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I decided I would post this a day early seeing as I had it written, and it is the holidays, so why not?  Oh and how could I forget about the part in which I got another hundred views!  You all are awesome!  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Richard pulled into a parking spot at Gotham Diner and quickly turned off the engine.  The two walked at a fast pace, really excited to finally eat.  Even though they were both tense from the talk in the car, it didn't matter anymore.  Best friends moved on quickly.  They followed the waitress to the back where they sat at a booth.  Wally picked up his menu and began to flip through it as Richard sat looking out the window.  "I take it you know what you want?"  Wally said from behind his menu.  "Same thing I get every time I come... french toast."  Wally placed down the plastic booklet once he was aware of what he wanted to get.  The two ordered, and the food arrived quickly.  "I told you this diner is so much better than the one by mount justice."  Richard began.  "I mean this place is good, but that's our special place to eat."  Wally argued.  "Why would I want to be affiliated with a place that doesn't even have french toast?  That makes no sense!"  Richard laughed.  They finished their meal and made their way back to the car.

"So what would you like to do now?  We basically have the whole day..."  Richard started.  "What time is patrol?"  Wally asked.  "I normally go out from eight to twelve and then Batman goes and takes over for a few hours."  Richard answered.  "So you go patrolling every night on your own?  Why?"  Richard gave Wally a solemn look.  "Right... my bad."  Wally said quickly.  The fact that Robin was going a-wall and had to be the saviors of all in Gotham was one thing.  But the fact that Bruce had him going out on his own, was slightly ridiculous.  Especially considering the fact that Bruce was concerned with Richards well being anyway.  'At least I'll be with him tonight'. Wally thought to himself.  "Are you thinking about what you want to do, or just staring in to space?"  Richard joked.  "Oh... um, yea.  I'm up for whatever I suppose."  Wally decided.  "Okay... I was thinking perhaps we could take the dirt bikes and go riding..."  Richard left the sentence open for Wally's own interpretation.  "Define riding..."  Wally said sarcastically.  "Sounds like a plan."  Richard added.

Richard pulled into the driveway of the manor and unplugged his seatbelt as he pulled the key out of the ignition.  The two got out of the car and Richard led Wally to where the dirt bikes were.  Richard hopped on the one he normal rode and pointed to the one Wally should ride.  "Just don't go too fast, or else you'll flip the front wheel."  Richard said.  "Noted."  Wally responded.  They stormed out of the garage as Wally followed Richard throughout the streets.  They rode for a few minutes and then Richard pulled over to a grassy field.  They both pulled off their helmets.  "It's legal to ride around the streets on dirt bikes here?"  Wally screamed.  "For the most part yea, but they prefer it if those that did used the back roads that aren't as busy.  Which is fine for me.  I really only ride this when I got to the cemetery to visit my parents."  Richard responded.  "Can you show me where it is?"  Wally asked.  Richard thought for a second.  "If it's really something you want to see."  Richard placed his helmet on and got back on the bike.  "Follow me."  He yelled back to Wally.

They followed a long windy road with large fields on both sides.  Richard finally pulled over and waited for Wally to climb off his bike.  He opened the gate to the cemetery and lead Wally to where his parents were.  "How often do you come?"  Wally asked looking around.  Richard stood there with his eyes glued to his parents tombstones.  "I used to go maybe two three times a month, but lately I've been coming  more often.  Like once every other day often."  Richard admitted.  "How come?"  Wally wondered.  "You know how tough things have been lately..."  Richard said kneeling down before his parents.   Wally placed a hand on Richard's shoulder.  "Indeed I do." 

Hours later the two found themselves in the bat cave suiting up for patrol.  "This is going to be the best night ever!"  Wally admitted.  "I know!  We've been wanting to patrol together without supervision for the longest time."  Richard added.  He looked over to the clock.  "Well we should get going."  Wally nodded.  "I guess we should."  Robin walked over to his r-cycle.  "Is it cool if I take this and you meet me there?"  Richard hoped his friend would agree.  "Race ya!"  Kid Flash said sprinting through the door.  Robin chased after him.  "Hey no fair!"


I apologize for this chapter being realitvley boring, it was meant to be a filler chapter.  But I promise the next is bound to have some action!  After all it is thier first patrol together!  I wonder what will happen...

I love you all!  I think I might start dedicating chapters to people as well, so if you want that to be you, then flood my notification box with likes and comments!  Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now