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AHHHHHH its been so long and I apologize to each and everyone of you... I'm sure you all know how crazy school can get, but I refuse to use it as an excuse. I will stop talking now, seeing as this part is long over due. Here you are:) Comment and keep reading!


May soon came, and the next thing Richard knew, he was standing in front of his classmates, as well as their parents, and half the school board.  He took a deep breath, glad that his voice was no longer scratchy.  He was overjoyed, considering he had defeated pneumonia a few weeks ago.  He unfolded his paper, adjusting the microphone, to glance up at the crowd.  And then, he began to speak.  

"Right now we are ending a chapter of our life.  One that has had its up and downs even some plot twists along the way.  For some of us, it may not be a chapter that we wrote a lot in, but now, here today we have the opportunity to start again, and do whatever we want.  Because this chapter of our life doesn't come from someone else's book.  And it will not be a destiny that ends on page one.   For the next journey of our lives is as long as it wants to be..."

He exited the podium glad that he stuck to something short.  The audience cheered as he made his way to his seat.  He soon had to stand back up, receiving his diploma after many others had been called.  But he was at the mere beginning of the list.  Hours later he lined up with his fellow classmates, throwing his hat in the air, smiling as he had done so.  And it was in that moment, that he finally realized high school was over. 

Hours later Richard was back at the manor pacing throughout his room, packing up his items.  He had a long time to make this decision, and so far everyone he told, backed him up on it.  He knew it was the right thing to do.  He just had to break the news to Bruce.  Which would be hard.  He finished grabbing things, opening his desk draw pulling out a large envelop filled with cash.  And it was large.  Some of it had come from his parents will, not that there was much.  The rest was all money he had received for birthdays, and holidays that he had been saving specifically for a time like this.  He bit his lip as he opened it, counting all the bills, which added up to a satisfying number.  He shoved that in his bag, glancing around the now practically empty room.  All that was left was the furniture.  He sighed as he zipped the pocket to his Robin bag.  His finger gliding over the emblem.  It brought back many memories.  He set his luggage outside of the door, thinking of how to tell Bruce.

He entered the kitchen to find Alfred cleaning the dishes, Bruce sitting down in deep thought at the table.  "Alfred... can I have a minute."  Bruce looked up in shock.  Alfred shook his head, turning off the water to soon exit.  "I have to tell you something."  Richard said sitting down across from him.  Bruce was quick to respond.  "Fine but let me go first..."  Richard gave him a structured nod.  "I know why you said the things you did."  Richard looked the other way.  "Regarding..."  His voice was filled with uncertainly.  "The graduation speech."  Richard rolled his eyes.  "It was written as a general statement."  He argued, but Bruce wasn't accepting it. 

"You don't want to be Batman anymore."  Richard looked to the side.  'Was it really that obvious?'  He thought.  "You can't deny it... I mean come on...  'This chapter of our life doesn't come from someone else's book.'  I am a detective."  Bruce added.  'Because you certainly solve everything on your own.'  Richard thought.  "Okay fine.  I'm going to let you in on a secret.  We're all aware that I'm no expert on dreams.  But there is one thing I have managed to learn.  You wake up from them.  You have to understand that I can't go back to that life.  It ended the day Wally-"  He cut himself off.  "Nevermind..."  Bruce's lips tightened. 

"So you woke up from your dream of becoming Batman... But now you're going to tell me that you will become Nightwing... right?  That's what this is about isn't it?"  Richard closed his eyes.  He really didn't want to get into this.  He just wanted to tell him he was going to leave.  "Gotham has been a place of pain and sorrow for me since day one.  I just can't isolate myself here anymore.  I developed this new dream to become a hero with a face.  I wanted to fight for our country."  He decided to just be honest.  Something Bruce could never do.  "You're going to leave?"  Richard exhaled in frustration.  "Obviously you don't understand past tense.  I wanted to fight for our country."  Bruce bit his lip.  "So you are staying..."  He sounded happy. 

"No...  Bruce I want to be a hero for the people, whether it be for my fellow citizens or for my country.  I just... I can't right now.  What I need is to be a hero for myself first."  Bruce brought his hand to his mouth to soon take it away.  "And how do you plan to do so."  He made it sound as though he was still in charge.  "I am leaving."  Did he have to be so blatant about everything?  

"To go where?"  Richard kind of chuckled.  "A place in which I can start over and hit the reset button.  I've had many regrets these past few months and I can't live with myself if I don't fix them soon."  Richard folded his arms. "Richard you can't leave."  He was stern.  Richard rolled his eyes laughing.  "I can't or you don't want me to...?"  His voice was just as serious.  "You don't understand."  Richard became frustrated.  "Well maybe you forgot that you never gave me either option when you left for a year!"  He closed his eyes in anger.  "Fuck!  I promised I wouldn't get mad."  He said under his breath.  He could hear Bruce whispering. 

"I deserved that."  And then his voice was back at a normal tone.  "But seriously... There are reasons as to why you can't leave."  Richard scratched his check.  "Bruce I am eighteen.  I can walk out whenever I want.  I have saved enough money.  I'm telling you because-"  He stopped himself.  Bruce used the silence as an excuse to speak.  "Can you just tell me what central area you will be travelling to?"  He was being so nosy about it.  Richard just wanted to leave.  "I will be quite nomadic on this trip.  There is a certain destination I want to reach, but no destination is without a journey."  Suddenly Bruce snapped.  "What will the weather be like?"  Richard did not like his hostile tone, but he answered anyway.  "Most likely cold."  Bruce took a deep breath, standing up as he put his head in his palms.  Richard knew what this was about.  "What?  Your afraid I'll get pneumonia again... Some stupid little sickness...  Bruce I am more than capable of taking care of myself!"  Bruce shook his head. "That's not the problem Richard there are things you don't know..."  Richard was becoming impatient..  "Care to explain..."  He was desperately trying not to yell.  "How do I tell him..."  Richard heard him say to himself.  And then he lost it.  "JUST SPIT IT OUT BRUCE!"  He said standing up.  Bruce took his hands off his face quickly, copying his loud tone.  "BECAUSE YOU HAVE AIDS!"   


Okay so wattpad changed it's format, and I don't know how I feel about it...

But let's talk about how we feel about this chapter- You guys didn't think I'd let you get off that easy did ya?

I apologize to all those that want to assassinate me for all the terrible things I have done to Richard, but don't lie my fellow fan people, you look forward to all that.  As an expert fan fic reader, I myself know it is true and am not ashamed to admit it.  Well I will leave it at that... Good luck with the suspense:)

I'll be updating in a few days.

Thanks again!  I love all of you more than you know!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now