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As promised...

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A figure appeared and descended down into the small room.  "How do I say this?"  James' question only made the boy that much more confused.  Neither of the boys had an answer so they waited for James to answer the question.  And at one point he did.  James pulled out an iron bar and twirled it in his fingers.  "Actions do speak louder than words..."  He said in a pondering tone.  Dick's eyes widened at the sight of James slowly stepping towards the two.  He tried to look away as James tortured his only friend.  A while later he was picked up by a man in black.  His costume contrasted well with the white glow.

Four months later, Bruce could barley believe Richard was still alive.  Richard had lasted six months in his coma and Bruce was overjoyed, but at the same time upset.  He felt as though each day Richard survived, he gained more hope.   And he knew that one day it would all come crashing down. 

After spending a full day with Richard for the first time, Bruce came home with mixed emotions.  He slammed the door as he entered the manor.  "I can't handle this Alfred.  It's been six months!  Six months without him."  Bruce practically fell onto the couch.  Alfred made his way towards the man.  "Six months?  You're struggling because these six months have been without Richard?"  Alfred's tone was close to sarcastic.  "Yes Alfred.  I need him.  Six months is a long time."  Alfred became frustrated.  "And eleven and a half months isn't?  You've dealt with his absence before!"  Bruce shook his head in denial.  "No Alfred. This is different."  He was overly confident that his theory was correct.  "You're right master Bruce it is.  He wasn't with you then because you chose to leave him."  Alfred wasn't going to let Bruce down easy.  "I'm not getting into this.  That is not the reason as to why it is different."  Alfred laughed.  "Then tell me Bruce.  Tell me what the difference is."  He was waiting for an answer.  "When I left I knew he was alive!"  Bruce spit out.  "No you didn't!  You never called nor did you pick up!"  Bruce stood up in anger.  "ENOUGH!  This isn't even your problem.  It's a conflict between Richard and I."  Bruce stood there hands falling to his side hopelessly.

"Well I'm speaking for him."  Alfred tried to come up with an excuse.  "He doesn't want to argue about this."  The butler fibbed.  "No!  It is because it is physically impossible for him to talk to me.  You're fighting his battles because... We've lost him... I've lost him."  Bruce's tone diminished.  "It appears as though you haven't lost him though."  Alfred's tone was just as quiet.  "Oh really?"  Bruce got loud again.  "Yes."  Alfred preferred to give him the simple answer.  "And why is that?"  Bruce's frustration grew by the second.  "Because you never found him."  Bruce started to walk towards him.  "What the fuck are you trying to say Alfred?"  Bruce was more than aggravated.  "What I'm saying is that you don't know everything about him!"  Alfred was just as angry.  "What?  And you do?"  It was a valid question.  "You bloody left for a year... didn't you think I would acquire information about him that you don't have?"  Alfred started to walk away.  Bruce was quick to follow.  "I'm glad that you two bonded but you are not his father."  Alfred turned around, a face filled with anger.  "Oh... so you're his father?"  Alfred asked sharply.  "Biologically no.  But I raised him.  Am raising him."  Alfred turned his head in disbelief.  "And who raised him for that year?  You barley know anything about this boy Bruce!  You don't hear him crying at four in the morning. You don't-"  Bruce interrupted him.  "What are you talking about?"  He acted as though what Alfred had just told him was crazy.  "I'm surprised master Bruce I really am.  You think you're so good at hiding your secret identity.  So good at putting on a mask and pretending to be someone else.  Yet you can't even realize that Richard always wears a mask.  And you know nothing about who he really is."

The clock struck twelve and he was about to leave when the sky was filled an orangey glow as the side of a building exploded.  He stood up quickly an began descending to the street level.  He ran towards the building as the smoke rose.  Luckily the building wasn't on fire, even though part of it did collapse.  He made his way through the large opening, eyeing the rubble. He looked around the vaccinate premise searching for who he knew had to be behind it.  But all his eyes could see was an abandoned desk, chair and water machine.  He then turned back to the debris, to find a hand sticking out from one side.  He quickly began to move the rubble out of the way, and he couldn't believe his eyes.  It was then that the Joker made an entrance, and he desperately wanted to kill him.  He was breathing very deeply and trying to take control of his anger.  But he couldn't help it.  He marched up to the Joker and began throwing punches.  Most of them weren't even hard because he was so frustrated, lost and confused.  But soon it didn't matter.  The Joker sent a hard blow to his lower left abdomen, knowing that was where he had been shot.  All the air was sucked out of him as he fell to his knees.  He brought his hand to his chest, trying to catch his breath.  He was in so much pain, though his heartache had nothing to do with the physical wound.  He collapsed facing Wally, feeling so weak and vulnerable.  He could hear the Joker walk out, now that he had gotten what he wanted.  He looked over at Wally whose eyes were flickering.  And for a brief second they opened and met his.  And the silence of the room allowed him to hear Wally mumble.  "We... had a... good run..."  A tear ran down Richards face, though he could not accept this.  "Goodbye Wally."  He whispered.  And even though he had just said goodbye he thought it couldn't  be real.  Despite his pain he stood up and wobbled over to his friend kneeling down next to him.  "Wally please stay with me buddy, help is on the way.  Everything is going to be okay.  I promise."  He couldn't tell if he was saying these things to reassure Wally or himself.  His cries became heavier as Wally didn't respond.  "WALLY STAY WITH ME PLEASE!"  He yelled.  He looked behind him hoping an ambulance was on the way.  And when he turned back around, Wally's eyes were completely shut, and no longer flickering.  "Come on Wally were going to go home, and everything is going to be alright..."  He acted like nothing happened.  He was in complete denial.  And suddenly Batman entered calmly walking towards him.  It wasn't until Batman grabbed him an began to pull him away that he understood the reality of the situation.  "That should of been me..."  He cried as he was being dragged away.  He watched as the emergency services came to take him away.  "That should of been me."  He said one more time, as the sobbing now prohibited him from speaking.  Batman picked him up and forced him into the car.  As they pulled off, he noticed a white light in the gloomy air around him.  He gazed at the night sky, focusing in when he saw the police helicopters search lights.  He was so preoccupied with the glow,  he became confused when he found himself somewhere else.


The next part will be up around Tuesday. 

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now