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Just because I already had it written.  Hope you all enjoy!  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Richard, Bruce and Alfred sat on the couch waiting.  "Do you think he'll make it?"  Richard suddenly asked quietly.  The two older men just looked at him.  He avoided eye contact with Bruce, as he looked to Alfred for guidance.  "Unfortunately, we won't know until they call master Richard."  He responded.  Richard's leg anxiously bounced in rhythm.  "I don't understand why I can't be there!" Richard yelled.  "There are many reasons why Richard."  Bruce tried.  He just gave the man a glare in return.  He glanced at the clock as it was about to strike four am.  They had been up waiting since the incident.  For the most part Richard had kept quiet, all the things Wally had said replaying throughout his head. 

"A collapsing building could potentially kill you."         

He shook his head trying to refocus.  Waiting was the one of the worst things he had to do.  Especially because the guilt was pouring in.  He knew if Wally died, he wouldn't forgive himself.  He got up to run to the kitchen, when the phone did ring.  He quickly ran back to it, and picked it up off the receiver.  All he did was listen...  He never said one word.  It didn't take long for Bruce and Alfred to figure it out though.  After the news was reported he slammed the phone down on to the console and fell to his knees. 

 "Just remember that you can't be the hero every time." 

He quickly got up and ran to his room so the others couldn't see him.  Alfred got up to follow but Bruce motioned for him to sit back down.  "Just let him be."  Bruce said.  Richard rushed through the door and froze at the sight of the broken picture.  The last time he had been in his room, he and his best friend shared their first argument, but last conversation. 

"I'm just glad  we figured this out before it's too late."

Richard quickly jumped on his bed and shoved his face in to the covers.  He threw a pillow over his head so his sobs couldn't be heard.  He laid in his bed behind his locked door trying to understand.  Trying to comprehend how such a terrible thing could happen.  He searched his mind for an answer, to find one he didn't like. 

"I think that people make their own decisions, and then fate takes over to do the rest.  To reward you, or give you consequences." 

Richard sat up and threw the pillow across the room in anger realizing that what happened hours before truly was his responsibility.  If he didn't let the Joker get to him, if he hadn't gotten into a stupid argument, if he'd a just listened, his best friend would still be alive.  And even though he knew that was the true reason behind his friends death, he attempted to deny it by finding another explanation.

"Because everything ends up working out.  Things happen for a reason."

"What's the reason?"  He yelled confused.  He stayed up for the rest of the night pondering the topic, completely disorientated.  He wished that he could just forget, or not be told what happened.  His scars became deeper, and he didn't know what to do.  Where to go from there.  His relationship with Bruce was terrible, even though he was really the only one left to help Richard.  And even though Alfred was there, he needed someone that truly understood where he was coming from.  So he waited into the morning for Bruce to show up.  Richard had expected the older man to peek in at some point, because Brue was always concerned with his well being.  But over the course of the next day, he never made an entrance. 

At this point, it was nine o'clock the following night, and Richard hadn't left his room once.  He laid in bed for most of the day, and at the times he didn't, he stood before his window watching the day fade.  Finally he decided to leave the room, because he had to tell Bruce something very important.  So he marched downstairs, and began searching the house.  He then ran into Alfred.  "Where's Bruce?"  Richard asked in an unstable tone.  His posture was crooked, as he walked uneven, still distraught about the while situation.  "Master Richard I regret to inform you that master Bruce is gone."  Richard turned his head in confusion.  "Is he still at work?"  Richard asked gently.  Alfred pushed his glasses father up on his nose.  "No, master Richard, I'm afraid you don't understand.  Bruce left today." 


I don't know about this part... it was really short, but more is on the way.

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Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now