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And on we go!  Sorry for all the time skips and how quickly he is aging, but this is how I wanted to write it; only the imporant details of that time in his life.  Anyway, here is the first part of chapter 12, hope you like!  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


A year later the secret was still hidden from Bruce who wasn't aware that Richard had been badly  burned or cut let alone shot.  Richard had turned sixteen a month ago and he was still trying to move past the Joker situation.   "eleven... twelve... thirteen..."  Richard's aggressive tone kept track of how many pull ups he already did.  It had been about thirty minutes into his morning workout, which meant he had about three hours left to go.  Since the kidnapping, he was obsessed with building his body, so his physical strength could soon be in sync with the advantage of his developed mind.  It was a heated April day, and the more minutes that passed by, the hotter the room got, which caused Richard to peel of his white tee shirt.  Though it wasn't the first time he's ever worked out with a bare chest, he only did so when he was completely alone in the house.  Although sometimes he did when just Alfred was home, considering the older man knew.  Of everything that was.  In fact Alfred was the one to sew Richards cuts, and wounds afterwards.  It was then that Alfred vouched to keep the promise.  And even though the scars were still very apparent, without Alfred's help, things would be much worse.  Bruce had left a few hours ago to head off to work, which meant by Richards calculations, the man wouldn't be home till nine or so.  Though that was practically eons away. 

Richard continued his work out as he would any other day, shirt or no shirt.  He was in the middle of doing pushups as the sound of footsteps filled the silent air.  Without looking up, Richard spoke loudly so what he was saying could be understood over his deep breaths.  "Hey Alfred, you need something?"  He questioned waiting for an answer.  The footsteps grew closer and he began to wonder why the butler hadn't answered yet.  "Well what I need, is to know exactly how you got those wounds."  A voice much more American sounding floated through the air.  Richard immediately stopped doing the exercise, though he stayed in a pushup position.  His eyes locked on the ground, as the other mans were focused on the sixteen year olds damaged body.  Burn marks laid across the terrain of his back, as a couple long thick scars did as well.  To Richards luck, the bullet wound was not visible, which meant things wouldn't escalate too quickly.  "I think it's time we talk..."  Bruce said.  Richard cringed at the words.  He hoped it wasn't what he thought it would be.  Otherwise his life would be torn apart.  He stood up, back still facing Bruce and pulled up his shorts a little more to make sure the whole bullet wound was covered.  He would save the unveiling of that glorious tale for another day.  He then turned to confront Bruce who pointed to chairs where the two could sit down.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?"  Bruce asked impatiently.  Richard thought long and hard about the question, sweat gleaming from his cheeks.  "I'm not ready to talk about it."  He hoped Bruce would respect that and move on.  "Richard... you have to let someone in.  You can't just push off your injuries.  If you ever get seriously wounded again... I will be flying solo..."  Bruce looked down, hating the fact that he had to accept the reality of the situation.  "So you're mad that I got a few burns?  Fear that this one slip up will lead to more?  You make it seem like this one accident proves the theories you had when I was younger.  You don't think I can handle myself.  And I think that you just don't get it."  Robin became frustrated quickly, feeling as if it would be impossible to win this battle.  "Get what?"  Bruce didn't understand.  "I have to be Robin."  Richard admitted in a harsh tone.  He thought back to the hours he spend in the attic just wishing to die a hero.  It was all he ever wanted to do.  "Why?"  Bruce backfired.  "It's not worth explaining."  He lied.  Richard still had many things he had yet to share with Bruce, but he never felt that the time was right, even if the situation was one hundred percent relevant.  And since the incident regarding the Joker, Bruce and Richard were increasingly distant.  He preferred to be a vault and lock all of his secrets away where no one could judge him for his reasoning behind certain things.  "Yes Richard it is... just tell me why."  Bruce tried to use a softer tone as a method to make Richard feel more at ease.  Though he for sure did not.  "I just have to be him okay?  So don't you ever take that part of me away!"  Richard was screaming, almost as if he was throwing a tantrum which had never been seen by the eyes of Bruce.  The response to the question allowed Bruce to understand that the Joker had truly changed Robin, even though Richard didn't realize it.  "I don't want to!  But one day I might have too... I mean if you ever got into a terrible accident, or shot..."  Richard looked to the ground as Bruce paused to find the right words.  "If anything terrible like that happened... Richard I would have to."  Bruce became heated, though the end of his last sentence was filled with worry.  "And why is that?"  Richard interrogated.  "Because!  Why do you think I have a rule against killing?  I can't deal with death!  Especially when it comes to people I genuinely care about!  You want to hate me for it?  Fine.  At least you're still alive.  But I can't... I wouldn't be able to go through it if you..."  It became hard for Bruce to speak.  So he tried to put it in simpler terms.  "I can't lose you."  He said sharply as he walked out the room.  All he could hear was Richard's mumbling in the background though he couldn't make out what he was saying.  But Richard was speaking just fine.  "Well unfortunately, you did.  I'll never be the same."

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now