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They arrived at the hospital shortly, rushing Richard in.  When they walked through the entrance, Bruce set him down so he could walk on his own.  But he was so out of energy he couldn't even handle that.  The nurses brought him a wheel chair, as they began to push him off to a room.  They quickly transferred him into a bed, and then began to question Bruce as to why he let him walk out of the house shirtless in such weather.  Another nurse pulled the covers over Richard who quickly pushed them back down.  "It's too hot.  Get these blankets off of me."  Bruce looked at the nurse he was talking to, pointing to Richard.  "That is why."  The nurse shook her head in understanding, rounding up the others so they could hook him up to the appropriate machinery. 

Bruce stood outside the room waiting, occasionally peeking in to check on Richard.  He could barley look at him, it brought back vicious memories that he desperately wanted to discard.   The head nurse made her way over, so she could  inform him on the current situation.  "Richard has pneumonia.  I know it may seem like things are crazy... based on his actions, but as far as I am concerned it is nothing extreme.  The rashes are their own set of problems, but we can give him a special cream that won't aggravate it more.  We will discharge him tomorrow after we run a couple of tests, and make sure he understands what he needs to do.  We are also going to work with him all day to try and boost his strength.  It seems as though he has a lack of energy.  I would say that he will be back home nine thirty pm at the latest."  She gave him a comforting smile before she turned around to give the details to Richard. 

Twenty minutes later Bruce wondered back into the room.  Richard's eyes shot open as Bruce sat on the edge of the bed.  "One of the nurses said I can sleep here tonight if you want."   Bruce whispered.  Richard shook his head.  "No Bruce.  I don't want you to be here. To see me like this.  Again that is.  We both know once was more than enough.  You need to go home and sleep."  His cough interrupted him.  A minute later he continued.  "I will see you tomorrow."  Bruce shook his head in understanding.  He stood up walking towards the door stopping before it, turning around to give Richard a sympathetic smile.  Richard gave him a sharp nod  and just like that Bruce had disappeared.        

Later on the next day, Richard laid in the hospital bed, still barley any clothes on his body.  Although his chest was covered in a plethora of heart monitors, sticking to his body.  It had been a long day, he had to do many things so he could try and get his energy back up.  It had worked for the most part.  He was feeling much better but still a little weak.  His muscles were sore, and he had been even more hot, due to the excessive amount of activity.  He was more than glad that it was over.  He glanced at the clock, it had been eighty twenty-six.  The nurses had already told he would be out of the hospital in twenty minutes.  He was happy it worked out like that.  He couldn't wait to go home and see Bruce. 

He was in the middle of thought when he heard the door shut.  His eyes shifted to the doorway as a figure appeared in the murky room.  He strained his eyes trying to figure out who it was.  All he could tell was that the person was wearing a hood.  He reached for the lamp on the side of his bed so he could get some light.  The room was soon illuminated, and Richard slowly turned back to greet his guest.  He nearly fell of the bed.  "No... this is impossible."


I warned that it would be short... I will make up for it tomorrow.

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now