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Alright so here is part B.  I hope you enjoyed A, and if so, I have a feeling you'll like this section.  Anyway, please comment and keep reading.  And if you really want to, vote as well!  Thanks!


About an hour later, half of Robins uniform was ripped to shreds, though his mask remain completely unharmed.  The Joker called to one of his henchmen, and soon enough he was video chatting with the justice league.  The wide screen in mount justice showed a freak with a damaged body lying on the floor.  Everyone flinched at the image and began running searches to locate the warehouse.  Wally who was standing in the doorway watched in horror as his best friend lay in silence. 

The Joker's commanding voice played over the speaker.  His back was facing the camera as he propped Robin up onto a chair.  The boy's eyes opened wide as he stared into the man's deceitful face.  "Wanna know how I got these scars?"  He questioned.  Robin, who was unaware of the video chat responded by saying a simple no.  "Let's try this again."  The Joker pulled out a knife, which caused everyone on the other side of the screen to jump out of their seats.  "Would you... like to know how I got these scars?"  Robin rolled his eyes as the Joker began to tell his story.  "My mother left me when I was younger than you, and at the time my father was trying to make things right.  Except he was the kind of man that didn't know right from wrong.  He would always tell me that I was too serious.  That I never smiled.  A kid my age should be 'joyful'.  He tried to spank some sense into me... literally.  Of course him being him, he didn't realize it only made my situation worse.  So I came up with a solution."  The Joker pointed to his face proud of his work.  "You see, I did this myself, plot twist I know, but I will never forget the first time he saw the scars.  He didn't say much really, he just kind of stood there with a solemn look on his face.  So I took a few steps towards him and I looked him in the eye.  And I remember asking him "Why so serious?"  I was never really one to like hypocrites.  So that day, I left my father, like my mother left me.  I hated my father, I really did.  But I do appreciate the lesson he taught me.  Because no matter what the circumstance, I will always have a smile on my face."  His laugh dominated the warehouse.  When he saw how serious Robin was, his chuckling came to an end as he grabbed the young boy by the hair.  "What... did daddy bats never teach you to smile?"  His voice was toxic.  His eyes made their way to the camera, where he observed the reactions of the others.  His eyes scanned quickly for Batman.  His grip tightened on the blade as he pushed Robin across the room coming closer to the camera.  "I'm ashamed Batman, I mean really... But it's okay, were just lucky this is a... fixable... problem."  The knife made its way back to Robins cheek, as the sharp edge gently crested it.  Robin began to move trying to escape the man's clutches.  Though he wasn't tied up, his one problem was the damage from the session earlier.  "Hey.  Now I wouldn't do that if I were you... or else one day you'll have your own story to tell..."  Robin's body stiffened as he understood what the man was saying.  Batman, who was on the other end watching walked up to the screen.   His monotone voice more serious than ever.  "What do you want?" 

The Joker gave the man a firm look.  He pondered the question trying to pick the best choice of words for the answer.  "Here's the deal... we could meet at my place... or yours."  The air around him became poisonous as he said the last two words.  "Although, yours is preferred seeing as I'm not too great of a cook.  So tell me, where exactly is your secret hideout?"  The Joker watched as the justice league traded glances around the room.  "Looks like I'll have to get the answers from someone else."  He turned to the young boy.  "Would you like to tell me where daddy bats likes to go and play undercover hero?"  The words were as sharp as the knives he used.  Which were soon pulled out after the boy responded.  "I'll die before I tell you."  It was no secret that he wished for the darkness to take him away.  To take him beyond his hell, and bring him to something much better.  He was inviting death to bring him to another level.  But death wasn't willing to let him move on yet.  He spit blood at the green haired man who just let the crimson fluid rest on his cheek. "I guess we're going to have to do things the hard way..."  He turned to face the screen once again, an evil look gleaming from his eyes.  Wally, who was still watching from afar, began to breathe deeply.  Tears began to fill his eyes as he gazed at Robin.  "Oh my god... turn this off.  Someone go save him!"  Everyone else sat in silence, tears in their eyes as well, waiting for the next instructions.     

"So I'm thinking maybe you should come here.  Though I'm warning you, I'm not the best host... Now there are some house rules.  The relationship between father and son pains me, and to see Batman's reaction would just bring back too many memories.  Which means Batman is not to come to this location.  The bird must be picked up by Superman, and Superman only, because the more guests that come, the more I have to entertain.  And I really wasn't planning on setting off my *fireworks* tonight... So unless you want another casualty, I suggest playing this game by the rules."  The screen showed an address and soon went black at mount justice, causing everyone to sit in worried silence.  Batman stormed out of the room wanting to be alone.  Superman was the next to follow, as he began making his way towards the warehouse.  Even at his top speed the man of steel wouldn't make it there for about twenty minutes.  After a few moments later the Joker spoke again, looking Robin right in the eye, though a piece of fabric shielded the boys glare.  "Would you like to know something else about me?"  He teased, bringing a hand to Robin's hair, ruffling it in every direction.  "Why... Not?"  Robin struggled to get out.  The Joker chuckled for a second, admiring the boy's tone which was filled with hatred.  He then cleared his throat.  "I-"  He pulled out a blade and pointed it towards himself for dramatic purposes.  "I was the one who killed your parents."    

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now