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Not going to lie... this is one of my favorite chapters.  If you're a fan of purple suits, green hair, and an unecessarily large red smile, you're bound to love it as well.  (I think we all know who is appearing in it, but just for refernce, I wrote him based off of the movie The Dark Knight)  Anyway, please please please comment, and keep reading!  Especially if you want to know what happens!  Thank you all so much!!


Richard was now fourteen, much taller, and even more skilled.  He could handle the bad guys on his own, and was building a solid reputation.  In fact the Justice League was very impressed with his work and couldn't wait until he was eighteen.  They were thinking perhaps he would want to join in and take on the massive issues going on in the flawed society.  However Robin had one problem.  He didn't give up.  Which in some scenarios, caused him to go in too deep, and end up in the hands of the wrong people.  Which is why, many were worried when ten hours of not seeing the young hero passed.  

The cold winds of February struck through the warehouse that had once been abandoned, until it adopted a new set of people and became somewhat of a prison.  Tied to a chair for now, the young boy sat in horror, as the civilians before him whimpered.  There were six of them, tied up as well, gags in their mouths, though some words could still be understood.  Robin who had yet to be gagged, was trying to assure the people that everything would be alright, though deep down he knew that was a lie.  With the Joker, things were never 'alright'.  The man had no limits, and no sense of humanity.  He was a compassionless freak who murdered for the hell of it.  And as one would note, smiled the whole way through.  However the man claimed he had reasons, which were often accurate, and understandable.  Even though his solutions weren't acceptable by anyone with even an ounce of self righteousness.  He killed because he thought it was right, he thought it would make people understand.  But it only set him aside as a freak.

The six civilians sat terrified as the man in the purple suit made his way towards them.  He looked at the younger boy offering him a smile, though his face was filled with seriousness.  The Joker just cracked his knuckles, still eying the young hero.  "You see these people Robin?  Do they look familiar?"  The Joker spoke slowly while walking around the group of people.  Robin though for a while.  All he could remember was being ambushed, and thrown into the back of a truck, where he would soon drugged.  He gave the freak a stern look, which the Joker took as a no.  "These were the people that you tried to save earlier today... remember?"  He questioned.  The younger boy looked over to them and began recognizing some of the faces.  "What are you going to do?"  Robin finally spoke.  Stopping in his tracks, the Joker began to laugh.  "These people as well as everyone else in Gotham need to truly grasp the idea that some people... like me can't be reckoned with.  I'm the kind of force, that can't be stopped.  Even when an acclaimed hero is present.  Gotham has relied on you and Batman to clean up the streets, but what they don't comprehend is that you are just an average citizen like everyone else.  See, you think that putting on a mask can change that, but it doesn't."  He walked closer to Robin and in a soft though deep tone continued.  "At the end of the day, you're still the same person that lost your parents."  His voice soon filled the air again as he spoke aloud.  "I'm going to make the people of Gotham understand that you have truly failed them."  Robin eyed the green haired man who gave him a devious look in return.  "And I will do so as you watch, so that you can feel the guilt from the souls you are about to disappoint."  Robin would have to work really hard to forget the next twenty minutes of his life.  Tied up in a chair, forced to watch innocent souls move on to the next realm while he could do absolutely nothing about it.  And soon after the damage was done, he was knocked out again.     

Robin's eyes opened again when a superior voice penetrated the air.  "You see I originally kidnapped you to ah... well, kill you.  Because as one would assume, you would eventually take on the mantle of the Batman.  But who wants a second him?  It's not like you could live up to his standards anyway...  But the more I thought, the more I realized that I don't really want to kill you!  The idea of Batman is just too much fun, and I wouldn't want to lose that, even if the one I am up against isn't nearly as skilled as THE Batman.  So after sitting and thinking for roughly ten minutes, I concocted a new plan.  One that's even better."  The Joker walked closer to Robin whose hands were handcuffed over a pipe.  His body dangled, as his arms felt weak from the hours that he'd been stuck in the position.  Just a few inches from the ground, his feet were tied.  His mouth wide open, as a towel made its way across the circumference of his head to act as a gag.  Emotion could only be expressed through his eyes, which were now gleaming with anger, from the Joker's words.  "To be honest at this point I just want to mess with the old bat.  I mean once he knows your under my supervision he will be very unhappy.  He will want to come and get you, himself, take care of me, on his own, and basically just hog all the fun.  Which is why my new plan, will make it fun for everyone!  Including myself.  So this new arrangement will do one of two things.  Either allow me to infiltrate your secret hideout, or make Batman even more angry when I have him send someone else to get you.  You think that will make him mad?"  The Joker smiled, causing his scars to crinkle.  His makeup was cracked from a long day of attempting to catch the bird, to put him in a cage, where he 'belonged'.  And now that the task was accomplished, all he wanted to do was ruffle his feathers.  He brought a knife to Robins face, waving it in front of his eye's for emphasis.  Robin watched the steel blade swing back and forth before his very eyes as the Joker's laugh echoed throughout the warehouse.  The Joker then brought the knife to his cheek, where he allowed it to rest for a second.  And soon enough the blade was cutting through the towel.  It dropped to the floor, and before the Joker could say anything, Robin spit at him.  The Joker looked down while casually wiping the salvia of his face.  His darkened eyes met Robin's once again, as an amused look surfaced.   He began to circle Robin's body.  "I see we like to play games... I'm all about games..." 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now