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The next chapter is here!  I just wanted to thank you all again for 1k.  I'll be honest, I was not expecting that when I posted this.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Wally rushed through the halls of the manor trying to escape as soon as possible.  He was sick of Richard's behavior and still couldn't believe he ripped the photo in half.  He hopped into his car and looked at the time as the engine turned on.  It was too late to call Bruce, which meant he would have to wait until morning.  And he promised himself that when the sun rose he would make that call as much as he didn't want to.  Despite the fact the two of them were in this huge fight, he still was terrified for Richard.  And if anything happened to him, he would blame himself.  He drove off into the murky night blasting music to try and distract himself.  Even though he still cared for Richard, he tried acting like it was no big deal.

He stopped at a red light and impatiently waited for it to turn green so he could get out of Gotham as quickly as he could.  The light finally changed color, so he put his foot on the gas to speed down the street.  Except he couldn't.  He got out of the car circling it to look for the problem.  And that's when he found a flat tire.  "You can't be serious?"  He mumbled.  He went to open his trunk when a figure came out from the shadows.  "Actually... for once I am..."  A voice replied.  Wally froze and tried to think of what to do.  "You wanna know something?  You look alot like someone I talked to a few hours ago."  The Joker said holding the knife he used to puncture the tire.  Wally took a deep breath and looked in the other direction.  "Really?  I didn't talk to anyone tonight.”  He knew this wouldn't end well no matter how it went.  "That's funny, because you're talking to me now... and you sound just like the person I was conversing with earlier."  The Joker tilted his head.  "You could be right though.  Maybe I do have the wrong person."  He admitted.  It was quiet for a second before he finished his thoughts.  The man in purple chuckled.  "Or perhaps the wrong alias."

Wally clenched his fists as he thought of what to say.  "And what if you're wrong?"  He finally decided.  "You make it sound as if I'm not good at my job."  The Joker commented.  "I never said you weren't"  Wally said sarcastically.  "Good."  The Joker started.  "Then you understand that you're going to have to come with me."  He grabbed Wally by the arm leaving the car in the middle of the street.

Richard sat in his room, still uncontrollably angry.  Everything Wally said kept replaying in the back of his mind.  And what bugged him the most, is that almost all of what Wally said was true, he just couldn't accept it.  He glanced at the clock which read one twenty four.  He knew he would be up all night thinking even more than usual, so he decided to make the most of it.  He stumbled out of his room, making his way down the stairs and into the study.  He then plopped down in the comfy chair and stared at his parents.  He wanted to go talk to them so badly right now, but if Bruce came home and he wasn't there, it would only make things worse.  So he sat there in deep thought, still infuriated with Wally.  Though he understood where his ex friend was coming from, and most of it made sense, he didn't care.  Because Wally didn't understand the importance of the job to him.  He thought about what Wally was doing at the moment.  The speedster was probably still on the way home, but decided to stop for food because he ate so much.  Robin growled at the thought.  But that thought was wrong; completely wrong. 

"I feel as though, me knowing you are is surprising to you.  As if a person of my caliber isn't capable of gaining access to that kind of information."  The Joker stated.  "I don't care how high caliber you think you are, that is classified information that no one knows.  Now tell me how you know who I am."  Wally screamed.  His wrists became aggravated from the rope they were tied together with.  The Joker walked closer to his subject and placed a hand under his chin lifting it up.  "Something as simple as drugging someone can leave you with a lot of information."  The Joker confessed.  "Don't tell him that I lied when I said the only thing he said was that he lost his parents.  Your friend has got one messed up life..."  The Joker finished.  "He's not my friend anymore..."  Wally mumbled.  "Oh... So you mean to tell me you dumped a kid that has lost his parents as well as a so called brother?"  Wally thought about the question.  Richard never told him about a brother.  The guilt was starting to kick in, and then he entered the denial phase.  "No! I dumped the kid because of your shitty actions!"  He screamed.  "It's because of you were not friends anymore.  Because of you he's gone a-wall!"  The Joker just laughed.  "Truthfully this just got ten times better.  You're saying it's because of my shitty actions that you guys ended the friendship?"  He used air quotes around the word shitty actions.  "Because I honestly felt as though my actions were quite impressive."  Wally spit at the older man.  "You're fucking crazy!"  Wally screamed.  The Joker just looked at him.  And suddenly he brought a knife to Wally's face.  "I'm going to let that one slide because you provide great entertainment... but listen to me when I say I am capable of doing things you probably don't even know are possible."  The Joker whispered.  Wally's lip twitched.  "Where's Batman?"  Wally questioned.  "He's busy taking care of my diversion.  What can I say?  I love spending quality time with others." 


Again with these intense chapters... What did you think?

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Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now