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Not going to lie but I'm pretty suprised about getting another two hundred views in three days!  You guys are awesome, so we shall proceed.  Comment and keep reading!  Oh and vote if you're into that too!  Thanks! 


Richard smiled at Wally's previous statement.  "What the hell you're so caring it's disturbing."  Richard joked.  "Yea I'm the one that's super caring in this friendship..."  Wally said referring to Richard's current actions.  "What is that supposed to mean?"  Richard asked looking out the window.  "It's supposed to mean something that's not worth explaining."  He tried to back out of the current conversation so they wouldn't have to discuss it again.  He felt as though if it was ever brought up again, the discussion would quickly escalate into fight.  "And I am assuming it's also something we've already conversed about."  Richard added, knowing what he was talking about since the initial comment that led to the present dialogue.   "Always playing dumb like that... such a Dick move."  Wally bantered.  "If I do say so myself."  Richard added.  The room was silent for a few minutes before someone spoke again.  "Do you ever lie awake and wonder what your future is going to be like?"  Richard whispered.  "Actually no... I say live for now.  I mean sure we both have long lives ahead of us but the more time you waste planning out your future, the more time you've taken away from your childhood."  It was hard for Wally to tell Richard that they both had long lives to live, because he knew it was a lie if Richard ever ended up breaking their promise.  "I guess you're right.  I just feel like sometimes you're expected to do certain things when you're older and if you don't think about them you'll... screw up."  Richard's voice came to a whisper.  He slowly blinked as he continued.  "I mean, how can you make everything work out later on... if you're not thinking about them now?"  Richard tried.  "Because everything ends up working out.  Things happen for a reason.  Which is why you can't push for something to happen."  Richard who had been looking at the window turned to face Wally.  "So you think everything fall into the hands of fate?"  Richard questioned.  "I think that people make their own decisions, and then fate takes over to do the rest.  To reward you, or give you consequences."  Which was why Wally was scared for Richard.  His choice was play hero, and sometimes be in too deep while doing so.  And Wally's biggest fear was that rather than being rewarded, Richard would face the biggest consequence of all; death.  "I suppose that's a valid argument.  Without the help of fate we probably wouldn't be friends."  Richard said softly.  Wally was quick to answer.  "Like I said, everything happens for a reason."      

The two were still awake by seven and decided it was time to do something other than lie around in sleeping bags.  They got up and started discussing what they were going to go for the day.  "Well I say right now we got to my favorite diner which happens to be ten times better than yours."  Richard suggested.  "Though nothing could beat my favorite, I'm always up for food."  Wally admitted.  "I shot driving!"  Richard said while running down the stairs.  "I don't even know where the freaking habitation is!"  Wally yelled after him.  "Wally it's a restaurant not a house..."  Richard said stopping at the bottom.  "Any place that has food is considered home in my mind."  Wally protested.            

The two walked outside and then stopped in front of one the many cars that were parked in the manor's driveway.  "Dude is this your car?"  Wally screamed.  The two got inside and buckled their seatbelts.  Richard pushed the key into the ignition and then began to answer.  "No... unfortunately Bruce and I have been pretty distant lately and-"  Wally interrupted.  "Why aren't you close with him anymore?"  Richard turned the key and the engine shut off.  He turned to face Wally as a sincere look formed across his face.  "We're best friends, and best friends share secrets, just as much as they keep them.  But best friends also have to accept the fact that some secrets cannot be understood no matter how well they're explained."  Richard commented.  Wally just nodded though he really wanted to say 'and I respect that, but do you respect the fact that I'm trying to help'.  So instead he tried to switch up the conversation.  "I totally forgot you could drive!  Isn't it like the best thing though?"  Wally asked joyfully.  Richards mood was revived as he joined in.  "Yea it's so relaxing.  Oh man you're goanna be so jealous but I've been practicing driving the bat mobile so I can use it during missions!"  Richard shouted.  "That's awesome man!  Look out the baby bat is in training! Dude I can't wait until you don the cape and cowl.  That will be the day..."  Wally said excited.  'That won't even be a day'.  Richard thought.  He decided to keep the comment to himself so he wouldn't disappoint Wally.  Apparently no matter what he did, he would upset someone.  Even if that someone ended up being himself.           

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now