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This is very short, but by the end of the night all parts of Chapter 10 will be in as well.  I know that 's alot to be posting in a short span of time, but trust me on this one.  Anyway... Comment and keep reading - vote if ya want as well - Thanks!!


Hours later, the halls of mount justice became quiet as everyone had wondered off to bed.  At this point, Richard was very scared.  Sure he had been here last night, but he had yet to sleep here.  He didn't know how he would react when he would impulsively wake up.  The thought creped around his mind for a while, until all that could be seen was darkness.  And then in his dreams an image surfaced. 

He sat in the back seat of a fancy car being driven around all of Gotham.  And then finally the vehicle made its way down a long path, until it pulled up before a huge manor.  The young boy brought his face to the window in awe.  That's when an older man with white hair and glasses exited the car to open the boy's door.  He took one step out of the vehicle looking up at the intimidating architecture.  A man then appeared making his way down the front steps of the manor to greet his long term house guest.  The boy gazed at the handsome gentleman with brown hair and a tall, built structure.  He recognized the man.  In fact, he had much to thank him for.  He walked through the front entrance when a hand grabbed his shoulder.  "Welcome home Richard." 

And after that the dream quickly flickered and bits of reoccurring nightmares slipped through the cracks.

He sniffled and a small tear ran down his cheek.  The blackness interrupted.  Then he saw a small house where the so called neighbors next door didn't exist.  The images became choppy once again.   He had been pushed to the ground.  He became restless in his bed knowing what was coming next.  "Wake up you little son of a bitch!"   The voice was so evil it sent a chill down Richards spine causing him to get up.   Luckily, he wasn't screaming, which meant his chest rose accordingly trying to catch his breath. Though now that he was conscious, he became nervous when he forgot where he was.  His eyes squinted, trying to remember. 

"Welcome home Richard."

He shook his head and opened his eyes wide.  He was terrified at the moment.  He got up out of bed, lurking through the darkness trying to get to a safe spot.  He exited his room into the exposed hallways trying to find what he was looking for.  Scared with each step he took he finally came across what he wanted.  He looked at the door that had the sign reading Batman.  He quickly plunged into the shadows being as quiet as he could.  And then without waking the older man laid down in the bed next to him.  Keeping one eye open just to be safe.  And when morning came the young boy vanished before Bruce had the chance to realize that he snuck in late last night.  Bruce still didn't know about Richard's sleep patterns.  And he planned to keep it that way.

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now