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Richard had been awake for hours before they called for him.  In fact he was up since the day had started.  Because once the clock struck midnight it would count another year.  "Happy Birthday Richard!"  Bruce screamed from outside his door.  Another year without his parents there to celebrate.  Today was the day he turned ten.  And today was one of the days that would help form his destiny.

He opened his door, to find Bruce standing there holding up his Robin uniform.  "What's this about?"  He asked glancing at the clock.  It was still early.  Five o' clock early.  And Bruce was never up at this hour on Saturdays.  "Put this on an meet me in the bat cave in ten if you want to find out."Richard gratefully excepted.  He couldn't sit and be sad all day.  Even if the thought was constantly swimming through his mind.  It was his birthday.  And a day out as Robin would definitely suffice.  As he had once thought, being Robin was the best present he could ask for. 

He threw on the suit and all that was left was the mask.  He stood before his mirror so he could apply the glue correctly.  Right before he placed the mask on , he looked at his eyes.  Then he got too upset to keep gazing so he placed the fabric over the bridge of his nose and patted down on his cheeks and forehead.  And in a matter of seconds he was concealed.  Which is what he felt suited him best.  He would wear this mask all the time if he could.  And not just for one reason.  There were many actually.  For starters he hates to show his emotions, not that he needs a mask to hide how he feels.  He also feels safe behind the walls of what his image stands for.  But most of all, he wanted to cover up what was a constant reminder.  Eyes are powerful.  They see many things.  And what Richards eyes have seen is uncharted.  And what he observed is a part of why his eyes are a constant reminder.  But the fact that he had his mothers eyes, was more than enough for him to want to cover them.

He exited his room and ran down to the bat cave like Bruce had instructed.  Bruce was waiting by the bat mobile in uniform as well, motioning Robin to come over.  "Hop in."  Batman said.  Richard gave him a nod and jumped in the car.  "Where are we going?"  He asked.  "If I told you, you probably wouldn't know..."  Bruce answered.  "Don't be so quick to cast stones... remember the last time you underestimated me?"  Robin chuckled at the memory.  "I would rather not remember."  Bruce said sarcastically.  The two were in the car for what felt like hours.  But that's just because Mount Justice is hours away.  "So this is the home base of the league?"  Robin asked.  "Yup, and I thought it would be fun to come on your birthday.  I want you to meet a few people and see a few things."  Batman said casually.  Robin nodded his head in agreement. 

Awhile later the duo arrived at the mountain, and Robin was amazed.  The two entered to see a bunch of league members standing there waiting.  "Justice League, this is Robin."  Bruce announced.  "Richard this is the Justice League."  He whispered into Richards ear.  Robin shook his head.  "Thanks."  He noted.  The young acrobat made his way towards the others.  He shook their hands and talked with some of them.  And then Batman grabbed him so he could meet someone else.  The rest of the league disappeared into the halls of the mountain while three stayed in the main room. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now