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Alright so this is it... The actual ending of this story...  So without further or do, here is the end to In The End.  (repetitive much lol) 


Bruce walked around the manor, entering the study. Something that had become a daily ritual. He sat in the chair, the same one that Richard had once occupied. But it had been a while since the teen sat there. A while since anyone in the house, anyone in Gotham had seen him. When he said he was leaving, he meant it.

Richard had hopped around, week by week, month by month, sleeping at a different hotel each time. He was so close he could feel it. He knew that in a short amount of time, he would be where he wanted to be. He closed his laptop, somewhat of a smirk on his face as he realized he was only twenty miles away. After all this time, he would finally be where he wanted to be.

Bruce sat in the chair looking up to his parents. Then to Richard. He had hung up his portrait where Wally was a while ago. He remembered Richard wanting that spot to be saved for the next person that left them. And Bruce decided to take that figuratively as well. Although he wasn't even aware of Richard's status. For all he knew, he really could be dead, it had been so long since he left. Eventually the people of Gotham would wonder where he went, if they weren't already. Bruce thought about it every day. But he couldn't come up with a place as to where he would be. A while later Bruce climbed out of the chair and went into the bathroom. He glanced at himself. Looking down to his chest, staring at the tattoo that covered his left torso. A frown surfaced as he read it.

And even though I know that there are still more harsh waters ahead of us, just know that I will always love you.


He stared at the neat handwriting. He had the tattoo artist copy Richard's. He wanted in to look exactly as it did on the card. He kept rereading it, becoming more upset each time he had. He had the tattoo for an extensive amount of time, yet he was just beginning to realize that it wasn't actually true. And despite how much the thought hurt him, he understood why. He shut the light off exiting the bathroom, walking into another room. Another abyss filled with darkness.

Richard changed, various emotions running through his veins. He had on a thin long sleeved shirt, as well as some cargo pants, holding his money, a disposable phone, a pocket knife, and some medicine. On his head rest a hat, extremely fuzzy on the inside. He was desperately trying to stay bundled up, but he was too hot. It was so hard for him not to walk around, his chest bare. He looked around the hotel room shoving his bags in the closet. He didn't know when he would be back. If he would be back. He walked out of the room, pulling up his sleeves as he made his way down the stairs.

He opened the door, the large mountains outside, covered in snow. He smiled as light flakes brushed against his skin. He loved this type of weather, it was calming. He exhaled as he felt more of the cold substance hit his body. He began to walk, looking down at the map making sure he was heading in the right direction. He didn't want to mess up now. He had been waiting to do this for so long. He gritted his teeth as he attempted to refrain from pulling his sleeves up even more, though it didn't last long.

He kept going, minutes turning into hours. And as time passed, for some reason he got colder. It was the first time he had experienced the feeling in what felt like forever. He began to shiver, pulling down his sleeves over his fists. He brought one hand to his nose, which was now bright red. He began to cough, he felt the sickness coming on. He was starting to wish he had a jacket. But he took a deep breath, trying to concentrate. He was too close to lose now. But had he? Suddenly his legs collapsed as they couldn't support his body anymore. He hit the ground, sinking into the soft snow that covered the vast lands.

He then woke up, straining his eyes as they adjusted to the scenery of the white lands. It was so bright. He got up, brushing the snow off himself, looking down at the map. He didn't have much longer to go. He began to walk again, trying to reach his objective quickly. He soon came across a large building. He recognized it from the photo he had seen on his laptop. He took a deep breath, aware that he had finally reached his destination. He continued towards it, the tall structure casting a dark shadow, creating an enormous contrast.

He entered the building pulling off his hat, exhaling as his body accepted the warmth. He went to the front desk, informing the man as to why he was there. He then made his way towards the elevator, the doors opening automatically. He proceed to the 9th floor stepping out of the enclosed structure. He continued down the hall, coming close to the end, as he stopped at the door with the number 914 on it. He thought about it. Whether or not he really wanted to do this. In mid decision he took a few more steps to land before a large window at what was the end of the hall. He squinted his eyes from the luminous sky. He was confused. He had recognized the strange glow. So radiant... So white. But it had been white outside anyway, it was snowing. Was it just the weather? He shook his heading trying to rid of those thoughts, thinking back to the reason as to why he was there. Finally, he concluded what he would do, making his way back to the door. He took a deep breath twisting the handle, surprised to find it unlocked. He took a look around the average apartment. His eyes found a desk chair, similar to his sitting in the corner. And on the wall that stood a few yards before him, hung a familiar poster. One he had recognized from his childhood. His time at mount justice. He stood in the doorway, thinking of what to say. One hand still on the door knob, while the other rubbed the bottom of his chin. He stood there in silence, trying not to draw attention to himself. He had yet to find the words to say. However his presence became known, as a body appeared from beyond the side of the wall. Richards eye's grew wide, a smile dominating his face. And he didn't have to worry about being the first one to speak. The figure across the room beat him to it. 

 "I knew you would come."


Deep breaths, deep breaths... 

Yes, this is the actual end.  And I say that because I may or may not have written this for my best friend (who I dedicate this whole story to) and when I read it to her, she thought I was joking when I paused and didn't say anything else.  What can I say?  I'm a big fan of open endings!  I hope this was enough to give you some clarification however, although it might make you more confused if you caught my hints ;)  

I guess we will never know!  Anyway I love all y'all for sticking through this crazy story, because as most of you can probably tell, it was written out of pure angst.  But who doesn't love that?

Anyway, leave your overall comments down below, and stay awesome!

Thanks for all your time and devotion.

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now