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So I decided I would update early because I was very happy and completely shocked to wake up to 4K!  You all are so awesome and very supportive, and I can't thank you enough.  Your comments and votes keep me smiling, and even a simple view gets me excited.

Comment and keep reading!  Thanks again!


Bruce took a second to process.  The words swarmed around his head as he tried to understand.  He felt as though he had just been stabbed in the heart.  "You don't remember me?"  Bruce asked quietly.  "No... I don't."  Richard's words sharp enough to sharpen the blade that had just punctured Bruce.  "All I remember is flipping my bike... then darkness, and now I am here...  Is this heaven?"  Bruce had so much to say, but some of the nurses pulled him away.  They took him outside the room and began to fire information at him.  One of the nurses still in the room, went to Richard's side, answering the question for him.  "No sweetie, you did flip your bike.  But it sent you into a coma.  It did not kill you."  Richard could barley comprehend. 

Bruce looked to the head nurse for guidance.  "I've seen this a few times before, but no two cases are exactly alike.  He doesn't remember much, but eventually pieces of his memory will start to flood in, and it is up to him to put them back together.  Eventually he will remember you, and he will remember the things you two have done.  But for now, he has to stay put."  Her words were just as bitter as Richards.  "He's been here for nine months already!  He is awake!  Why can't I take him home?"  Bruce rebutted.  "Because he doesn't know you!"   The nurse said harshly.  "And that's how it was when I adopted him."  Bruce walked away for a minute to get some air.  He pulled out his phone and called Alfred to tell him the news.  "Master Bruce!  Do you need more clothes or are you hungry aga-"  He was cut off.  "Alfred stop!  Richard's alive!"  Bruce exclaimed.  "Yes, master Bruce we went over this he is alive.  But he is uncon-"  Bruce interrupted again.  "No Alfred he woke up!  Richard woke up!"  There was a loud sound on the other end of the line, before it went silent.  A few moments later Alfred spoke.  "Sorry master Bruce, I dropped the phone."  Alfred was expecting Bruce to laugh or say something in return, but all he could hear were the two deep breaths Bruce had produced.  "Master Bruce, is everything alright."  Bruce took a second.  "He doesn't remember anything besides the crash... he thinks he died and that he is in heaven."  The reaction from Alfred wasn't at all what Bruce had expected.  "I will be over in an hour.  I'm going to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies."  Bruce became angered.  "I just break the bad news to you and your going to bake cookies?  I'm not hungry.  I don't need a snack.  I told you I was done binge eating!"  Bruce yelled.  "They are not for you."  Alfred said confidently.  A loud beep was quick to follow.  'Did he actually just hang up on me?'  Bruce thought to himself. 

An hour later, as promised, Alfred entered the hospital with a plate of cookies.  He walked in Richard's room, Bruce following.  Richard gave both men a look filled with perplexity.  Alfred sat down on the bed, near Richard's feet, looking into his eyes.  "And who are you?"  Richard asked folding his arms.  "I am Alfred, your butler... Your friend..."  Richard was listening, though disbelief was scribbled across his face.  Alfred took one of the cookies off the tray handing it to the teen.  He was hesitant to take it.  "But mostly, I am the best chocolate chip cookie baker you've ever met."  Alfred said watching as Richard took a bite.  Alfred could see the light bulb turn on.  "How do you do it?"  Richard screamed.  Alfred laughed.  "You under bake them..."  Richard finished the cookie.  "Can I have another one Alf?"  The older man nodded handing him the plate.  He stood up from the bed, now looking to Bruce who was awestruck.  Richard looked to Alfred who had his eyes fixated on Bruce.  "Who is he?"  Richard asked Alfred.  The older man turned back to Richard.   "Just give me a second master Richard."  Bruce walked up to him, so many questions buzzing through his mind.  "No really... How do you do it?"  Bruce asked.  Alfred motioned for him to go out in the hall.

"The nurses said that he would remember things over time... not by using magic tricks."  Bruce whispered.  "Magic tricks?"  Alfred repeated.  "Yes magic tricks, you fed him a cookie and suddenly he remembers who you are... You should audition for America's got talent with an act like that."  Alfred just laughed.  "And you think it's funny..."  Bruce finished.  "I do actually, master Bruce, I really do.  They say that you have to experience something in order for you to understand it, but I guess with you, even that doesn't apply."  Bruce squinted his eyes trying to understand.  Alfred just laughed again.  He then sat down, tapping the chair next to him.  "You don't remember do you?"  Alfred asked.  "Am I supposed to?"  Bruce snapped.  "It was the third night you went out on patrol.  You ran into someone who did some damage.  You came home, took a nap, but you didn't wake up for four days."  Alfred began.  "After you didn't wake up for 24 hours I became concerned and I didn't know what to do.  But as I had promised, I wouldn't take it too the police.  So I sat beside you and I waited.   And luckily, you woke up on that fourth day.  But when you did, you took one look at me and asked me who I was.  I gave you an answer, but you wouldn't accept it.  It took me a while to figure out what I had to do.  So I took a reoccurring memory that the two of us shared, and it triggered an emotion or a sense, and without even looking at me, you said my name.  You remembered who I was...  Not all the things I did.  You called me by my name knowing I was Alfred, but you forgot certain things about me.  But later on everything else was triggered, due to other memories being linked to me.  "  Bruce was captivated.  "If that's what happened than why don't I remember."  Alfred laughed.  "Because once you remembered who I was, all of our other memorizes fell into place, and over time you just forgot.  You remembered me for the man I was, the man I am, and that one moment, it didn't matter anymore.  It was just a ploy to activate your memories.  That one moment, it was a fake, a fraud, and your mind wanted to remember the original."  Bruce shook his head in understanding.  "When you were gone, I would bake cookies for Richard close to everyday.  It's a reoccurring memory he has of me.  So when I gave him that cookie, it triggered his senses, and he now remembers who I am.  But just who I am.  So what you must do, is take a memory, or a tradition of yours, and use it. I guarantee, he will remember you.  It will take him a while to remember other things that have happened between you.”  Bruce understood that he was referring to their argument.  "But he will remember at one point.  Whether it be because of time, or because something else activates it."   The older man stood up and peeked into the room, smiling as he watched Richard eat his snack.  He then turned to face Bruce again, who had also been glancing through the door.  "Use this as a fresh start.  A chance to wipe away all the pain from yesterday...  To make this day happy.  So tomorrow, or whenever it is he does remember, he has a reason to forget."


So yeah... I would just like to thank you all again!  I'm trying my hardest to write this to my best ability and make it great for you guys. 

Seriously though, you all are the best!  I'll have the next part up in a few days...

Until then, read more and tell your friends:)

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now