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After hours of thinking Bruce walked in the room confused to see the young boy lying on the middle of his floor.  There was no reaction when the door opened, which made Bruce worry considering the boy's eyes were open.  "Richard... It's time to go, it's already past ten."  The two would of likely slept over, but Bruce had an important meeting at work the following day.  The boy sat up and looked at Bruce with no sense of emotion.  His face was completely blank.  He slowly stood up without saying a word and grabbed his small bag.  He followed Bruce out the door, though he turned opposite so he could stop in Wally's room. 

"Well I've got to get going... and unfortunately I won't see you till sometime next month."  Richard said as he stood in the door way.  Wally stopped spinning in his desk chair to face Richard.  He motioned for him to come over so he could talk to Richard quietly.  "If you want to talk before then, you know my number."  Wally offered.  "Don't have to.  Got it on speed dial."  Richard added.  The two laughed and Wally got up to give his friend a hug.  "Take it easy."  Wally said.  "I did make a promise..."   Richard said breaking the embrace.  "As did I."  Wally noted.  Richard smiled and walked through the door as Wally watched, terrified for him.  He might have promised Wally he would be careful, but Richards definition was much different from the one in the book. 

The whole ride home Richard sat in silence staring out the window.  Bruce was concerned and wanted to talk to the younger boy, though he knew if he brought anything up Richard would get defensive.  Richards arms were crisscrossed on his lap, as his hand was resting on the bullet wound, though a piece of fabric lay between the two.  The surface of the abrasion was bumpy, seeing as the stitches had sewn it up weird.  He will never forget how painful the day Alfred undid the stitches was, though the actual time he got shot was much worse.  His fingers grazed the surface of the abrasion as he thought about the discussion he had earlier with Wally.  Sure Bruce knew about all the other scars he received from the Joker but being shot was ten times worse, and if Bruce knew it would be the end.  If Wally ever told Bruce he wouldn't know what to do.  A promise of that caliber would make or break Richard's future, and at this point it was all on Wally to keep it a secret.  Sure Superman and Alfred knew too, but they had kept the promise for a year and two months already, and it was increasingly unlikely for either of them to spill.  Bruce barley sees Clark anymore, seeing as both are so busy, and Alfred was the best at keeping secrets.  After all he's kept the identity of Batman hidden from others for over six years. 

That night Richard avoided having a nightmare because he didn't rest his eyes once.  He was too busy thinking about everything.  At four o'clock he decided he would go down to the gym to work off stress.  Which is what he did for two hours.  He then went to his bathroom and took a quick shower.  He changed into casual apparel and sat before his large window, like he did when he was younger.  His eyes gazed at the green grass and cloudy sky.  A few moments later he was interrupted when Bruce walked through the door.  The older man stood by his dresser eyeing Richards old school tie that sat upon it.  Richard turned around to face Bruce, and he gave him the same emotionless look he did the night before.  "I thought you have an important meeting today..."  Richard said.  "Indeed I do.  And I was wondering if you would like to come."  Bruce commented.  Richard stood up and began to walk towards his bed.  "Bruce I don't know..."  Richard began.  The older man was confused.  Richard would never turn down the opportunity to go to Wayne Enterprises.  It was one of his favorite places to be.  "Oh come Richard, it'll be fun...."  Bruce said hoping it would bring back memories of the last time they went.  Which unfortunately was over two years ago due to remodeling at the enterprise.   "I think I might stay home..."  Richard tried.  It was hard for him to come out and admit that he really didn't want to go.  Ever since the day Richard came back from the Jokers clutches, the relationship between the duo grew to become quiet.  Richard barley talked to Bruce anymore, and since the whole 'you can't be Robin because if I were ever to lose you' talk things had only gotten worse.  Bruce picked up a tie and dangled in the air.  He was expecting the boy to shoot up so Bruce could tie it for him.  Ever since eighth grade a tie wasn't a part of the dress code, which meant he really only wore them if he visited Wayne Enterprises.  But due to the circumstance he hadn't been since before the Joker encounter.  "I know you want to go!"  Bruce said in a cheerful tone.  "No!"  Richard snapped.  "I don't."  His voice became weaker with the last two words.  Bruce set the tie down and walked out of the room turning back to look at the boy who now sat on the bed with his legs crisscrossed and hands hiding his face.  It was then that Bruce understood.  He finally realized that he had lost Richard anyway. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now