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Wally sat there with his hands tied to his back watching the older man.  The Joker caught him staring.  "Is there a problem?"  The Joker asked nicely.  Wally looked up at him, tears about to run down his cheeks.  "You tell me you're sorry right now."  Wally demanded.  "Why?"  The Joker laughed.  "I want an apology before you tell me anything else.  You cost me my one solid relationship."  His tone was serious.  "Okay, fine.  I'll tell you the same thing I told your friend... I mean ex friend."  Wally snarled at him waiting for the apology.  "I'm sorry... sorry that the world is so cruel... it's just a place that fails us all."  The Joker finished.  His laugh roared through the building.  Wally tried to stand up, and then realized he couldn't.  He wished he could strangle the bastard, but he was tied up well.  So he sat there for hours.

Richard kept his eyes glued to the photo as he contemplated life.  He thought about all the fun things he had experienced, and all the tragic times as well.  And then he thought about how he often built things up for them to soon fall.  He thought about how he had lost his parents, and his love for them- something he couldn't replace.  And how when he was younger, he tried so hard to find something that would compare.  And he did in fact find it.  He learned to love someone else just as much, and considered him family even though he never addressed him that way.  But now, all that love was wasted.  And it didn't matter anymore.  

It was around three thirty when he heard Bruce get home.  The older man immediately made his way to the study when he saw that the light was on.  "Where's Wally?"  Richard cringed at the question.  The redhead was supposed to be staying for a few more days.  "We got into a fight..."  He admitted.  Bruce sat down across from him.  "Well can you fix-"  That was all Richard needed to hear.  "Bruce he went one way, and I went the other."  He tried to explain.  "Well I'm sure your paths will cross again..."  Bruce assured.  "I made him really angry."  Richard was trying to get the point across.  "How angry?"  Richard became frustrated with Bruce's attempts to make him feel better.  "Just as angry as he made me."  He confessed.  "What did you guys even fight about?"  Bruce wondered.  "Honestly it's not worth the time to talk about again.  It was actually the stupidest argument I've ever gotten into."  Richard sighed.  "Well now what?"  Bruce asked.  "Now I'm going to sit here and wonder if life could get any worse..." 

"What else did he tell you when you had him drugged?"  Wally asked.  The Joker pondered the question.  "It's not really my story to tell."  Wally rolled his eyes.  "Well I'm never going to talk to him again so I suppose it doesn't matter."  The Joker began to laugh at the younger boy's struggle.  "If you're not going to tell me that... then I have another question."  Wally began.  "I could potentially have an answer."  The Joker said sitting down in a chair next to an old desk.  "Why do you want Robin to fail the people of Gotham so badly?"  Wally continued.  The Joker let out a small chuckle.  "You truly are funny.  That's not even the real plan..."  The Joker stated.  "So what is?"  Wally wondered.  "The actual plan is to make Robin seek-"  The Joker stopped mid sentence, a realization striking as it was evident on his face.  "Seek what?"  He was mad that the Joker left him hanging.  "I'll tell you in a minute...  Would you like water?"  Wally gave him a nod, accepting the beverage unaware of how much longer he would be forced to go without food.  The Joker grabbed a paper cup and put it on the shelf of the small self serve fountain that was near the desk.  He pushed down the blue tab as cool water squirted out.  Then when Wally wasn't looking he threw a small pill into the water that dispersed immediately.  He walked over to the boy and helped him take a sip.  Once the liquid ran down the Wally's throat his body fell lose.  The Joker turned around and began to make his way towards the door, chuckling.  He then got himself under control, turning off the lights, his voice sneaking around the premise.  "Sweet dreams kid.  I'll see ya in the a.m." 

Richard flicked the switch to the kitchen as he walked around trying to find something to eat.  He rummaged through the cabinets in search for a small snack that he could take back to the study.  He finally settled for teddy grahams and water, which he carefully carried back to the study.  He then sat back down in the big chair staring out the large window, as night turned to the morning in a matter of hours.  He didn't move all day, intrigued by the white wall.  It was days like this that he didn't care about anything.  Or in his current predicament, anyone.  He just sat there doing what he told Bruce he would be.  Wondering... waiting to find out if things would get better... If things would get worse.


So will things get worse...?  Find out on Friday when I post 15C.

Good?  Bad?  Comment and let me know.  Or private message me if you want. 

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now