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And on we go! I hope you guys like the story so far.  Comment (please!) and keep reading.  Thanks! 


Richard stood in front of the mirror fixing his suit.  He wanted to look sharp.  After all it would be his first time making an appearance at the annual Wayne Enterprise New Year's Bash.  The only thing left to do was put on a tie.  And as it had been since day one, the young boy still couldn't do it himself.  Which meant Bruce would have to tie it for him.  Richard gracefully walked down the stairs and then over to the couch where Bruce was sitting.  He sat the tie on the older man's leg.  "I taught you a song and you still can't get it down!"  Bruce liked to tease the acrobat.  "A D in life remember?"  Bruce gave him a firm nod, laughing.  "Indeed.  But that must change.  Or at least for the night..."  Richard gave the man a serious look.  "Yes sir."  He was always one to listen, but lately he took everything very seriously.  He couldn't afford losing his indenture.  He had three weeks left, and then it would be official.  Even though Bruce originally said it might take longer, they both knew that wasn't true.  Richard made an abundant amount of progress each day, and by the looks of it, he would be patrolling on time.  Which meant Richard had marked the date on his calendar and had been counting the days down since.

"Five minute warning."  The older man said as Richard ran up the stairs to grab his things.  It was then that the butler walked in.  "Master Bruce, are you excited for Master Richard to attend the bash tonight?"  Bruce gave him a big nod.  "I'm just nervous for him."  "Don't be, the young lad will do fine."  He said reassuring.  Bruce sighed.  "I hope so.  I just want everyone to like him."  "Master Bruce, I'm not saying you shouldn't want others to be friendly to him, but why does it matter?"  Bruce looked back at the stair case to make sure the boy was still upstairs and not listening.  "One day, I hope to pass the business down to him."  Alfred gave the man a grand smile.  "Very well Master Bruce."  And at that he turned around leaving the man behind.

The next thing he knew, Richard was racing down the stairs.  The two walked out to the car and Bruce drove off.  "You remember what I taught you?"  Richard took in a deep breath so he could recite what he learned.  "One do not kill.  Two never be afr-"  He got cut off.  "Not that silly, I'm talking about what I taught you specifically for this event."  He started to laugh.  "Yes.  I remember.  And I won't disappoint."  Bruce shook his head.  "Calm down Richard, I taught you those things as a guideline, it's okay if you screw up once or twice."  Richard tightened his tie.  "No Bruce.  I will not fail you."  The older man pulled into the parking lot, and placed a hand on Richards knee.  "If you think that  you making a mistake in this setting correlates with you becoming Robin, then you're wrong.  This has nothing to do with it."  Richard loosened up.  "Oh thank god."

When the two made an entrance, hundreds were already present, waiting for the man of the night to arrive.  While being introduced all Richard could do was look away from the crowd.  Sure he had been in the spotlight before, but it had been a while since, and he had to get used to it again.  Finally, when he was free to roam, the young boy made his way around the highest floor of the enterprise, socializing with people much older than him.  

Hours later the two were back in the car.  "So did you like it?"  Bruce interrogated.  "Yea I had fun."  Richard said in an excited tone.  "Good."  Bruce said while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.  Once they were back at the manor, Bruce went down and donned the cape and cowl to go on patrol.  Richard was in the cave as the man got ready.  Batman hopped in the bat mobile.  "Hey.  Good luck out there.  And try not to get killed.."  Richard said.  Bruce gave the boy a nod and drove off. 

While Batman was out and about, Richard stayed in the cave training.  He technically wasn't supposed be doing anything without the accompany of Bruce, but he had to practice.  So he did flips through the air and used his grappling hooks to get from point a to point b.  He was getting pretty good. 

And so, a month later, the day came.  However it was a bit earlier than anticipated.  Batman returned from a late night patrol to find Robin sitting at the bat computer typing things in.  Luckily, Richard wasn't facing Bruce's direction, but Bruce could gather enough information to understand what was going on.  "Did you hack into the bat computer?"  He asked in a deep tone.  Robin flinched both in shock, and knowing that he had been caught.  He swiveled in the chair to face the Bat.  His only way of communication was his facial expression.  Which Bruce read perfectly fine.  "So you hacked into the bat computer."  Robin stood up with his hands over his head.  He was praying that Batman wouldn't revoke his soon to be partnership.  "Well, yea I guess, but..."  Now for the excuses.  Except he didn't have any.  "I'll meet you here tomorrow night at eight o'clock to discuss this with you."  Bruce said calmly.  Robin gave him a nod and ran out of the cave.  He was really mad that he just ruined the chance of a life time.  The chance that was going to make him a better person.  And the chance that was going to fulfill the dream of dying a hero.      

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now