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Just because I was feeling good:)  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks so much!!!


Suddenly Superman had a story to tell.  "I knew this man from Krypton who was exiled from his family.  He was a man that dreamed of a world ruled by justice.  A man who fought to defeat evil and protect the weak."  Robin gave him a smile.  "Why are you telling my about yourself?"  Robin asked.  Superman laughed.  "Actually I'm not.  No one knew this man's real name."  Superman turned to a huge rock that sat on the mountain and used his laser eyes to draw out an image.  It looked like a bird.  " So they called him Nightwing."  Superman finished.  Robin's smile soon faded when he realized that Superman was unaware of what he was actually trying to say.  The older man turned to see the boys reaction.  He sat there in thought for a second.  Then Superman understood what he was getting at.  "You want to hold up the mantle one day don't you?"  Superman said proud of the young boy.  "I would consider it a goal of mine, yea... but I don't know how Bruce will take it.  As an offended hero or a proud mentor."  Robin admitted.  "Well... How did I take it?"  Superman asked.  "I guess you bring up a good point."  Robin looked back over at the picture Superman carved into the rock.  He liked it.  "Well Richard... I think it's time we head back.  They're probably getting ready for lunch."  Robin gave the older man a nod.  "Yea.  Thanks for taking me out here.  And I appreciate the advice Uncle Clark."  He nodded in return.  "Just tell him."  He stated.  "I will." 

After they got back, they ate lunch as anticipated.  Robin then headed back to him room.  He quickly looked for something to write on.  Then he found a piece of paper, turing it over so he could scribble a depiction on the back.  Once it was drawn the way he remembered it, he put the item back in the photo frame behind the picture of his parents.  He placed it on the nightstand the way it was before, and ran out the door back to where all the others were. 

He sat next to Kid Flash and the two began to talk.  "Hey Robin.  You.  Me.  The 'rents.  Dinner?"   Wally questioned.  Richard thought about it.  Were they even allowed to do that?  And what were the 'rents?  "Yea.  Sure."  He said.   The two of them talked for hours.  Wally really didn't do a justice of covering up who he was.  Anyone would be able to tell he who really was with the things he was saying.  However the one piece of information he somehow managed to leave out was his actual name.  This was why Richard was afraid to reveal himself.  Wally would accidently drop hints about who he really was.  And the team was smart enough to figure out the rest.

The predicament made Robin really upset.  Wally was his only friend back in Gotham, and the fact that they were going to be fighting crime side by side, and living together was awesome, but it killed him knowing that Wally probably hadn't figured it out yet.  It made Richard feel as if Wally forgot about his real alias anyway.  The only thing Richard could do was wait for the right moment.  If it ever came.  He would have to have a reason to tell him.   It wasn't just something he could openly say. 

Richard thought about the reaction Wally would give when the day would come.  He was under the assumption that he would be happy, but kind of mad.  He would be mad if he hadn't known who Kid Flash was, to one day find out it was his single friend.  The young boy shook his head trying to forget about the situation.  It made him somewhat dizzy.

Later that night the two went to a diner under the supervision of Batman and Flash.  And though their mentors were at the restaurant with them, the two sat opposite on the other side of the room in their own booth.  "Don't you love it when they let you sit without your parents?"  Robin flinched when the last word came out of his mouth.  Because Wally didn't know who he was, he didn't know the circumstance.  Now he had a reason to tell him, but it was still too random.  "I thought Flash was your Uncle?"   Wally nodded at the boy.  "True... but you know what I meant."  Robin gave him a solemn look.  Unfortunately, Wally didn't know what Dick meant either.  "It just makes me feel like an adult."  Kid Flash said.  "I can't even tie my own tie."  Richard said ashamed.  Wally laughed at his remark.  "You're funny."  The older boy noted.  Though the two were both ten now, Wally was older than Richard by five months.  Making his birthday in November.  November seventeenth to be exact. 

Richard scanned the menu, trying to look for his favorite.  "This is outlandish!"  Robin protested.  Kid Flash gave him a confused look.  "They don't have French toast!"  He moaned.  Wally laughed when he found out why the boy was so upset.  Robin officially disliked this diner.  No diner is ever good unless they make French toast.  Upset that he couldn't have what he truly sought to get, he order waffles.  The food soon arrived and the two ate while sharing glances with Batman and Flash.  All they could do was giggle. 

They got back to the mountain a few hours later, and what would soon become their normal schedule occurred.  They changed into pajamas, although Robin still kept his mask glued to his face.  "I guess you take crime fighting very seriously."  Wally said sarcastically.  Richard thought the two already had this discussion.  He didn't answer at first.  He was trying to think about what to say.  "Kind of like your dad."  Wally said knowing that Batman would never be seen without his mask.  Richard flinched at the statement.  Even though he loved Bruce, he wanted to scream that he wasn't his father so bad.  He didn't know how much longer he could endure the pain that came with hiding behind the mask. 

Bruce was his adoptive father, and Richard was more than fine with that.  But there were specific reasons as to why he never classified Bruce as his dad.  Reasons that he had never shared with anyone before.  It was definitely high up on the list of his deepest secrets.  And for Wally to keep implying that Bruce is his father, made him really mad.  He was thinking long and hard until he finally came up with a logical response to Wally's statement.  "We're all just kids that grow up anyway."  He admitted.  Which reminded him.  He promised Superman to tell Bruce about taking up the mantle.  The thought of that conversation made him sort of sick to his stomach. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now