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Not even going to try to make excuses, just know that I am still here to provide you with the conclusion of this story even if it takes some time. Comment and keep reading! Thanks!


Richard paced around the room trying to understand.  How could something like this manage to get in way?  He kicked the chair over in frustration, then bringing his hands to his head as he took several deep breaths.  Bruce watched in horror.  It was never meant to go down like this.  Suddenly Richard spoke.  He was in complete denial.  "That's funny Bruce but I never... I mean I haven't even had a girlfriend!"  He hopelessly shouted.  Bruce bit his lip, sorrow in his eyes.  "My body.  My blood.  My fault.  You received the disease through my blood transfusion.  Please Richard...  If you're going to leave do us all a favor and go to a warm place."  His voice was both sincere and concerned. 

"NO Bruce.  My destination is set.  I will gladly take my chances."  His tone was harsh.  "Richard please.  You are setting yourself up..."  Bruce didn't know how to get him to change his mind.  "Then I will say my last words.  I have never called you dad-"  Bruce angrily interrupted.  "I KNOW RICHARD!  It's because you don't think of me as a father.  I've only made things worse, and though I don't want to accept the fact that you feel that way I have to understand that it is an accurate-"  Richard cut him off.  "No Bruce you don't get it."  His tone was soft.

"I do Richard!  I really do!  You don't need to explain it.  I'm not your father and that's why you never called me that.  You've made it more than clear."  Richard sighed as he realized he had to explain himself.  He didn't want to make it seem as though he had forgiven him.  Because he hadn't.  "Bruce you picked me up off the streets.  You took care of me.  And when you left, you left me in good hands.  You tied my tie for years despite the fact that half of the time I knew how.  You raised me, and ultimately molded me into the person I am today."  Bruce smiled.  "Man you are today."  Richard managed to give him a small smirk though it was quick to fade.  This is exactly what he had been trying to avoid. 

"If that doesn't sound like a father... Well than I don't know what one is.  I just never addressed you by that name because anyone that I ever labeled as my family died."  There was a look of understanding on Bruce's face.  "It all makes sense now.  I'm sorry Richard but I didn't know."  Richard nodded.  "And that's the way it should be.  I didn't tell you.  Therefore you didn't know."  He still had to be relatively obvious apparently.  "Well just know that I have always thought of you as my son."  Richard took a deep breath looking in the other direction.  "As did I think of you my father."  There was an awkward silence as Bruce thought of what he had to say.  He had to chose his words wisely.  "Richard please.  If this is about what I did... The whole Wally thing I am sorry but please, this is your life."  And of course, he picked wrong.  "Bruce just don't bring it up.  Our conflict has yet to be resolved.  I have been living these past few months on the boundary of loving and hating you.  Don't make this goodbye any harder than it has to be."  Bruce shrugged his shoulders. 

"Goodbyes are hard to begin with."  Richard rubbed his arm.  "Is that why I never got one?"  There was no way for Bruce to win.  "Richard..."  He said softly.  "Fathers and sons Bruce, they fight.  I'm just sorry that our biggest dispute has to be now."  Richard admitted.  "So why can't we resolve it first?"  Again with a bad choice of words.  Richard laughed.  "Resolve this problem?  Bruce that ship, it left already.  You're too late."  Bruce shook his head, denying it.  "No Richard, That ship... it never existed.  There was no chance for me to board that ship."  Bruce watched as Richard clenched his fists. 

"I went over this months ago.  I don't want to be angry.  I'm done fighting.  A boat sinks once, and it's a ship wreck.  But the crew attempts to fix it anyway.  They were desperate to put it back on the waters quickly.  Apparently when a ship sinks once it is bound to sink twice.  Except the second time it sunk, it was so much worse.  Don't get me wrong, the first incident had caused a solid amount of damage.  But the second time?  The crew was so sure that they could make it work.  But they couldn't.  So when it went down again, they were extremely disappointed and depressed because they put EVERYTHING into mending that boat.  Some of the crew... Well they finally learn their lesson."  He stood up and began to make his way out of the kitchen, but turned back to say one thing.  "And those that haven't... They should." 


Well I tried.  I'm pretty satisfied... Anyone else agree?  Leave those lovely comments down below :)

No promises, but I will try my absolute hardest to have the last part of Chapter 27 published by the beginning of next week.

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now