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You all probably think I've vanished off the earth, but I am in fact still here... I'm just going to cut to the chase, so here you are!  The conclusion to chapter 27.  But quick reminder THIS IS NOT THE LAST PART OF THE STORY!  MAKE SURE YOU READ "IN THE END" (the next part) TO GET THE FULL CONCLUSION!!


He found the butler in his room sitting on the bed. The two of them held a long stare, each waiting for the other to speak first. Richard ended up breaking the silence. "Did you hear any of that conversation?" He awkwardly laughed. "Bits and pieces." The older man said standing up. "Well I don't know if you caught the part in which I was told I have aids..." Alfred just nodded. "Indeed I did. In fact I even did some research. And that is the reason as to why you were so hot. It is a symptom of the disease. So you tried to cool yourself off and in the process you got pneumonia. You're lucky you stared to wear more clothes. Sometimes the outcome is much worse." He looked to the floor. Richard's lips pursed as he finally understood. Alfred made eye contact with the teen again.

"I'm not going to hold you back from leaving. In fact I'm almost making it mandatory that you do go. And I know you're headed for the cold, but just promise me that you won't let your body fool you anymore." Richard gave him a sharp nod. "I promise." He reached in offering the older man a hug. "I'm really going to miss you Alf." He whispered. Minutes later the butler backed away, finally responding. "As will I miss you." Richard smiled. "I won't ever forget you." Alfred reached over to his nightstand. "Oh I know master Richard. But why don't you take these to remember me by." He smiled watching the teen accept his gift. "But they will be gone in five minutes!" Richard playfully protested. "Oh I know. Check the bottom of the plate." Richard moved his hand along the bottom, his hand finding a stick note. He pulled it off and began to read.

Alfred's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. Any chocolate chip cookie mix, baked for two minutes less than instructed.

Richard laughed, his smile becoming broader. "You should make a recipe book." Alfred chuckled. "One day perhaps." It became silent again, as the two of them realized that Richard was in fact going to leave. Finally Richard spoke again. "I know you don't want to, but take good care of him. The same way you took care of me... Putting up with all my bullshit." Alfred laughed, his checks becoming damp. "I love you Alf." He said turning around. He heard Alfred say the same as he took a few steps towards the door. And when he reached it, he turned back to say one last thing. "I'm sorry it had to work out like this. But I know that it will be worth it... in the end."


Who has some thoughts that they would like to share?  If so please leave em down below!  Oh and that conclusion I was telling you about?  I'm posting it right now so PLEASE READ IT IF YOU WANT TO CLARIFICATION!  

Thanks loves  :)

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now