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On we go!  Part 12B: I hope you like.  Oh, and at this point in the story, there might be a few curses now that they are older.  I hope that doesn't bother any of you... If so, I apologize.  Anyway, here you go.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


 A few days later Richard found himself sitting before Wally on the floor of his room at mount justice.  "He threatened to take the job away from me!  He told me that if I was ever badly wounded again that he would basically fire me.  And I just can't have that happen.  I mean sometimes I think 'do I really want to do this?' and then I realize that without this I'm nothing.  This is the only piece of me left... and I can't afford to lose it."  Richard eyed the carpet depressed about the whole situation.  It was bad enough that he had the abrasions there, but the fact that they would be the cost of his job only made it worse.  "That's not true Richard... you're smart, you're athletic, caring, determined... there's so much than that mask."  Wally argued.  "And those are the things that allowed me to put this mask on.  I mean, those four traits are very common.  I understand what you're saying but I don't think you understand me."  His eye's lifted from the rug as they met Wally's.  "Everyone has their own personal trait that separates them from the rest.  The ones you just mentioned are beyond general.  The point I'm trying to make is, before my life made a wrong turn, it was all planned out.  I was supposed to be in the circus till I grew old but that's not the case anymore.  That special trait was buried with my parents.  So now this is what sets me aside from others, and without it, I'm just an average kid."  Even though Richard left out another primary reason as to why he had be Robin, he hoped Wally would understand.        

"I'm going to get a glass of water.  I'll be right back."  Richard added, standing up tall.  Wally, who was then left alone in the room, began to think about all his best friend just said.  The logistics of why he wanted to remain Robin made sense, and Wally completely respected that.  He just didn't necessarily support everything.  Wally could understand where both Robin and Batman were coming from.  But if he had to chose a side, he would probably pick Batman's.  Richard had changed so much since the Joker kidnapping.  It was like he was a completely different person, and Wally barley knew who he was.  Wally thought back to the several times in the past year that Richard went too far.  It was like Robin was in too deep and he had to save everyone, even if it was almost humanly impossible to do.  Wally was scared for Richard, he felt as though his actions would end him.  The words of Richards speech replayed in his mind, as he became increasingly curious. 

Richard walked back in the room to find Wally exactly where he had been sitting.  "You okay?"  Richard questioned.  "I feel like that's what I should be asking you."  He said quietly.  Richard placed the glass on the floor to soon sit down beside it.  "What do you mean..."  Robin thought they had already worked everything out.  "You told me a year ago that the only abrasions you have from the Joker are the ones that you showed me on your back... is that true?"  Wally protested.  Richard sighed as he accepted the fact that he would have to tell Wally.  "Yes and no... it's true that those scars were from the Joker, but it's a lie to say they were the only ones."  He pulled up his shirt to reveal the top of his bullet wound.  He didn't have to lower the band of his shorts for Wally to understand.  "YOU GOT SHOT?"  Richard reached his hand out to cover Wally's mouth.  "Do you know where we are!  Be quite!  The others can't know about this."  Richard whispered.  Wally backed away so he could speak once again.  "You mean to tell me that Bruce doesn't know!  Are you fucking crazy?  Dick this is a bullet we are talking about!"  His tone filled with anger and rage, which made his voice commanding, though not as loud.  Richard looked at his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.  "Wally please don't tell Bruce, okay please.  This wound would seal the deal and I already explained why I can't lose this piece of my life.  We're best friends, and best friends keep secrets, so please Wally."  His voice was desperate, and even though Wally was very tempted to tell Bruce, he wouldn't.  Though Richard was out of hand and risking his life to much, it didn't mean he had to fully drop the role of Robin.  It just meant that he had to calm down, if that was even possible.  "Fine... I'll keep your promise, if you keep mine."  He began.  Robin looked up from his glass and into Wally's eyes which were filled with seriousness.  "Go on..."  Robin offered.  "If I'm going to hide the truth from Bruce, then you have to promise me that you will be more careful out there."  Robin acted like he didn't know what he was talking about, but decided to keep the promise anyway, for the sake of his job.  He sat there for a minute staring into Wally's eyes. 

"Now that you've admitted your biggest secret of all, I think you could tell me just about anything.  Are you sure nothing else happened when you were the Joker's prisoner?"  Robin's eyes shuttered as he thought about the question.  A chill ran down his spine as the images he was trying to forget surfaced.  "Not that I can think of..."  He fibbed.  Wally was hoping Richard would tell him something that would allow him to understand what changed him.  But it wasn't working.  "We're best friends, and best friends share secrets, just as much as they keep them.  So if you ever need to talk you know where to find me."  He got up and walked out of the room, rather sprint out like he always had.  "Where are you going?"  Richard wondered.  "I'm going to give you some time to rest."  His body disappeared, and Robin was left alone sitting on the floor with his palm now to his forehead. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now