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Later on, the young master got out of his pajamas, to change into something that was more appropriate for dinner.  He met Bruce outside in the driveway, and then hopped in the car, so they could make their way to the diner.  It was a small place, but it was calm, and welcoming, which is why Richard loves it so much.  They walked through the doors of the restaurant and sat at a table.  Bruce was busy scanning the menu for something to order, while Richard sat waiting.  He knew what he wanted.  It would be the same thing he got every time he came to Gotham Diner.  French toast. 

The two sat and discussed many things while they ate.  Richard enjoyed nights like this.  He truly could trust the man.  Bruce knew most of his secrets, but Richard wasn't ready to tell them all.  There would come a day when Bruce truly did know everything about him, but some things Richard just couldn't let go of.  To him, or anyone else.  He was a vault.  That contained many truths. 

Once dinner was over they ended up back in the car.  Bruce sat in his seat for a moment with a smirk across his face.  "What?"  Richard asked.  "I might be in fourth grade but I'm not stupid... What's wrong?"  He continued.  "First of all, no one said you were stupid.  Unless it comes to tying a tie.  But seriously, you take three math courses. Trust me you are nowhere near stupid.  And second, why would something be wrong?"  Bruce responded.  "Well that look on your face is creepy... I don't know just what's... up?"  It was hard for him to substitute the word wrong.  Up wasn't the best choice, but he didn't know what was going on. 

And that's when Bruce reached back and grabbed a bag.  He handed it to his partner.  Before the younger boy accepted it into his hands, Bruce nodded.  Richard reached in the bag and pulled out a frame.  "Maybe I am stupid.  Because I'm not exactly seeing the point.  Why would you give me a frame?"  The young boy questioned.   "To keep this safe."  He opened the glove compartment and pulled something out.  "Even though it is one of many."  He handed him the newspaper clipping and watched as Richard placed it carefully in the frame.  "Thanks."  He said softly.  "Anything for a partner."  Bruce stated.

He clipped his seatbelt and drove off with the excited boy.  They got home around eight, which meant it was just about time to go on patrol.  The duo ran through the mansion until they made their way down to the cave.  They quickly suited up, and were soon driving off, once again.  Except this time in the bat mobile.  They stayed in position watching over the city, for hours but nothing happened.  "Some nights are like this..."  Bruce pointed out.  "But hey, it's all part of the job."  Richard added.  Bruce gave him a smile.  He was proud of the young boy.  Blood related or not, his boy. 

It was around two when they got home, and because Richard always stayed up late, he was not affected in the morning.  He was on schedule.  Which meant he had a nightmare around four, decided to stay up, knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep again, waiting and waiting for the sun to pierce through the glass opposite his bed.  Then he would change into his preppy school attire, so he could go downstairs and have Bruce tie his tie for him.  And finally he would sit and eat breakfast, knowing that twenty minutes later, he would leave for school.  And that part of his routine never changed.

He got to school and walked into his art class, yawing from the loss of sleep.  He sat where he had originally, now that the picture project was long done.  "Okay class settle down.  I know it's been awhile since we did the photography unit, but today I will finally return them to you."  The class just stared back at him.  What was he expecting and applause?  He began to restore the projects to their rightful owners while giving instructions.  "Now as I am sure you're all aware, there is one copy of the photo, even though there were two of you working together.  This means you must choose who keeps it, like civilized humans.  If it means that much you can make a copy I suppose."  Richard walked over to Wally who received their photo. "Do want to keep it?"  Richard asked nicely.  "No... What I want is for you to have it."  Wally offered.  He gave Richard a nod while handing him the photo.  "To remember me."  He said.  Richard looked at the boy confused.  "On what terms and conditions...?"  Richard asked.  "I won't be attending Gotham Academy next fall."  He responded, finishing with a frown.  Richard looked into Wally's eyes which were filled with sorrow.  As was Richard's heart.  Wally was his only friend at Gotham Academy, and with him gone, there would be no one left.

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now