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As promised... Chapter 23C. The first part of 24 will be posted by Sunday the latest... I still owe you guys for a week and a half of no posting. Comment and keep reading! Thanks!


As Bruce glanced into his eyes, he understood what he needed to do. He understood that this was his one chance. And he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't fix the problem now. He grabbed Richard by the fore arms, restraining him so he couldn't fight anymore. "I needed you when you were gone! Not now!" He shouted. Bruce attempted to calm him down as he forced him to kneel on the ground. He then knelt across from him, still holding on to his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Richard." Bruce said sincerely.

"It's okay. I love you..." He finished. That was a sentence Richard couldn't remember. Simply because it had never been said. He stopped trying to fight, Bruce letting go of his arms as they fell into his lap. A tear slid down his check as he tried to process. He sort of collapsed, his head against Bruce's knees, back hunched over. Bruce could barely make out the muffled words Richard whispered into his knees. He waited a few minutes before he calmed down a bit, and could actually understand what he was saying. "You love me?" He questioned, his face still hidden. Bruce swallowed hard.

It was then that he understood how unaffectionate he was. How unaffectionate he had been all along. He never really told Richard anything that loving simply because he didn't think he needed to. He was too blinded by his own set of issues to remember all the ones Richard had been going through himself. He patted the teens back, trying to pull him up so their eyes could meet, but Richard wouldn't allow it. The older man exhaled deeply, as he drowned in his own guilt. "Of course I love you!" He said slowly, almost as if he was telling that to himself. He had never really admitted it out in the open, it was too personal. "And I would do anything to protect you..." His voice almost trailed off as remorse got the better of him. "Anything..." He repeated. Reminding himself that Richard wouldn't even approve of half the things he's done... Yet it was all to protect him.

He waited a few minutes as Richard's light sobs diminished. Once it was completely silent Bruce repeated it one more time just to make sure Richard understood. "I love you Richard." He stated even slower than the first time. A moment later he pulled Richard back up so they could be at eye level.

And since he woke from his coma, it was the first time Bruce had seen Richard as Richard. His eyes lost their previous emotion. The disappointment had disappeared, almost as if it drained from his as a few tears trickled down his face. His eyes were now a pool of blue, lighting up, as the room was cloaked in darkness. His cheeks were stained a light red as he bit down on his lip.

Bruce could see the fatigue, his body still weak from the wave of emotion that had just hit him minutes ago. Bruce helped him get up, directing him to the bed. He laid Richard near the end of the mattress, as he soon occupied the head of the bed. Bruce sat with his legs crisscrossed, and began to pull Richard's tired body up towards him, Richard's head leaning against Bruce's chest. His chin rested on top of that, as he brushed the hair out of his eyes. He sat their silently, Richard soon drifting off to sleep. He himself had tried to drift of as well, but he had been busy choking on his guilt. He did not deserve this.

The next morning Bruce woke up to find Richard on the floor, next to the frame that he had dropped the previous night. Richard just sat there, desperately staring at it. Bruce stood up making a loud noise, Richard finally acknowledging his presence. It was then that Bruce understood. He knew what was about to happen. He walked closer to Richard standing before him. He waited a few minutes, but nothing had been said. Richard looked up at him. "What's the problem." He asked. Bruce didn't know what to say. He just stood there in silence as recollections from the previous night surfaced. He bit his lip, almost out of frustration, thinking he would never win.

"I'm not mad anymore Bruce. You made a mistake. But you fixed it last night. Sure you left, but I wasn't as mad about that as I was Wally's lost. And it's not your fault that he's gone. The Joker took his life." Bruce's smile diminished. He sat down next to Richard, watching him as he looked at the photo. Suddenly his eyes shifted to Bruce, and he began to speak. "I used to think it was my fault. But after my accident... Now I understand. Like I just told you, the Joker took his life. Not me... Not you. And I crave his presence but it's nothing I can ever have again." Bruce gave the boy an apologetic look before glancing over at the window. "I've always wanted to say goodbye to him, to just speak to him one last time. But, in the end, I'm sure I'll have the chance, you know?"

He sat there for a second gathering some more thoughts. "One day when I move on to the next realm I'm sure he'll be there... probably waiting to pick me up." He paused to smile, before continuing. "I wanted to say goodbye to him before he left, but now I understand that I don't want to say goodbye to one day say hello. One day I'll end up wherever he is. But now, here on earth, I... I need to move on and forgive myself for something I couldn't control." He picked up the photo and stood up, leaving Bruce down on the ground. He began to make his way to the door when Bruce called for him. "Richard?" He turned around. "I'm sorry." He said again. "I know you are." Bruce shook his head in understanding "Just promise me one thing... No more secrets." Richard whispered. "No more secrets." Bruce repeated.

Richard soon found himself at the cemetery. It had been awhile since he had been there. He exhaled as brisk winds slammed against his body. He stopped before Wally's grave kneeling down. He tilted his head to the side, in the middle of a deep thought. "I miss you more than I can bear." His eyes shifted around, leaves swaying towards the ground as the wind sung a song. He placed the new frame aside as he began to dig a small hole next to the grave. After doing so, he picked up the frame and took the photo out. His fingertips grazed the smooth surface, a smile inching across his face. He flipped it over, observing the faded blue symbol. He bit his lip as he read Wally's side comment. He carefully inserted the image back in the frame, surveying it one last time before placing it in the hole. "But pictures remind us of who we used to be. So it's time I let you go." He pushed the dirt on top of it, patting it down. His eyes skimmed across the grave as he stood up, shoving his numb fingers into the pockets of his coat. "I have to let you go."


I can't believe this story is winding down... I'm kinda bummed. (Super bummed to be more accurate)

Any requests for a character or characters you would like me to write a story about next? I was thinking about a brotherly Dick and Damian fic but if anyone else has an idea feel free to comment! Or leave me a private message!

Part 24A in a few days!

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now