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So this part is very long, but that's good for you I suppose... Well... I don't know.  You'll undertand after you read this.  I'm not too concerned about the length though because I feel as like you'll be on the edge of your seat while reading this.

*****Anyway I've already made a disclaimer about the cursing, and I would like to apologize to those who aren't for it, but when I took them out and read it like that, it was not at all how I wanted it.  So again, I'm sorry to those who do not like it.*****

Now let's get on with the show!  I really hope you enjoy this... I worked extra hard.

Comment and keep reading!  No seriously though, I really want comments on this chapter.  Thanks!


An aggravated chuckle filled the air in response to Richard's hopeless statement.  "Really?  I'm pretty sure one of the mottos you lived by was that nothing is impossible."  Richard closed his eyes.  "Except this."  He said weakly.  "No..."  The voice started.  "You just choose to be arrogant and are not accepting of the fact that this is real."  Richard raised his eyebrows, starting to get frustrated.  "THAT'S A LIE!"  He yelled.  "For weeks I contradicted the situation.  Then I mentally collapsed when I was forced to realize it was true because I BURIED YOU!"  Richard was practically screaming.  "What you buried was an empty coffin!"  The redhead rebutted.

"I don't believe you.  You're lying.  Now tell me who you really are."  The older teen almost laughed.  "It's me, what don't you understand?"  Richard became angry.  "Don't come in here to play mind games.  You're not telling the truth!"  Wally became offended.  "You want the truth?  Fine.  You need help.  You've needed it since I left."  His tone was harsh.  "Left?  Are you fucking joking?  You died!  Do you hear me?  DIED!"  Richard tried to sit up in the bed.  "Yea I can hear you just fine.  But can you see me?  Do I look dead?  No!  Because I'm alive!"  Richard closed his eyes, still in disbelief. 

"NO YOU'RE NOT!"  Richard didn't know what to do.  "How can you say that when I am standing right here?  You're fucking crazy!"  Wally screamed.  "No I'm not.  I am confused.  Not crazy.  Just confused..."  He was trying to sort things out with himself.  "Well then let me clear it up for you.  That theory that you used to contradict... You were right.  I never died."  Richard could barley listen.  "You're dreaming Richard.  This is all a dream."  He whispered to himself.  "You and I both know you don't have dreams.  You have nightmares.  Sorry to disappoint.  But I suppose it's poetic justice."  Richard's face lit up.  "Poetic justice?"  He questioned.  Wally sarcastically laughed.  "So now he listens..."  Richard brushed it off, curiosity flowing through his veins. 

"When have I ever disappointed you?"  His voice was sincere.  It was impossible for Wally to mimic that tone.  "Are you seriously asking me that?"  He kind of chuckled under his breath.  "My *death* was for nothing!  I made a deal with someone to make sure-"  He was cut off.  "Wait... you made a deal with someone?  Who the devil!"  Richard yelled.  "Be careful... the devil was once an angel."  Wally felt as though he had room to fool around.  Richard on the other hand did not.  "YEA AND YOU'RE LIVING PROOF!  I mean what kind of person agrees to fake their own death to emotionally stab their best friend?"  Wally became infuriated.  "SHUT UP!  Don't act like this was easy for me."  Richard just shook his head. 

"I spent two years grieving over your death.  Thinking this while time-"  Wally stole his thunder.  "Who the hell do you think you are?  You spent two years grieving over my death?  You were in a coma for nine months!"  Richard's head went back in surprise.  "And that makes a difference?  I had to relive your death in my coma.   And then to top it off when I woke up I KNEW NOTHING!  I had to find out you were dead when I asked where you were!  If anything the coma made it ten time worse!"  Wally just gave him a dirty look.  "Really?  It's funny because after your coma, I was told that you forgave yourself..."  A bolt of anger rushed through Richard's body.  "IT WASN'T MY FAULT WALLY!  You and I both know I couldn't control a COLLAPSING BUILDING!"  Wally acted as though Richard hadn't said anything and continued his argument.  "Told that you had moved on.  And then I found out that you decided you would FIGHT CRIME AGAIN!"  Richard started to wave his hand up and down in attempt to fan himself.  It was becoming hotter. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now