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I guess I owe you all another part!  Thanks to everyone who has been reading, it was awesome to wake up to 1k!  A great way to end 2014.  Anyway, as I promised, the conclusion to chapter 14.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


He was lying on the ground with black ashes all over his body and a piece of ruble lying on his leg.  Wally freaked at the image.  He pushed the debris off his body and helped his friend up to then ask if he was okay.  "Yea.  I'm fine."  He said slowly.  Wally practically died inside.  Robin almost gave him a heart attack.   "A collapsing building could potentially kill you!"  Wally said still in shock.  "Can we just talk about this when we get home?"  Robin said brushing himself off.  "Are you sure you're okay to drive?"  Wally checked.  The raven haired boy responded by giving him a nod.  "Promise me that you'll drive safely."  Wally slowly demanded.  "Race ya!"  Richard yelled.  "Are you for real?"  Wally asked in a harsh tone.   Robin hopped on his r-cycle, rolling his eyes as he did so.  "Whatever I'll just meet you there." 

Wally got to the manor before Robin and was pacing back and forth throughout Richard's room thinking.  He then stopped at Richards desk and glanced at the picture.  'I have to do this.'  He told himself.  He stood tense in the corner waiting for Richard to walk through the door.  He thought about what exactly he wanted to say, and how he was going to say it.  Although there was no easy way to have the discussion.  Suddenly Richard burst through the door as if nothing had just happened.  As if a pile of rubble didn't fall on him, as if he wasn't burned from the explosion.  Richard made his way to his desk chair where he sat down and began to spin around.  He suddenly stopped when he saw the look on his friends face.

 "What's the problem Wally?"  Richard questioned.  "If your life was a piece of paper, and the marker you used to write on that paper symbolized your decisions, it would be a permanent marker.  The choices you make a hero are final, and they can never be erased.  And I don't want you to just throw that piece of paper away.  It's too much."  Wally decided to use a calm tone otherwise things would get way to heated.  Richard leaned forward in his seat.  "Too much?  What does that even mean?"  The last sentence was very quiet.  Wally mimicked that tone.  "You've completely lost it... I don't even know who you are anymore..."  Wally started.  When Richard didn't respond he continued.  "You told me not even eight hours ago that it was the people in society that are allowing the Joker to be like this.  But what you don't realize is that you're one of them!  You're still an ordinary person like everyone else."  Wally hopelessly stated.  Richard's anger grew the more Wally pointed out how average he was.  "How could you let a monster like that manipulate you?"  Wally finished.  "Is this about trying to fix me or something?"  Richard wondered.  "Can't you see you've gone over the deep end?  Let me help you."  Wally tried.  Richard stood up in anger.  "Don't try to fix me.  I'm not even broken!  So why don't you just let it be."   It was hard for Wally not to laugh because Richard couldn't understand where he was coming from.  "I will after you start taking care of yourself, things are coming way too close.  You could of died tonight!"  Wally reminded him.  "I'm just doing my job."  Richard argued.  "No, Richard.  What you're doing is constantly putting your life on, and too close to over the line."  Wally's voice grew a little louder each time he rebutted.  "Which is the point!"  Richard screamed.  "I was taught that the citizens come first.  Taught that you have to take a risk in order to achieve your goal."  He finished.  "You're right."  Wally settled.  "And you were also taught that you only do so when it is absolutely necessary."  Richard gave him a bland look.  Wally was done with this whole situation, so he just laid everything on the line.  "Fine...  But can you even imagine what it will be like when I have to speak at my best friends funeral?  You know what?  I probably won't even go because I'll be busy knowing the whole thing was my fault."  The last part hit one of Richard's nerves, which only made him want to fight harder.  "You're being so selfish!  How could you not think about saving someone else's life.  Even if it means taking a big chance?"  Richard yelled.  Wally became infuriated.  "I'm not being selfish at all.  And I am trying to save a life... yours.  Even if the risk is losing this friendship.  Telling Bruce will be the only thing to make you understand that you are going too far."  Richard suddenly got very defensive.  "That's not fair you promised!"  Wally clenched his fists as he became even more enraged.  "AND SO DID YOU!"  Richard stood there and then opened his mouth to speak.  "Well I don't need any saving from you because you're not my hero.  You took a risk and you lost... This picture started our friendship and it is about to end it as well."  Richard reached for the frame and slammed if against the desk as shards of glass made their way on to the floor.  He then took the picture and ripped it in half, releasing his grip, allowing the photo to float to the floor.  Despite the fact Wally hated Richard right now, that action truly did hurt him.  He watched as the two separate pieces hit the ground.  He became even more angered now that Richard had declared the friendship over.  Wally's eyes made their way back to Richards as he finished.  "I don't want to be friends with someone that doesn't support me anyway!"  Richard yelled.  For Wally, this was the last straw.  "Tell me why I would support you dying just to be some hero?"  As the question was asked, Richard thought of why.  Because it was the only motive that kept him alive to begin with.  But Wally didn't know that.  And Richard was a firm believer that he didn't deserve to find out now.  "You know what don't answer that."  Wally continued.  "I'm just glad we figured this out before it's  too late."  He began to make his way towards the door.  But before he left he turned around and said one last thing in a soft yet angered tone.  "Just remember that you can't be the hero every time. Goodbye Richard."


So, what did you think?

I apologize for it being rather depressing, but everything happens for a reason:)

Anyway, thanks again, and Happy New Year! 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now