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Sorry that this chapter is really rushed, but I want to get to 18 and 19 and you know... the rest of the book!  Anyway I hope you enjoy this awkwardly written filler chapter.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks! 


The two walked back in the house several minutes later.  Richard walked through the kitchen and was about to head out when Alfred told him to wait.  "You need something Alfred?"  Richard said turning around.  "Well I thought I was making cookies for us to consume..."  Richard walked as fast as he could back into the kitchen.  "This is why I love you Alf!  I'm just going to head upstairs real quick though so I can change and then redress my foot."  Richard responded.  "Very well master Richard."  It was evident that the man was getting out the pans from the loud noises back in the kitchen.  Richard was slowly making his way up the stairs grabbling his crutch tightly with one hand while the bag dangled from his other.   

He opened the door to his room, making his way over to the bed where he set the bag down.  He walked over to his closet and grabbed sweatpants.  He peeled of his current attire and changed into those, leaving his chest completely exposed.  He then walked into his bathroom and sat on the counter reaching down to undress the gauze and such.  He started by unwrapping a long cloth bandage and then ripped of the giant band aid on the bottom of his foot.  He grabbed the cream that was to the left of him, and popped off the cap squiring a decent amount in his hands.  He brought his foot to his opposite knee and began to rub in the ointment.  He clenched his teeth at the small sting and then applied a new bandage afterwards.  He rewrapped the long piece of cloth and taped it so wouldn't come undone. 

He hopped off the counter landing softly on his good foot and then jumped over to his bed.  He sat down and took the frame out of the bag, taking off the back so he could insert the picture.  He did just that and then placed the back on turning it around.  'Perfect.' he thought to himself.  He leaned over and moved the picture of his parents to one side of his nightstand to make room for the new photo.  Once both were on the stand together, it took him a second to readjust as the reality began to kick in.

He made his way downstairs, following the scent of cookies.  He entered the kitchen to see Alfred opening the oven just pulling a tray out.  "That was fast."  Richard admitted.  "Well I've been with you long enough to know that you prefer your cookies soft."  Richard limped over to the fridge as he pulled out a carton of milk.  He then opened the cabinet grabbing a glass.  "Don't be silly master Richard, that's what I am here for."  Alfred said rushing over grabbing both items.  "Go on now, sit down."   He finished.  Richard smiled taking his seat.  The glass of milk was soon placed in front of him, and it wasn't long before he took a sip.  A plate of cookies was quick to follow, and Richard picked one up immediately.  "Thanks again Alf...  For everything."  Richard said.  "No worries master Richard.  We'll get through this."  He stated.  Richard bit his cookie slowly replaying the last few words in his head.  'It would of been nice if Bruce was here saying the same thing.'  He thought to himself. 

It was silent for a few minutes before one of them spoke again.  "I assume you already know what you're wearing tomorrow."  Alfred checked.  "Well there's not much room for error.  Black is as easy as it gets."  Richard said picking up another cookie.  He thought about it for a minute.  Black was as easy as it got.  But funerals weren't at all easy.  They were ceremonies to mourn the dead.  And as Richard had learned the hard way, losing people like that, made your life that much more difficult. 

"I suppose that is true."  Alfred said giving Richard a quick smile.  "And everything else is set?"  Richard thought about the question.  "I'm going to check over my speech one more time but for the most part I'd say yes."  He grabbed a few cookies and stood up reaching for his crutch.  He didn't want to talk about the following day anymore.  It would come soon enough.  "Thanks for the cookies Alf, but I think I'm just going to edit it and get to bed."  Richard stated.  "Understandable.  And no problem master Richard.  But out of curiosity, does this mean you're going to sneak out now?  The last time you went to bed this early, you climbed out your window."  Alfred joked.  But for Richard, it wasn't a laughing matter.  "I don't know Alfred, I think I'm beyond that you know?  I mean Robin... well he was Kid Flashes partner..."  He swallowed the imaginary cookie he had been pretending to chew on.  "I just don't think I can handle that..."  He said turning around.  He was trying to stay as strong as possible but a tear managed to slip.  Wally was gone, and so was his career.  The two things he never wanted to live without.  Alfred stood up sighing, feeling terrible for the boy.

Back upstairs Richard was lying across his bed checking over his eulogy.  He read the last sentence and he felt like it wasn't enough.  He grabbed his head in frustration and tried to search for inspiration. A familiar glare caught his eye, and he looked over to his nightstand.  He took a second to arrange the words he had in mind, scribbling them down on the paper.  He took his pencil off the page slowly, rereading the sentence multiple times.  He gave a small sharp nod as a small sad smile formed.   


Still don't know how I feel about this... short and awkward.  I apologize...

But I was thinking, to make up for it, perhaps I would post chapter 18 as a whole, because its too short to post in three parts, and I'm not going to lie, it is sad (at least in my opinion). 

So vote and comment if thats what you want! 

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now