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Okay, so I'm posting this as a whole for two reasons.  One, last chapter was an awkward filler, and two I have midterms next week and will be busy studying for the next few days.  So make sure to enjoy this chapter as best you can.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


The room was dark.  The kind of dark where you open your eyes to an infinite amount of blackness.  And for Richard, that's what kind of morning it was.  There wasn't any way he could open his eyes wider.  Or strain his eyes more to outline the furniture of his room.  He felt as though he were in a black hole.  He desperately wanted to get up, but his body wouldn't let him.  It was as though the only thing still online was his mind.  So he laid in his bed, tugging at the comforter, still feeling the chill of the previous nights.  Except now had been much worse.  He wanted the day to be over.  Despite the fact it started three hours and twenty four minutes ago.  He never thought the day would come.  And though he knew the funeral was today, he hadn't prepared himself for this.  Regardless of the hundreds of thoughts running through his mind, he could only make out one sentence. 

"Can you even imagine what it will be like when I have to speak at my best friends funeral?"

He thought long and hard.  On one side he thought 'Yes Wally I can, because I have to undergo that pressure today'.  But the other part of him said 'No.  I cannot.  Because you won't even be there when I die'. Both thoughts worried Richard tremendously.  Wally was his only friend.  The only one that Richard had ever fully opened up to.  But he was gone.  And feeling as though he had nowhere to turn, made Richard uneasy about everything.  He wanted Bruce, mainly because Bruce had been through the same thing.  And with that personal experience comes an understanding, and Richard really needed that.  But in the long run, he knew that if Bruce ever came back, it would be hard to forgive him.  Richard tried to avoid the Bruce situation and focus on Wally, even though it made him more than upset.  And so, for five more hours he laid there in the unbounded darkness thinking about the funeral. 

Finally he decided to actually get out of bed.  He rolled over, tossing his legs off the side of his bed and stood on his good foot.  He gave both feet a try, but and two words quickly came to mind.  'Hurts badly.'  He thought.  And thinking about it for a second, two new words surfaced.  'Screw it.'  So he walked into his bathroom and began to get ready. 

He soon found himself in front of his mirror dressed in black from head to toe.  However one thing was missing.  Well two actually.  He opened his drawer and pulled out the depressing tie, holding it loosely.  Of course this reminded him of Bruce, and now more than ever did he want his comfort.  For a while he debated on whether or not to ask Alfred to do it.  Sure it was something he could do on his own, but when an older figure did it for him, it was reassuring.  But he forced himself to do it on his own, deciding that it was something only he and Bruce could do.  And if it were to never happen again, well Richard had the memory.  By now, he was used to basing his life around memories anyway.  

He walked to his desk, picking up his printed eulogy, and then made his way to the nightstand grabbing the photo.  He lazily strolled down the stairs, and entered the kitchen.  He barley ate his breakfast, feeling sick to his stomach for more than one reason.  And what felt like eons latter, Alfred reported that it was time to go.  Richard tightened his tie in reaction, and slowly walked out clutching the paper and frame.

The drive felt longer than it was supposed to, but they finally arrived at the cemetery.  There weren't many there.  It was a simple everyone goes around and speaks ordeal, and then the next thing you know, the casket is being lowered into the ground.  Richard and Alfred walked in side by side to meet Wally's parents, uncle, and aunt who were already there.  They all gave Richard a short smile, as did he to them.  For the most part, everyone was already tearing up, and the priest hadn't even begun the service.  Richard was glad however that the casket had been closed prior to the ceremony.  He didn't want that to be his last memory of him.

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now