370 20 14

The conclusion to chapter 19... It's alot to take in, so I wish you the best.  I will most likely be posting chapter 20 as a whole because it is way too short to divide.  Expect that on Thursday or Friday.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


He walked in the room to see things awkwardly scattered across the floor, something that was unusual for the OCD teen.  His eyes wondered the premise, finally spotting Richard who was standing in front of the large window.  "I take it you can't sleep?"  Bruce called out.  The teen stood to face him.  He was fiddling with a pen.  Bruce tried to overcome the constant clicking. 

"What happened while I was gone?"  Bruce had never seen Richard like this.  It was as if he lost his mind.  "That is none of your business."  Richard responded harshly.  "Come on Richard talk to me... I've been through it too..."  Bruce whispered while taking a few steps towards him.  Richard was quick to back up.  "Stop acting like you care.  You don't."  Bruce came to a short stop as he was unaware of what to say.  "Richard I'm trying!"  Bruce pleaded.  "You're trying?"  Richard stated slowly.  "Yes Richard I truly am.  I'm trying my best."  He gave him a reassuring smile. "Now?"  He almost laughed at himself.  "Where were you when it actually mattered?  You don't seem to understand that everything has already happened.  You're way too late."  His voice was still calm though noticeably uneven.  He clicked the pen again.  Bruce thought back to what Alfred said about him wanting to seek vengeance.  Bruce then responded in a voice almost calmer than Richard's.  "It doesn't seem like that's the case Richard." 

Bruce could measure Richard's anger based on how many times he heard the pen click.  He wondered how the spring inside the damn thing hadn't burst yet.  "Really?"  The teen started.  "When you were gone... that's when I needed you.  I have absolutely no use for you now.  You go off places, you burry your problems.  You stay where you are, you burry your friend..." 

"Richard I'm sorry!"  Bruce hopelessly tried.  "No you're not!  Wally died!  You just left me here!"  Bruce couldn't think of anything to say.  Richard used the silence to continue.  "You know what?  Why don't you just leave again.  I liked it better when you were gone anyway.  So just get out."  Bruce really didn't know what to say.  He finally understood how badly he had messed up.  Richard was growing impatient.  The clicks of the pen became rapider and Bruce knew what was coming.  "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM!"  Richard screamed.  Bruce stood there for a second, before he turned around and made his way out.  He shut the door behind him to leave Richard alone and confused.  Now he was mad at himself too.  "Fuck!"  He cursed under his breath as he threw the pen across the room.  

Bruce made his way down stairs and back into the kitchen to re-converse with Alfred.  He sat down and brought a palm to his face.  Alfred just sat there waiting.  "What am I going to do Alfred?"  He was desperate for an answer.  "One day he told me that the two of you were on a boat and that you left when the waters got choppy.  Then the boat sunk and he went down with it."  Bruce thought for a second.  "Well he can swim..."  Alfred was disappointed with his answer.  "Yes master Bruce he can but that's not the point.  He didn't know where to go.  Treading water is much harder than swimming, and the chances of drowning especially in such condition is inevitable."  Alfred finished.  "So then why hasn't it happened yet?"  Bruce questioned.  "Because he still has hope.  He is waiting for someone to pick him up and take him to shore.  He wants to go back to how things used to be."  Alfred added.  "But I'm here.  I'm saving him, and he still is not cooperating."  Alfred looked at the man.  'Let's see if he has an answer for that.'  Bruce thought.  "See that's where you're wrong master Bruce.  You are here.  You've made your appearance.  But ships, they come and they go.  If you really want to help this troubled soul, then you need to stop the boat right now and plunge in to save him.  You put him back on that boat, take him to shore, and I can promise you one thing.  He will come around."  Bruce gave him an unsure look.  "How do you know?"  Alfred smiled.  "Because he has been waiting all this time for you to." 

Over the duration of that conversation, Richard was in his room thinking of what to do.  'Screw it.  He'll try and foil my plan.'  A few moments later he came up with a solution.  'Unless I do it now.'  He stood up walking to his dresser.  He changed into a black sweatshirt and shorts.  He soon found himself in front of the window.  "Just like old times."  He gently whispered.  He carefully climbed out of the window, making his way around the manor, stopping before the garage.  He pulled out his dirt bike, walking it beyond the end of the driveway, to ensure that they wouldn't hear him.  Once he was on a main road he pulled his helmet over his head and began to ride. 

He knew where the Joker would be.  And even though he also knew he was breaking one of Bruce's rules, he wasn't going as Robin.  Which meant the news wouldn't label the hero as a traitor and he wouldn't ruin Batman's reputation, despite how badly he wanted to do so.  He turned onto an unoccupied back road and began to speed down it, even though it was unnecessarily long and twisty.  It began to downpour, which caused him to curse under his breath.  He stepped down on the pedal, which was a terrible mistake.  His body flew off the bike, landing on the side of the road.  He tumbled for a while before coming to a stop.  Deep cuts and scrapes covered his body.  He laid there for a second thinking.  The green grass surrounding him was soon stained red.  He attempted to grab his phone to call someone but it was out of reach.  Suddenly everything went black. 

Hours later someone was driving down the road, and stopped short shocked to see a body laying on the side of the road.  She was quick to call 9-1-1.  An ambulance arrived shortly, as the EMTs picked him up.  They didn't have to look for his ID to know who he was.  They immediately called Bruce, and drove to the hospital, a red and blue light filling the pitch black sky. 

Bruce walked through the doors to see Richard hooked up to many different pieces of machinery.  A long clear tube made its way across the front of his bruised face, providing him with hopeless air.  There was a struggle with every breath he took.  Bruce quickly rushed in, unaware of how bad it was.  "Oh my god..."  Bruce said softly.  "We need to get you more help... where are the doctors?"  Bruce's eyes scanned the boys shattered body.  Bottomless cuts covered it from head to toe.  Some still heavily bleeding.  "It's no use..."  Richard began, his voice raspy and near impossible to hear.  "You need to be looked at."  He protested.  "Bruce... You don't understand.  I heard the doctors talking.  I have a severe case of hypotension..."  He took a minute before he began his next sentence.   "I'm dying..."


Errr there's not much I can say... This chapter was hard for me to write.

I apologize if this chapter was hard for you to read.  Though I warn you, chapter 20 will probably be just as much of a struggle.


Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now