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I know that I've been posting very frequently, but as the story progresses it will slow down a bit (I don't know if you consider that good or bad).  Anyway, here is the next part.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


As Bruce instructed Robin was down in the cave at eight exactly.  There had to be some way he could gain the opportunity back.  He stood in front of Batman who was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back.  And then he stopped.  Giving the boy the same ice cold glare he had given him on the rooftop.  Which Dick now understood was known as the bat stare.  Richard swallowed hard knowing what he was going to say next.  Something along the lines of give me your uniform and don't ever come back to this cave again.  And then he would probably brain wash him just to forget about his secret identity.  Robin's thoughts were interrupted as Bruce spoke.  "You hacked into the bat computer... which is close to impossible.  But you somehow managed."  Robin shook his head admitting his mistake.  "And that's just the kind of partner I need.  Someone who can manage, and do those near to impossible things."  Robin looked up to his mentor.  "Nothing's impossible."  Robin noted and let a smirk creep across his face.  Batman laughed and patted him on the shoulder.  He then turned away and began to race to the bat mobile.  And then he turned back when he realized the young boy wasn't following.  "You coming?"  Richard gave Bruce a big smile knowing he accomplished his goal.  It was the middle of February, which meant he would be patrolling the streets on his birthday a month later.  It would be the best birthday present he could ask for.

As the night went on, Richard found himself rushing through Gotham trying to catch the Riddler.  Bruce was glad that Richards first night was filled with action.  The boy crashed through a window chasing the man in green.  Batman was behind them taking out the henchmen.  "You burry me when I'm alive, and dig me up only when I die.  What am I?"  The boy looked at him the replayed the question a couple times in his head.  'burry me when I'm alive.'  He had a good theory.  He was about to answer when someone did for him.  "How about a plant."  All of a sudden a woman walked out from behind the door.  She captured the young boy in her vines.  "Poison Ivy."  Batman turned to face her.  "I think it's cute you brought a little bird to join your circus act."  The Riddler laughed at her comment.  Richard was offended.  Was she mocking the circus?  Mocking him?  The next thing he knew Batman was intertwined in the plants trying to escape.  "I wouldn't struggle."  She noted.

The Riddler chuckled.  "The more of me you have, the longer your life.  The more of me you have, the less you have left.  What am I?"  Ivy pulled the vines tighter.  Richard struggled to answer.  "Heartbeats."  He wasn't going to let this happen his first night on the job.  "Riddle me this... What's sharp and can cut through anything?"  The Riddler scratched his head.  It was more of a question rather a riddle but he didn't care.  "Nothing?"  Richard pulled a batarang out of his belt and cut the vines.  "Wrong!  The answer is Batman's toys!"  Ivy fell in reaction to being slashed.  The Riddler looked over at her and then began to back up from the angry boy.  "I have another one for you.  What gets defensive when you invade it's nest and harm its family?"  The Riddler kept backing up.  "Try a Robin."  The young boy brought the man to the ground and pulled out some hand cuffs.  Batman watched in shock.  Robin then walked back over to his mentor and set him free.  "That was quite a show you put on."  The older man said.  "I know right!"  He couldn't help it.  He was happy that he proved himself worthy on his first night.  "I can tell this is going to be a good partnership."  He added.  The two began to walk out as the police rushed to the scene to take the criminals back to where they belonged; Arkham Asylum.

That night Richard went to bed feeling really good.  It felt as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders.  He was right when he was up in the attic.  All he wanted to do was be a hero.  And as he laid there too excited to fall asleep he thought about the nights adventure.  And then he realized that he couldn't be Robin forever.  It made him upset.  Knowing that he wouldn't wear that cape forever was overwhelming.  But then he realized that he could grow from the persona and become a different hero.  And each thought brought him to another, and somehow becoming the Batman made its way into the sequence.  And from that night on, he had a dream, a goal, of one day donning the iconic cape and cowl.  To follow in Bruce's footsteps and continue wherever -the man will leave off.

The next morning the boy woke up later than usual, tired from last night's activities.  He threw on a plain white shirt, and kept his pajama pants on knowing that he had nowhere to be.  No one in the manor did.  Which meant it would be a relaxing day, that led to a hectic night.  He casual walked down the stairs to find Bruce in his robe.  As usual he was reading the paper.  "Anything good?"  The younger boy asked.  "You can look if you want."  He handed the paper off.  The boy took it in his hands and searched through.  He was kind of upset that there was nothing about last night's takedown.  Bruce had a bunch of newspaper clippings hanging in frames down in the bat cave . He let out a sigh.  And then the young detective noticed there was a page missing.  "Where's page 3c?"  He asked.  "Alfred must have it.  It had something to do with the president ordering ships across seas, I really don't remember.  I don't think it's something you would want to read."  Bruce noted.  "You're probably right."  Richard began to walk away when Bruce called for him.  "How about we go out somewhere for dinner.  Your choice..."  Richard thought about the proposition.  "Deal."  He said while climbing the stairs to go back to his room.

He sat at his desk to finish the homework he was assigned for the weekend.  Most of it had been done, but given lasts nigh predicament, he still had a few things to do.  He rarely did homework on Sundays, but with his new occupation, his schedule would be altered.  It was something Richard was used to.  Things change.  Constantly. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now