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As promised, here is the first section of chapter 6.  I will probably post B with in the next hour,  and C will definitely come before the night ends.  Hope you all are enjoying it!  Make sure to comment!  Okay here we go...


The halls of Wayne manor, had been very quiet seeing as everyone finally settled around two-thirty in the morning.  But as always, it was just a matter of time before Richard woke up in a panic, which happened around four.  He was used to getting very few hours of sleep given his work ethic, but a sleeping problem made it that much worse.  He sat up quickly, startled from the faint images playing in his mind.  For what felt like eternity, he sat staring and staring into the darkness.  Finally, a ray of sunshine peeked through his window, and as the sun rose, the rest of the residents in the manor did as well.  And even though it was time to get ready, he still sat there staring.  He had one thing on his mind.  He needed to finish what he started. 

A couple minutes later, Alfred knocked on his door to remind him that he had school.  This was an unusual thing for Alfred to do, which made him wonder if the child was okay.  Normally Richard was already up and rushing down to Bruce asking for help with his tie.  And thanks to Alfred's reminder it was that way soon enough.  Richard ate quickly, and ran out the door after saying goodbye to Bruce.  He buckled his seatbelt as Alfred began to drive off.  And just like that, Richard was in math, re-learning last week's self lessons. 

The next thing he knew, he was speed walking to art.  Now the kids at Gotham Academy had something else to talk about.  His face.  At first he was really embarrassed because he completely forgot he had a cut when he woke up.  And even though it was second period, and not that much later, he was over it.  To him, fretting about the situation would only make it that much worse.  He knew that in a few days there would be nothing left to talk about in terms of his cheek.  Because as did all abrasions, it would heal.  Well most of them anyway.  Richard was still a firm believer that his emotional scars would constantly bother him.  Like they had last night. 

Once he arrived in the classroom, he sat down at Wally's table so they could get started.  Wally took one look at him before asking if he was alright.  Richard gave him a soft smile and told him that he couldn't be better.  Even though the reality was he would have to take hundreds of pictures with a slash across his face. Then the teacher spoke up.  "Okay class, so you should have your photo ideas, which means we will be taking the pictures today.  And seeing as it's such a beautiful day, I figured we could go outside!"  The class began to cheer.  The things that made fourth-graders happy.  The teacher lead the class outside, and began passing out the cameras to each pair of partners.  And his last words to the class were "Roam free."  All the kids went running to the playground and swings.  Except for Wally and Richard.  Wally turned to Richard who looked upset.  "The one day my face his butchered.."  He began laughing at the end of his sentence.  Wally  gave him a second.  "Don't worry. We'll get your good side."  Richard let out a laugh, and was glad that he had Wally as a partner.  "Shall we get started?"

The two set up the stand and set a timer to take the first picture.  They stood in front of the brick wall and smiled.  When they looked back at the photo, they realized that a, they weren't close enough to fit in the frame and b, they looked like the people that constantly wore fake smiles.  "Let's try this again."  Richard said.  The second time, it came out a little better, seeing as their positioning was shoulder to shoulder rather than lets stand five feet away from eachother.  But their smiles were still awkward.  The two reset the time and went back in front of the wall, shoulder to shoulder like last time.  "Are you sure that's your good side?" Richard laughed, and gave Wally a smack causing him to smile in success.  And then the camera snapped as it captured the moment.  The two walked over to the device to find exactly what they needed for their project.  "Nice joke."  Richard said sarcastically. "Nice arm."  Wally said rubbing the area Richard hit.  They packed up the stand, and began to head back to the art room.  They plugged in the memory card and picked the third picture, printing it out on to photo paper.  "Sweet."  Richard said looking at the four by six image.  "Third time's a charm."  Wally added.  The two boys wrote their name on the back of the image, as well as the date.  Then they put it in a plastic bag as instructed, setting it onto their teachers desk.  And after a few minutes, the bell rang and the two were headed separate ways.

Hours later, Alfred was pulling into the school parking lot, waiting for Richard.  After fifteen minutes, the boy stumbled through the front door, making his way towards the vehicle.  Once he was sitting in the car, Alfred asked how the day went.  An like always, Richard responded by saying something along the lines of 'same old same old'.  But once again Richard was lying. 

The boy got home and finished his work earlier than yesterday, which meant he could take his time while eating,  While at the table, Alfred strolled by, and stopped before the boy.  He stood there for a few minutes watching him, and Richard finally looked up.  "Everything alright Alf?"  The old man gave a small nod.  "Ah Master Richard, that's what I should be asking you."  Richard tilted his head in confusion.  Then he remembered.  He brought his hand to his cheek.  "Master Richard how did you get such an abrasion?"  The young boy gave him an innocent look.  "Well then how bout we get it cleaned up."  Richard could agree to that.  He shook his head and at that Alfred was off getting the first aid kit. 

Around eight fifty Bruce got home, rushing through the door, acting like he had another meeting to attend.  "Hey there Richard."  He said while running through the kitchen.  "Hello Bruce."  He responded.  The boy watched the man crazily running through the house trying to collect his things.  Richard glanced at the clock.  It was about to be nine.  "I think I'm going to call it a day."  He said walking lazily towards the stair case.  He added a fake yawn to sell it.  "So that means I'll see you same time same place later?"  Bruce asked with a smile.  Richard gave him a slight nod and began climbing the stairs.  Once he was sure the boy couldn't hear, he turned towards the butler.  "Well Alfred, that's my queue."  Alfred shook his head in agreement.  "Indeed it is Master Bruce."  The younger man disappeared into the shadows of the large room.  Something he was very good at.

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now