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First off, I would like to apologize for the lack of posting, I had a very busy week at school.  But good news!  I am off this week, so expect many updates and the writing quality to -hopefully- be better!

Anyway this is part A, and you can count on me to have part B and C up by the end of the day.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


"A coma?"  Bruce repeated.  The nurse gave him a reassuring look.  She nodded her head slightly before turning around to leave.  "Wait!  You can't go!  What's going to happen?"  Bruce sounded helpless.  She made her way back to Bruce, sitting down next to him.  "He could wake up."  A smile formed on his face.  "Or he can stay asleep...  Forever."  Bruce understood the reality of her last sentence.  "Let's hope for the first."  Bruce said standing up.  He stood by the side of the bed looking down at Richard.  The nurse snuck out to give him a moment alone.  "I'm sorry."  Bruce whispered.  His eyes then made their way to the window, gazing at the outside world.  A world that Richard wouldn't see for days, weeks, years, or never again.  The thought struck Bruce, causing his head to fall into his palm.  His hand then slid down the contours of his face as he exhaled. 

Everything went white as a new scene emerged from the brightness.  "Are you excited Richard?  Tomorrow you perform your first act as a Flying Grayson."  The five year old looked up to his mother.  "Yes mommy, I'm very excited."  He looked around the room glancing at all the objects.  He made his way towards the window, staring off into the distance.  His eyes shifted to the gleaming object, as he scratched his head in confusion.  He never remembered the sun being that luminous.  He strained his eyes as he had been staring at it for so long.  He turned away, but as he shut his eyes, it was still unnecessarily bright.  Suddenly he found himself somewhere else.

He walked around the circus tent, a grand smile on his face.  "Today is the day mommy!"  He received a smile in return.  And it would be the day.  The day that changed his life forever.   It was the day that he lost his parents, just two hours before the performance was about to begin.  He walked out from the dressing room in his bright red costume.  His mothers face lit up at the sight.  Though he was very excited, he had a confused look on his face.  "What's wrong Dick?"  She knelt down to his level.  "Nothing... I was just wondering why I have to wear such bright colors."  A smile inched across her face.  "It's so that all the people can see you.  When I watch you up on those ropes, you remind me of a little Robin."  She pulled him into a hug.  He snuggled close to his mother as she pulled her head back to view him.  He was nuzzled up to her chest listening to her heart beat.  "Listen, my little birde, I have been wanting to tell you something."  He opened his eyes to acknowledge his mother.  "I know that you enjoy being a part of the circus, but promise mama one thing."  He shook his head and offered to hear the rest.  "You can't let a label define who you are."  He smiled then lifted his head to hers to whisper something in her ear. "Never."  He released himself from her embrace and searched for his father. 

"And now introducing the Flying Grayson's!"   Richard turned to his mother giving her the biggest smile she'd ever seen.  "Remember what I told you earlier.  And wait till your father and I get back up here before you go.  I want to have the best seat to watch my little birdie soar in action."  She touched his cheek, soon pulling him in for a hug.  "Good luck."  He whispered into his mothers ear.  She released him, and he was soon grabbed by his father.  "Good luck to you too."  Richard broke the embrace looking into his father's eyes.  "Hey..."  Richard teased.  He watched as his two parents took off the same way they always did.  It was always the same routine.  Except this time, had been much different.  Richard watched in horror as his parents fell.  He looked away for a second, only to hear a loud thump.  A while later he climbed down the ladder to be comforted by various people. But he pushed away, not wanting their comfort.  He wanted his parents.  More than ever.  He ran out of the colorful tent to get some air.  He then became distracted by a shining light.  Looking into the sky, his eyes grew aggravated... It was the darkest day of his life, yet it had become so bright.  The next thing he knew, he was in a juvenile detention center. 

Bruce pulled into his driveway, turning off the engine when he reached the end.  He sighed as he unplugged his seatbelt.  Slowly, he climbed out of his car, walking towards the front of the manor.  He opened the door and soon found himself sitting on the couch.  His face was practically emotionless, though it had a negative effect.  A few minutes later Alfred walked in.  "What happened maser Bruce?"  His tone was calm.  Bruce attempted to mimic the older man's voice but it didn't work.  "Richard fell into a coma!"  He reached for the remote that sat on the table before him.  Alfred slapped his arm, causing it to fall to the floor.  "Talk to me master Bruce!  How did this happen?"  His voice became worried, and was now overpowered with fear.  "I don't... I don't know!"  Bruce sounded unsure.  He got off the couch, wondering up the stairs and into his room.  "Come on master Bruce!  You can't hide from your problems forever!" 


Not going to lie, this chapter of the story is pretty critical.  I can't stress enough that you should notice an obvious pattern in Richard's coma behavior (is that a thing?).  But yea, I've decided on how this whole book will end, and I can assure you that this chapter especially, is important. 

I'd like to thank all of you again for your comments and votes, it really means more than you think.  I started writing this early last year and never thought I would be here posting it today.  So thank you for making me feel like I've made a good decision. 

Okay rant over haha, but seriously thank you all so much. 

As I said earlier B and C will be out in a little while.  Thanks again:)

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now