his neck and looks up at the ceiling.

"You can't keep doing this Jungkook, it's not healthy," Jin argues and holds a hand on Jungkook's arm.

The younger takes a deep breath and looks back at his father.

"I have tried worse," he whispers. Jin's eyes immediately softens and he looks down slightly.

"Doesn't mean it isn't hurting. It's because of your mate, right? You can't keep on running from him," Jin adds. He lost his mate years back, he knows how it feels to be away from your destined love on another level.

That's why Jungkook doesn't want to complain.

"I will it's just... difficult... he looks so amazing dad. He has so many friends already, social and beautiful..." Jungkook sighs and gestures towards himself, "how could he end up with this?"

Jin shakes his head and grabs Jungkook's face between his hands like he has done so many times before.

"People don't have to be alike to fit each other, on the contrary, I actually think people click better with someone they see challenges in. Differences. It's not a bad thing Jungkook," Jin smiles.

He loves his son so dearly, but it's just clear how Jungkook is struggling from his sickness and past. It's horrible for a parent to look at.

"I don't know how to speak with him... I don't know if I'll be able to even say a word," Jungkook sighs.

SOFT ALPHA // Taekook ✔️ [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now