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Okay, as promised, Chapter 14 will be filled with some action.  You will see the development begin here,  as it increases with each part of Chapter 14.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks! 


They met on a roof top and watched over the streets for suspicious behavior.  "The Joker hasn't struck in the past week which means he's probably planning something big that will happen over the course of the next few days."  Robin told Kid Flash.  "I wonder what it could be..."  Wally said in response.  "Knowing him he'll probably blow something up.  He has a tendency to do that."  Richard shrugged.  "I thought he enjoyed using knives."  Kid Flash wondered.  "I wasn't selling him short...  He does love knives, but all he cares about is killing a bunch of people at once, and knives aren't necessarily capable of doing that."  Richard pointed out.  "True... And I can't believe I'm about to say this but I thought he liked to take his time which each individual person.  Why would he want to kill so many people at once?"  Richard froze when the question was asked.

"I'm going to make the people of Gotham understand that you have truly failed them."  Richard's mind became clouded as flashbacks took over.   "And I will do so as you watch, so that you can feel the guilt from the souls you are about to disappoint."

Robin was brought back to reality when Kid Flash spoke.  "What is he even trying to accomplish?" 

"I will make you want to seek vengeance Robin."  He became lost again.  "One wouldn't want to seek revenge if the reason behind it was complete falsehood.  So how about we make a truth?" 

Robin's breaths became deeper as if he was waking up from a dream.  "What's happening?  Are you alright?"  Wally asked quickly.  "Um... yea.  Sorry I just, I don't know... it's okay."  Kid Flash looked at the younger boy.  "It doesn't seem like everything is okay."  Wally put air quotes around the last word and then continued.  "Are you sure?"  He tried.  "Yea totally...  sorry I just couldn't breathe for a second that's all."  He lied.  "Alright cool.  Well not cool that you stopped breathing, I mean you know what... what were we talking about?  Oh right so why do you think the Joker is trying to hunt the souls of people throughout this large forest known Gotham?"  Wally tried to play it off like it was no big deal.  "I don't know!"  Richard screamed.  He was doing his best to avoid having another flashback.  "All I know is that the Joker is a crazy man!  He is dangerous and he could care less if he lives or dies.  He just wants to spread chaos throughout the city, to get everyone scared.  Everyone says the Joker came to be by the means society.  But what nobody realizes is that we are society.  We the people have let him grow as a criminal.  We are the ones responsible for allowing him to bring mayhem upon this city turning it in to an anarchism.  It's like before he became an infamous villain, he was a dull blade.  And then once the citizens kicked in, we as a whole just sharpened it for him.”  Robin finished.  And though all of what he said was true, he felt like he was the citizen that made the blade the sharpest and then handed it to him.  "That is a sick analogy for the Joker dude... nice one."  Wally yelled.  "Thanks... now pay attention."  Robin added.  The two watched the streets that sat hundreds of feet below.

A while later Wally spoke up.  "It's already eleven... you still think he's going to show?"  Richard pondered the question.  "Well I'd like to be here when he does!"  Richard said in a sarcastic tone, even though it was one hundred percent true.  Richard thought about what he normally did during patrol nights like this.  Once he gave up, and realized that the Joker wasn't coming, he would often just sit there curled up into a ball and wait for hours.  It wasn't until the smallest ray of sunshine that would leave.  However tonight he had company, and that wasn't an option.  If nothing happened in the next hour, they would end up back at the manor, laughing at stupid things for the rest of the night.  "Sorry there's been no action tonight."  Robin said looking at Kid Flash.  "Don't be."  He responded quickly.  "Wh-"  Before Richard could finish Wally grabbed his chin and turned it so it was facing in the other direction.  Richard quickly stood up.  "Let's do this." 

The two made their way down to the street and began rushing into an old office building.  Just the kind of place the he would call home.  Before the two split up Kid Flash turned to Robin.  "Take it easy remember?"  Wally checked.  "There are very few things I forget..."  Richard assured.  "Alright I'll see you in a few minutes."  Kid Flash said as he turned around.  Robin watched as he ran off down the long dark hallway.  Richard then made his way around the building searching for his enemy.  Suddenly Robin felt a hand on his shoulder.  He turned around quickly surprised to see Kid Flash in front of him.  "Dude, I don't think he is here, I just ran all over the place.  Is this some kind of joke?"  Robin gave him a glare before his attention soon shifted to the corner of the large room.  "Well, I'm not one to take things that seriously..."


What'd you think? 

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*I will be posting 14B Thursday uless I get 900 views before then.*

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now