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Alright, as promised, here is the start of Chapter 9.  Thanks for all the comments and votes so far!  It really makes me want to post more and more.  So continune that:)  (Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!)


"I can't believe summer is already here!"  Richard shouted while running through the halls of the manor.  His body stopped short when Alfred appeared from around the corner.  "Sorry Alf."  He quickly blurted.  "It's quite alright Master Richard.  Are you already packed?"  The older man questioned.  Richard thought for a second.  "I've had my bag full for weeks, but I suppose I could go and double check."  He responded.  "Very well Master Richard."  The younger boy turned around and rushed to his room.

He had been waiting for this day to come for the past month.  He scanned through his bag which contained three of his four Robin suits.  Though he had a couple he always wore the same one for good luck.  The others were there to serve as a backup.  Then he had some civilian clothes, though he couldn't think of a reason to wear them.  His sleep pants were folded neatly at the bottom of the bag, as were his plain white tee shirts, that he sometimes wore to bed.  Then he had a bag filled with all of his toiletries, such as his toothpaste and a toothbrush.  Finally after inspecting what was in the bag, he realized his was missing the most important thing.  He glanced over to his nightstand where a photo frame sat.  He walked towards it and picked up the bordered photo of his parents.  He then gently placed it on top of his clothes.

Hours later, Bruce finally returned home, which meant it was time to start heading out.  The two made their way down to the bat cave where they changed into uniform and started to pack the car.  Alfred soon appeared in the dark cave, to both of the heroes surprise.  "You two be safe."  He stated.  Bruce walked towards his guardian.  "I'll take care of him the same way you did to me."  Alfred smiled at the younger boy.  Robin ran up to the butler hugging him as tight as he could.  "See you in a few months Alf."  The acrobat ran off and entered the car smiling at the older man.  He gave the two one last wave as they headed out of the cave, leaving Alfred alone in the shadows.

The car ride was just as long as it had been last time. Though it didn't bother Robin, he was very excited to see his friend and spend quality time with Bruce.  This would be there first vacation.  And even though they would have work to do on some days, all in all it was work that he would spend time doing with his mentor.  The only thing that upset Robin was the whole Wally being Kid Flash thing.  He was stoked that they would be working together and basically rooming together, but he just didn't know when to tell him.  He had a way to do so, but he couldn't compromise Wally telling other people. 

Finally, at late hours the two arrived at the mountain, and when they entered, the halls were filled with silence.  It was already three, and heroes did need some sleep.  Bruce couldn't help that he got back from work at ten thirty.  It didn't bother Robin though, he was too happy to be here.  And so, he quickly brought his bags to his room where he would begin to settle in.  Bruce told him that he could set everything up in the morning, but Robin knew that by the time the others were up, he wouldn't want to be trapped in his room busy fixing the decor.  And so after Batman 'tucked him in' and left his room, he messed up the sheets and got out of bed to begin unpacking.  It was already three thirty and if he did go to sleep he would only wake up a half an hour later because of a dream gone wrong.  Which also worried Richard.  He was a afraid that someone would find out that he had reoccurring nightmares every time he went to sleep.  Most of the time when he woke up from the unpleasant dream he was practically silent.  Simply because he was trying to catch his breath.  But every once in a while he would scramble in the sheets until he rouse screaming.  And he feared that he would have a night like that during his stay.

He strolled through his room placing clothes in the new dresser that Batman ordered for the room.  It smelled like rich mahogany which brought a pleasant smell to the space.  He hung up some more posters, and was very quiet when he snuck into the bathroom to place his belongs by his sink.  The bathroom that connected his and Wally's room was very modern.  It was a long, but  sort of narrow, a bit bigger than the width of a hall.  Inside there was huge mirror that spread across one of the walls, with a counter space holding two sinks.  One for each of them.  Across from that, a diving wall, blocked the large shower with blurred glass doors.  The shower was practically its own room, so that one could still use the toilet that sat opposite, while someone was taking a shower.  Richard was quick to leave the area so he wouldn't wake up Wally.  All that was left was the photo of his parents.  He carefully set the valuable picture on the nightstand that matched his dresser, which sat adjacent to his bed.  With his mask still on, he laid down on the soft mattress, resting his bones but not his eyes.  He then turned to the side and stared at the photo as the night drifted into morning. 

Robin walked out of his room around nine, still in his pajamas, though still disguised.  Not many people were up, but to Robins surprise, he found out it was because not everyone was here.  Many of the other heroes were still back in there cities fighting, and would make their way over when possible.  So for now, a few of the vigilantes sat and talked while eating breakfast.  It was kind of nice though.  Robin didn't necessarily like all the chaos of close to a hundred heroes running around one building.  He grabbed a plate and made his way over to the couch like he had the last time he was here.  "Hey Uncle Clark."  The young boy said sitting down next to him.  "Hey there Robin."  Superman responded, aware that there were others in the room that didn't know.  "How about the two of us go on a small trip today?"  Superman continued.  The boy looked over to Kid Flash who gave him a nod.  He knew they would have a bunch of time later to catch up.  "Sure!"  Robin said in excitement. 

With Robin in his clutches the two flew over the water that sat next to mount justice, and made their way towards that mountains that were opposite.  The two took a seat at a high elevation, admiring the view that was below them.  "It must be fun to be able to fly like that."  Robin noted.  Superman laughed at his comment.  "Yea.  It can bring about some fun adventures."  The two glared into the distance until Robin looked at Superman.  "Will you be able to fly like that forever?"  He questioned.  "Um... I'm not sure... But I am sure a day will come."  Superman said bowing his head.  "A day will come that I won't be so super anymore."  He said laughing to make himself feel better.  "Maybe, but I'm sure that day won't come for a long time."  Richard added.  Superman gave him a pat on the back.  Then Robin came out and asked his question.  "For as long as you have your powers do you want to stay Superman?"  The older man thought long and hard about the question.  "I don't know..."  He said unsure of his future.  "Will you always want to be Robin?"  Superman  teased.  But to Robin the question was real.  Superman was Robins 'uncle' and he trusted him.  "I'll always want to be a hero... but one day I think I'll out grow Robin." 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now