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Like I said, the next part... Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Alfred walked back to the cabinets grabbing more supplies.  Once he was standing before Richard again, he lifted his leg and propped it up on a few pillows, so it would be easier to aid.  He grabbed some gauze, applying that first, followed by a thicker wrap. Once he was finished Richard thanked him, and the older man just nodded.  Alfred then handed the boy one of the crutches and helped him get off the table.  Once he was standing, he handed him the second.  Richard then allowed the crutches to support his weight and began to wobble off.  Alfred slowly followed, making sure he didn't fall.  Climbing the stairs was a long process, but he finally made it back up to his room. 

Alfred walked in the door a few seconds later.  "Where is the glass master Richard?"  The boy pointed near his desk, and Alfred immediately shook his head in understanding.  He left the room for a few minutes and came back with a dust pan.  He began to clean the floor and then realized what the glass was from.  "How did the frame break master Richard?"  Alfred wasn't facing Richard to see his reaction.  His eyes became filled with tears, but he reminded himself that he wasn't alone.  He hated showing emotions.  He found the strength to regain control and answered the question.  "It doesn't matter... I just want all of it gone."  He finished.  "Well one would assume you don't want to be cut again, master Richard."  Alfred said brushing the last few shards into the pan.  "Thanks Alf."  The older man stood up and gave the boy a quick nod as he walked out the room.  To Richards surprise, he soon re-entered.  He then remembered that the comforter was still a wreck.  "One would also assume you don't want to sleep in your own blood tonight."  He added.  "Yup.  Not tonight.  Perhaps tomorrow though."  Richard responded.  The older man let out a laugh.  Richard glanced at the clock which read ten fourteen. 

"I don't think this comforter is going to survive this much damage, so we'll have to go out and get a new one tomorrow."  Alfred said examining the sheets.  "If that's what you think..."  Alfred just nodded as he began to pull the bedding off.  "As for tonight"  Alfred began.  "I know you enjoy rooms with large windows."  Richard looked up at him.  "How do you know that?"  He wondered.  "Too answer your question master Richard, I walk past your room several times a day.  And on multiple occasions,  I peek in to see you staring out the glass, lost in your own little world."  He finished.  Richard shook his head and called a truce.  "And only you know this...?" Alfred looked back to the younger boy.   "That is indeed the case master Richard."  He then faced the other direction again and finished stripping the bed.  "To conclude my earlier statement, you enjoy rooms with large windows.  So until we get new sheets tomorrow, would you like to stay in Bruce's room tonight?"  Richard leaned on his crutches as he slowly made his way past the bed, so that he was now in front of the window.  "I don't want to be associated with that man right now.  He didn't want to be associated with me...  You know what it's like Alf?"  He paused, but expected no answer.  Alfred just stood there waiting for what was about to come.  "It's like Bruce and I were on a boat.  And the second the water got choppy, he wanted to turn back.  He desperately wanted to avoid the harsh part of the ocean.  So he leaves on his own little life boat, and he returns to the safe zone.  He leaves me, in the middle of those rough waters, alone, stranded with no idea where to go.  And you what happens?  Unaware of how to handle the whole situation, my boat sinks.  And I go down with it.  But on the other hand, he is secure and protected.  The simple reason being, he is nowhere near the initial problem."  Richard stood there in silence for a moment trying to wrap up his point.  "What you need to understand, is that Bruce left me.  Okay?  He left me here... drowning in my own sorrow." 

His eyes were glued to the glass despite the absence of a response from Alfred.  It was completely quiet for a few minutes, as Alfred observed the troubled boy.  He was still fixated on the surroundings beyond the window, as he had been for the past ten minutes.  Alfred understood it was his turn to speak.  "It appears as though you're lost in your own little world again, master Richard."  He noted.  "I wish I could say that was the truth Alf.  But it's not.  I'm lost in this world.  A world filled with realities.  Realities, I might add, that are unethical, and unable to fix."  Alfred thought for a moment.  "Unfortunately, master Richard the world is a vindictive place..."  Richard just shook his head and let out a quiet chuckle.  "Yes, Alfred, it is.  The world is so cruel."  His head turned to face Alfred as a small smirk surfaced, but quickly faded.  His eyes made their way back to the window.  His tone became much quieter and frustrated as he began his next sentence.  "It's just a place that fails us all." 


I'll be honest, this is one of my favorite parts for some strange reason... So what did you think?  Good?  Bad?

Can anyone recall who told Richard what he just told Alfred?

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now