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        The next day the sun rose, and it was still stuffy up in the attic.  Dick woke up early, like he had at the center, and it was as if he was back to old habits.  He was locked in an attic with no food, a broken arm, and shirtless.  He laid in the small room, observing every inch in search for a piece of fabric to sling his arm.  Then he became frustrated and told himself it wasn't that big a deal.  He wasn't going to do anything crazy anyway- well not yet.  He thought about how he was going to accomplish his goal.  He had to plan it perfectly, otherwise he really would be trapped in this hell house forever.  He was trying to be strong.  Not just physically though.  Sure he was broken.  But not just on the outer edges.  If he was caught after trying to pull this stunt again, he would be killed if he wasn't locked up here permanently.  His mind was all over the place, and it was hard for him to break out of this mental prison.  He continued to think about how he would escape.  It was too much for him to do.  He couldn't run to the police fast enough in his condition.  There was no way he would make it out alive before James would find him and pull the trigger.  What he needed was a miracle.  Perhaps a savior to that could come to him.  But he was well aware that no one knew where he was.  If he wanted to live, he was going to have to risk dying. 

                It had been the type of morning that lasted all afternoon.  Or at least that's how it felt to Dick.  All he had to entertain him were his thoughts.  He was so aggravated, that he just didn't even care.  Part of him wanted to die.  And that part of him grew larger each minute.  It was as though he was living in so much pain, all across the board, that he was living long enough to see himself become immoral.  But he didn't want to go out that way.  Though he wanted to die, he wanted to die a hero.  He sat up, trying not to bump his head and kept looking for things of use.  This time actually opening boxes to see what was inside.  He found a flashlight, which was well needed, seeing as it got dark up here relatively early and some paper.  Then he found a few pens, and finally he located a blanket.  He leaned against a wall and began to aid himself.  He would of screamed out in pain, but he didn't want to attract attention to himself.  Sure James might not have wanted to see him for a few days, but Dick never wanted to look him in the face ever again.

                Though he was still six, being locked up in an attic he learned many things about himself.  Like how strong he was, mentally that is.  He was trying not to cry out or be a baby.  He was more mature than that, and to get out of here, he had to stay calm.  So if being trapped in an attic taught him that, then there were many more lessons to learn. 

                "Alfred, this boy is in trouble! I have to help him.  The kid watched his parents die, and by the looks of it he is next!"  His cape flowed behind him as he paced back and forth.  "And I agree, master Bruce, but how are we to find him?"  "I  have an idea."  Batman hoped in the bat mobile leaving Alfred unaccompanied.  He soon pulled up in front of the Delinquency Center.  He marched in and demanded to see the person that was in charge of Dick's dispatch.  He found the woman, and asked her the name of the family that brought the young boy home.  As soon as she gave him the information he left her there asking why. 

                Back at the house James and Madison were in mid conversation.  "I think it's time we began stage two of our plan."  Madison protested.  "Agreed..."  James said while picking up the phone.  He dialed the number and handed it to his wife.  "You know what to say."  She nodded and clicked the call button.  In an instant there was someone on the other end of the line.  "Hello, I need help, my adopted son was abducted and I don't know what to do."  She made it sound like she truly cared about him.  She started to sniffle to make it more convincing.  James gave her a thumbs up.  He heard the man on the other end ask the last time she saw the young boy.  "Um last night, he went out for a walk and he didn't come back, and I just don't... don't know where he is."  She began to 'cry'.  She soon hung up and laughed with her husband for the reminder of the night.  Eventually they went upstairs to their room, where they had a comfortable bed to sleep in.   

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now