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Sorry this part is so short!  Chapter 9 is on the way anyway.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks! 


Superman walked away and left Batman and Robin alone.  "Let's take a tour.  Shall we?"  Batman asked.  Robin gave him a thumbs up.  The two walked through the halls of mount justice while Batman explained what each room was.  Leaving one hallway left to explore.  "So this is my birthday surprise for you.  I hope you enjoy it."  He said softly.  He led him through the small hallway that had a few empty bedrooms.  "Over the summer I will be working here, and I want you to come with me.  So this will be your room to stay in, and keep for as long as you are a hero."  Robin looked up at Batman.  "For real?" He gave the youngster a firm nod.  "And I get to stay here all summer?"  He checked.  "Yes.  So I figured you could use a friend.  Kid Flash will be staying in this room here.  The two rooms are connected by a bathroom that you two will share."  Batman added.  "Kid Flash?"  He questioned.  "Present!"  The speedster made his way over.  Richard took one look at the boy.  He seemed his age.  He wore red pants, that were connected to a yellow long sleeve shirt.  And his face was covered, with a mask like Richard.

"I let you guys talk."  Batman said walking out of the hallway.  "Are you staying after the summer too?"  Kid Flash asked.  Robin gave him a confused look.  "Not that I am aware of... I'll be in school."  He pointed out.  "Oh well, I'm not going back to school.  My uncle is going to home school me here.  So I have just as much time to practice being a hero."  Robin nodded a few times, putting together the pieces.  "So were goanna be summer pals?"  Robin gave him a fast nod.  He knew they would be.  Because they already were pals.  The red hair gave it away.  And with the whole I won't be attending Gotham Academy anymore, there was no way it could be a coincidence.  Richard knew it was Wally but he didn't think that Wally knew it was him. He would find a way to tell him one day.        

After a few hours Batman came back to find the two boys talking in one of the rooms.  "Wanna stay the nig-"  Robin shouted yes before he could finish.  Batman ran outside and grabbed a bag.  "Happy Birthday."  He shouted when he got back handing him the duffle.  "But you already gave me my present..."  Robin noted.  "Yea, and this is a part of it."  The boy opened the red bag that had a Robin logo on the front.  "What... it's for mission travels."  Robin laughed, and opened the bag to find clothes and sheets for the bed as well as some posters to hang up.  "Just to make it kind of like home.  We can bring more stuff when we come back in a month to stay."  Robin ran up to the Bat and out of the room to give him a hug.  The rest of the leaguers watched and felt warm inside knowing that Bruce wasn't alone anymore.

Later on the two boys were socializing and getting ready for bed.  Wally was quick to take off his mask and change into pajamas, while Dick only changed clothes.  Superman was the only one that knew, and if Kid Flash knew, he might tell Flash, and well who knows what next. "Why are you still wearing a mask?"  Kid Flash questioned.  "We all wear masks."  Robin responded pointing to the poster of the justice league the two hung up earlier.  "Yes, and at one point we all take them off."  Wally said pointing to his face.  Robin cleared his throat so he could continue.  "We all wear masks... and there comes a time when we cannot remove them removing some of our own skin." 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now