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Aggg I love this part!  Hope you enjoy as much as I did.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


"Robin, this is Superman.  Better known as Clark Kent.  He is the only one in the league that knows who we are.  So when it's just us, you don't have to worry about the whole secret identity thing."  Superman nodded.  "He's right Richard."  Batman stepped back and let the two talk for a few minutes.  "So do you like being Robin?"  He asked.  "Yea.  It's great.  I'm really glad Bruce let me be his partner."  Richard responded.  "How did you come to be Robin?"  Superman wanted to hear his story.  "Well I found out that he was Batman when I was sneaking out at night trying to figure out who killed my parents."  He swallowed hard.  "I'm sorry about that."  Superman said already knowing.

Bruce and Clark go way back, and when Bruce told Clark that he was adopting Richard after all he had been through, he was eager to know more.  So Bruce met up with Clark one night and told him the whole back story.  Knowing how much he had been through, Clark wanted to help in any way possible.  So Bruce made a deal with him.  And if Robin agreed, then Superman could carry it out. 

"Yea... so I argued with him for awhile to at least let him give me a try..."  Robin continued.  "How did you get him to budge?  I can't even do that!"  Superman admitted.  "Well I proved a point.  His theory was that I would go out and get hurt.  So to back up his statement, he used a cut, that I received from a thug, trying to stop me on my mission.  And even though I did get slashed, I dodged about twenty blows.  When I gave him that information he still wouldn't accept.  So I had to go the hard way.  I told him to roll up his sleeve.  And as I suspected, he had quite a few scars.  It's just part of the job.  And that's when he budged.  Simply because he had nothing else left to argue."  Robin smirked at the memory.  "So he gave me a try out and I was doing really well."  He added.  "But you became Robin early."  Superman noted.  "About that...  I hacked into the computer, and to my surprise he was impressed rather extremely mad. I thought he was going to revoke, the agreement.  But he gave me a chance."  Robin said quietly. 

Superman put a hand on his shoulder.  "Bruce is a great man.  Of course he would give you a chance.  I have been in contact with Bruce, and depending on what you want, I would like to give you a chance too."  Superman looked at his mask.  And even though his eyes were concealed Superman knew that they were filled with awe.  "If you want, I would love to be an uncle figure."   Robin's eyes widened.  He smiled at the older man.  "I would like that... Uncle Clark." 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now