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Richard sort of chuckled as he didn't fully understand.  "He left me?  Without even saying goodbye?"  Richard said in a soft but angered tone.  "I tried to tell him master Richard I really did, but he wouldn't budge."  The butler admitted.  "How could he just get up and walk away like that?"  Richard asked.  "I really wish I had an explanation for master Bruce's actions."

With that Richard ran back into his room and slammed his door hard.  Being upset was a given, but now he was mad.  Furious to be exact.  He paced around his room wanting to throw something against the wall.  Then, suddenly he stepped on something sharp.  "Shit!"  He yelled, grabbing his foot in pain.  He became frustrated and over angered all at once.  His emotions were all over the place and he just couldn't contain them anymore.  His screams became louder as he hopped on one foot over to his bed.  He jumped onto the soft mattress, blood spilling from his foot as he looked at the two shards of glass.  His eyes then turned back to where the incident happened and he cursed under his breath wishing he'd cleaned the broken frame up earlier.  His head fell in defeat as he began to cry.  For the moment he was glad Bruce was gone, despite the fact he left him in such a time of despair. 

Suddenly Alfred burst through the door to find the boy crouched on the gray comforter that now had a pool of blood on it.  He rushed to him and thought of what to do.  He then ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel bringing it back to the young boy.  He wrapped it around the abrasion as Richard screamed, feeling as though the glass was digging deeper into his skin.  Alfred then helped him up and allowed Richard to lean on him as they quickly walked out of the room.  Despite the struggle down the stairs, they finally made it into the bat cave where the medical bay was.  He helped the boy sit up on the table and unwrapped the towel.  He then dashed to the cabinets, fetching the proper supplies. 

Then he made his way back to the boy whose face was filled with frustration.  "I'm going to count to three and then pull one of the shards out, master Richard."  Alfred said in a worried tone.  "Do it already!"  Richard screamed impatiently.  He hands made their way to the edge of the table, as he gripped it tightly.  Alfred skipped the counting and pulled one out without warning.  Richard winced at the pain, but took a deep breath as he realized there was still another piece.  Alfred quickly disposed of the first shard and wiped the open wound with the towel he got from the bathroom.  He then looked up to Richard who gave him the signal to pull out the second chunk.  The towel dropped to the floor he as examined the second piece.  It was a bit bigger than the first, which meant it would only hurt more.  Alfred grinded his teeth as he tugged at the glass, yanking it out of the boys foot.  Richard screamed loudly, and grabbed his foot in reaction.  Alfred gently held on to the glass as he tried to calm Richard down.  He then threw it away so it couldn't cause anymore harm. 

He went back to Richard handing him the already bloody towel so he could apply pressure to the wound.  Richard did just that as he rocked back in forth.  A couple minutes later, Alfred examined the cuts to see just how deep they were.  "That appears to be a problem master Richard."  He looked at the older man in confusion.  "What does Alf?"  Part of him didn't even want to know.  "Well the second cut is quite deep, sir."  He said still looking at the gash.  "I'm sure it's okay.  I learned a while back that pain is all in your head."  He lied.  It was pretty clear he was still hurting.  "I'm just going to go back up to my room."  He added.  He took a deep breath as Alfred spoke, trying to maneuver himself to get off the table.  "Master Richard I don't think you should-"  Before he could finish the boy had his good foot placed on the floor.  And the moment his injured one joined, a small scream escaped his mouth.  He reached for it, obviously still in pain.  Alfred quickly threw his hand over the boys shoulder as Richard lifted the bad foot in the air.  "As I was saying master Richard, I don't think you should walk."  He finished.  He then helped him get back up on the table.  "So what am I to do?"  Richard asked.  Alfred made his way to a closet, pulled something out and held it up in the air.  "Use these."  He yelled.  Richard sighed and brought a hand to his face.  He hated the fact that he was at such a low point in his life right now.  "You can't be serious."  Richard pleaded.  "I fear that I am master Richard."  He brought the crutches towards the teen, leaning them against the table.  "But first, we must wrap this up." 


I apologize for this being extremly short... I will post the next part tomorrow to make up for that. 

Anyway, what did you think?  None of this probably makes sense now, but I promise it all comes together in the end... 

^^^see what I did there?^^^ 

Thanks again!  You have no idea how much your comments and votes mean, so keep 'em coming!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now