Chapter 50

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"Y-You can't shift?" Jungkook stutters out. Sure, he has had moments where he has begged that he couldn't shift. However, that would just leave him in constant pain because Jeon definetly wouldn't accept that.

So hearing Chanyeol say it as if it's not that big of a deal anyway shocked him.

"Is your communication bad?" Taehyung then questions curiously.

"No, actually I speak very well with my wolf. But it's normally the wolf that intends the first shift, but he doesn't know how," the boy replies with a small sigh. Sure his wolf, Channie, has complained a lot and been overly emotional about the fact that they can't shift... but since he has been stuck inside Chanyeol's head their entire life, it hasn't really been possible for them to be rebelious with each other the same way Jungkook and Jeon have.

"That's... insane, I have never heard of that before," Jin then says and brightens up with a smile, "but then you can teach Jungkook as well? To communicate with his wolf?"

"Sure, I would love to!" Chanyeol replies and Jungkook feels himself blush slightly. He really does need better communication with Jeon or else he might actually kill someone on accident one day. If Chanyeol can be of any help, it might the best chance Jungkook will get.

The raven nods and smiles slightly, moving towards Taehyung to feel more comfortable about sitting in front of the strange. It's freaky how easily he can revert back to being shy and scared simply because a new face is shown for him... therefore, he tends to learn towards the people he trusts when he's uncomfortable. Normally it would be Jin, but now Taehyung can fill in that spot too.

However, that gives some other problems... Taehyung just gently places a hand on his thigh that makes Jungkook tense more than before and his cheeks tint.

Chanyeol observes this and smiles slightly, seems like there's something else he has to teach Jungkook too.


"Well... Y-You kind of just... uhmmm..." Jungkook is helplessly trying to form words as he and Chanyeol have gone to an empty field to start their training. It was yesterday they met Chanyeol and learned that he's staying in a small apartment not for from them in the next few weeks.

This gives them the perfect opportunityto practice with each other while Jin and Taehyung tries to find out what Suho's supposed real name is. Seems easy, but for Jungkook, those big, excited puppy eyes that are looking at him right now are making him so incredibly nervous.

"It's kind of like... lifting an arm when it's asleep, you know? It seems like it's something that's very normal for you, but somehow you have to concentrate more to actually make it move. It was difficult for me the first time, I was in a lot of pain... but I was just a kid after all," Jungkook explains.

"Really? How do I make Channie do it?"

"Well for me, Jeon just did it himself. But they kind of have to take over? I don't think your wolf have tried taking over forcefully since you guys communicate well... maybe you have to get mad," Jungkook mumbles a little for himself.

"That's gonna be difficult... but I guess it's an option? You can make me mad somehow," Chanyeol giggles when Jungkook immedietly shakes his head and his cheeks tint. He's probably the last person who would be able to built up enough attitude to make someone mad.

However... he might know who can. He guesses he will ask around some other day. He explains this to Chanyeol and the boy is totally up for it. Jungkook tries out a few moves with him and shows how his body reacts right before a shift. When they have done that for about two hours, they are on their way home, heading through the different allies to reach the café.

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