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Here is the last part of Chapter 10!  I aplogize again for this awkward posting pace.  Anyway enjoy the story!  Make sure to comment and keep reading!  And if you really want to, you can vote as well haha thanks again!


The next morning everyone was up early to greet Wally for his birthday.  As the young speedster requested, there was a birthday cake waiting on the counter, even though it was only eight am.  And though people were trying to socialize with him, he stayed by Richards side the whole morning, just in case.  That was, until Richard asked him for a minute.  The young boy ran off to his room so he could rap Wally's birthday present.  He finally knew what he would give him.  "Hey Wally.  You.  Me.  The 'rents.  Dinner?"  Richard asked.  Wally laughed hysterically at the younger boys impersonation.  It was his turn now.  "Yea.  Sure."  He tried.  "Not bad..."  Richard confessed.

Later on, the two found themselves sitting at their own booth in Wally's favorite restaurant, despite Richards mild hate for the place.  But hey, it was his best friend's birthday.  And after all he did for him, being there, in the darkest hours of the night, he deserved it.  Bruce and Barry watched from a booth a few tables over.  This time they were the ones laughing, watching the two boys together. 

After dinner, the boys sat at the booth waiting for Barry and Bruce to finish up.  Richard got out of the booth and walked over to Bruce who handed him something.  He then made his way back to Wally who sat there in confusion.  "This is for you.  Happy Birthday."  He said for the hundredth time today.  Wally took the present and opened it.  Once he tore a small piece of paper off, he knew what it was.  He looked up at his best friend.  "Richard..."  He said.  "I don't have to remember you anymore.  You're right her beside me."  He assured.  Wally got up from the booth and hugged him.  A few minutes later, they all left making their way back to mount justice.

The next night Wally slept on an air mattress beside Richard's bed, to make sure he got some sleep.  Richard had openly admitted last night that he basically gets one and a half to two every night.  For the most part, he slept soundly.  Although he did wake up at three.  And when he had done so, he looked down at Wally who was already looking up at him.  And for the first time, he didn't feel alone.  Which made it that much easier for him to go back to sleep. 

The next morning Richard woke up early, aware that Bruce and him had to get back home.  He rounded up some of his stuff, taking the picture, of now just his parents, the last thing to be placed back in his bag.  Wally was up with him, helping him pack, which made goodbyes hard.  They weren't really aware of the next time they were going to see eachother.  At most next summer, but that seemed like eons away.  Richard clutched his bag tightly as he went in to hug Wally goodbye.  "Goodbye Richard."  Wally whispered in his ear.   Richard couldn't help but smile.   A huge weight had been lifted off his shoulder.  Bruce and Richard were soon pulling away, and on the road back home.

They pulled back into their own driveway around one, where Richard mopped as he got out of the car.  Now that he had nothing to hide, he was separated from him.  He went inside and sat at his desk for hours thinking. He then opened his duffle bag to grab the picture of his parents.  He sat on his bed hopelessly holding the frame, fiddling with it.  He accidently let the back come lose, which allowed the photo to gracefully fall a few inches.  However the photo of his parents was not alone.  It was accompanied, by another photo, and a small note.

Richard looked at the four by six image which displayed him and Wally smiling.  He then looked at a post it that had words scribbled across it..  "I'm afraid I can't let you give this to me.  There is a reason I left it with you... Wally."  Richard's lips curled upwards as he re-read the words.  He flipped the photo over to reveal his drawing.  Beside it was a small comment.  "I like it."  It read in black ink.  Richard gazed at the Nightwing symbol.  "I like it too."  He said placing the photos back in the frame.                



[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now