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The next thing Richard knew he was back home starting fifth grade at Gotham Academy.  He missed spending time with Kid Flash up at mount justice, but he didn't have to wait too long before he went back.  The bat mobile would be heading that way in November for Wally's birthday weekend.  Richard couldn't wait to see him again.  He could really use his help back at school.  

The young boy sat on his bed doing homework when Bruce stumbled through his door.  "Shall we go?"  Bruce asked.  Richard shot up from his bed, excited that it was finally time.  Bruce told him a while back that he could give Richard a tour of Wayne Enterprises, and the day finally came.  Little did Richard know it was also a win win for Bruce.  Simply because it would be time shared with the one he cared for most, and it would be Richard's first time fully seeing the enterprise that he would one day take over.  He just wasn't aware yet.  And Bruce didn't plan to make the proposition legal for a while.  The kid was only ten!

"Wait!"  Richard screamed.  "What's wrong?"  Bruce questioned.  Richard looked down at his school apparel.  It was missing one thing.  A tie.  "Really?  Didn't I already put it on you earlier?"  The questions kept flooding in.  "I felt like it was choking me by the time I got home."  Richard stated.  Bruce couldn't help but smile.  "I can't believe I'm still doing this for you."  He noted.  Richard laughed.  Even though the whole situation was guilty pleasure.  The thing that Bruce had yet to find out was that Richard knew how to tie a tie.  In fact Wally helped teach him throughout the summer.  And even though the information was of use to Richard, he couldn't abandon this special thing he had with Bruce.  It had been going on since day one, and he really didn't want it to ever change.  Even though at one point it truly would get embarrassing, he didn't want the bond between him and Bruce to be broken, or lost.  They were too close.

After that was taken care of, the two walked through the halls of Wayne manor, to make their way to the car, where they would finally set off.  The whole tour fascinated Richard, and Bruce was glad to see that he was enjoying the stay.  ''You know Bruce... It's really nice here."  Richard stated.  The older man gave him a nod.  "Maybe one day you can work here."  He tried to keep everything on general terms.  Richards eyes lit up.  "For real?"  Bruce knew that when the day came, Richard would be honored to receive control over Wayne enterprises, but the fact that the young boy was this excited about getting a simple job here, made the older man laugh.

  Richard thought about what it would be like to work at Wayne Enterprises.  The thought brought an ever bigger smile to his face knowing that he would follow along in Bruce's footsteps.  However the smile was quick to fade when he realized he still hadn't talked with Bruce.  Picking up on his quick change in emotion, Bruce asked the boy what was wrong.  "We need to talk tonight."  The younger boy admitted. 

A few hours later, the duo got back home and changed into their pajamas.  And then, as planned, they met back in the living room downstairs, where Alfred sat.  "Quick change of heart."  Richard stated.  "Can we met down in the uhh..."  Alfred began to chuckle.  Bruce gave the boy a firm nod, and the two made their way down. 

"What's wrong Richard?"  Bruce asked sitting in the big chair that sat before the bat computer.  Although it was facing Richard at the moment.  He sat opposite Bruce, fiddling with his fingers trying to figure out a way to tell him.  He still hadn't really thought it over.  It didn't seem like what he wanted to tell was that big of a deal, but the possible reactions he could receive got to him.  "Well over the summer I talked to Uncle Clark..."  He began.  Bruce stared at him waiting for the story line to pick up.  "We were up on the mountains and we were discussing how long he would be able to be Superman, and if he always wanted to be a hero... and then he asked me if I always wanted to be Robin..."  The last word of each sentence was dragged out.  "I told him that eventually one day I would outgrow the persona..." 

Bruce gave him a look.  However Richard reassured Bruce by continuing. "But not for a long time... I want to be Robin for a long time."  He stated.  "So anyway, he didn't understand what I meant at first, so he told me this story- which... doesn't matter... but eventually he understood what I meant."  Bruce was no Clark Kent, and he knew what the boy was getting at.  He just wanted to hear him say it. "Well one day... if it's okay with you... I want to take on the mantle of Batman... if you'll let me."  He added. Bruce brought a hand to his face, and made it look as if he was making a very tough decision.   "You've had many good ideas but..."  He came to a pause.  Richard bit his lip, looking in the other direction.  Suddenly Bruce's slick voice filled the air again.  "I think this is the best one yet."    

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now