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Alfred walked up the stairs carrying a laundry basket filled with Richards clean clothes.  He made his way into the room, placing the basket on Richards desk as he always had.  However when he got near the piece of furniture he noticed something.  In shock the basket of laundry dropped to the floor.  He picked up the paper making sure what he read was truly there.  Despite how messy the writing was he could make out one sentence.  "Seek vengeance for Wally's death."  He quickly put the note back where he found it and picked up the clothes placing them back in the basket and then on the desk.  He rushed out of the room and down to the kitchen.  He grabbed the phone and dialed a number in hopes he would pick up.  A few seconds later there was a voice on the other end of the line.  But before they could finish, Alfred chimed in.  "So now you pick up.  Avoiding my calls is bloody rude!"  Alfred shouted.  "Alfred I already told you twice that the communication would be to a bare minimum."  Alfred shook his head.  "No master Bruce, a bare minimum is something.  You never called nor did you ever pick up."  Alfred tried.  "And most people at that point would take a hint."  Bruce stated.  "How about you take my hint.  I don't know where you are or what you are doing-"  The butler was interrupted.  "Do you not understand what the term business means?"  Bruce expressed.  "I don't know master Bruce... Do you not understand what the term bull shit means?  Now listen to me-"  Bruce interrupted once again.  "Alfred I'm an adult now-"  It was Alfred's turn.  "Don't you pull that shit on me master Bruce.  I'm being serious.  You left a sixteen year old here after his best friend died.  Did you not think that one day this would turn around to haunt you?"  Alfred tried.  "That's not the point Alfred."  Bruce said evenly.  "No master Bruce, the point is that now he wants to seek vengeance on the Joker.  I have a feeling it will be soon considering it will be the anniversary of Wally's death in eleven days."  There was a silence on both ends of the line before Alfred spoke again.  His tone became much calmer now that he knew Bruce was truly listening.  "I've known you since you were a baby master Bruce.  I know that you have true feelings for this boy.  You can't hide that from me.  You love him because you can understand where he is coming from.  Because you can see yourself in him.  He misses you, as I am sure you miss him.  I'm not saying this as your butler or as your guardian Bruce.  I'm saying this as your friend.  You have to come home."  Alfred could hear him exhale on the other end which meant he had taken a deep breath to consider the proposition.  "I take it that you will be home in a few days?"  Alfred questioned.  It was a while before he got a response.  On the other end of the line all he could hear was a buzz.  Alfred knew that meant he would be home as soon as possible.    

A few hours later Richard walked in the door soaking wet from sitting out front in the rain.  "Is the pool not good enough for you master Richard?"  Alfred laughed.  Richard just continued walking and made his way upstairs.  He went into his bathroom taking off his drenched clothes to hop in the shower.  He began thinking of how he would execute his plan.  He had a few ideas in mind. 

A couple nights later Richard sat in the study eyes alternating between the depictions of his parents and Wally.  He was in the middle of a deep though when he heard a car door slam.  'What the hell?'  He thought to himself.  Richard brushed it off even though he heard Alfred pass by.  'Who would come here at eleven?'  Richard kept thinking. 

"He's in the study."  Alfred whispered.  Bruce nodded as he quietly walked through his manor that he abandoned for a year.  "I love what you've done with the place."  He said softly while turning back to Alfred.  "I haven't done shit..."  Alfred stated.  "I know."  Bruce finished.  "Yea well your sarcasm is bloody rude and annoying!"  Alfred whispered.  Bruce stopped before the study door as Alfred continued, making his way back to the kitchen.  Bruce stood in the door way, looking at the back of the chair Richard was obviously sitting in.  He slowly walked around the bulky recliner to stop in between Richard and the burning fire.  Richard just looked at him, no expression on his face.  "You okay?"  Bruce asked after a minute of standing there.  The question angered Richard.  Was Bruce that stupid?  How did he think he would be feeling just four days away from one of the worst days of his life?  "Fine."  He responded.  His tone was both sarcastic and unappreciative.  The fire crackled and it made the tension between the two even weirder.  After a few minutes of Bruce staring at Richard, he decided he would go up into his room.

Bruce watched as Richard climbed the stairs, making his way towards his room, to slam the door behind him.  Bruce walked to the kitchen to find Alfred sitting at the table, obviously waiting for Bruce to come and explain himself.  Bruce pulled out a chair but before sitting and he made one thing very clear.  "Don't ask."  A smile slithered across Alfred's face.  "Okay master Bruce I won't.  Perhaps one day we could take a cruise somewhere and you'll just get drunk enough to tell me."  Bruce just stared at the older man.  Alfred watched as his face drained of color.  "What's the problem master Bruce?"  Bruce relaxed in his chair and let his head fall back trying to find the right words.  He lifted his head a few moments later, as his eyes became even with Alfred's.  "I don't get why is mad Alfred... "  Bruce started.  Alfred just laughed.  "Don't understand why he is mad?  You left him for a year.  How is he supposed to feel?"  Bruce clenched his fists.  "I thought you said he wanted me home."  Alfred just looked at the man scooting his chair closer to the table.  "I never said he wanted you home.  He needs you home."  Alfred stated.  "No Alfred, you said he misses me."  Bruce argued.  "He misses your guidance!"  Alfred raised his voice.  He shot the younger man an apologetic look and tried rephrase.  "May I ask you a question master Bruce?"  He gave the older man a nod.  "One may look at a circle and say it's a square right?"  Bruce just looked at the butler.  "Well yea, but they're completely different."  Bruce pointed out.  "Precisely.  What you see is a boy angered with you for finally making an appearance.  But what I see is a boy that has been surrounded by pain.  And all he knows is anger."  That was all Bruce need to hear.  He stood up and started making his way towards Richard's room.


I feel like this all just happened relatively quickly, but there is much more to cover so get ready!

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now