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So this is the last part of this chapter.  Again, one of my favorite parts.  Hope y'all enjoy.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Richard thought about Bruce's last sentence.  And then he got a crazy idea.  "I think you're right Bruce."  He said with an excited tone.  "What did I just do."  He mumbled in response.  "Let me join your crusade."  The boy said willingly.  Bruce brought a palm to his face.  "I don't know Richard, you're still nine."  Richard easily found a loop hole.  "And in four months I'll be ten."  He stated.  The older man opened his mouth to refute the statement when Richard continued.  "Bruce I know what this is about, you don't want me to 'join the darker side' if you will.  I hate to break it to you, but all the shadows killed my light years ago.  At this point I have nothing left to lose."  He did sound reassuring.  "Yea but I do."  Bruce said quietly.  "Richard you lied to both Alfred and myself about going to bed, even though you were actually out on the town."  Richard gave him a bland look.  "Lies are only true if you believe in them."  He said happily. 

Bruce paced back and forth in front of where the boy was sitting.  "I will admit Richard, your moves were good out there, but you got a... battle wound."  He said sounding glad that he won.  "Pull up one of your sleeves."  The young boy demanded.  Bruce followed his instruction, knowing what was coming next.  The boy pointed at numerous scars.  "Battle wound.  Battle wound. What's that?  Oh wait it's a third battle wound."  His voice then became quieter as he put a hand to the side of his face to mimic whispering.  "And that's just one arm.  Shall we go for more?"  The boy crossed his arms.  "Point taken."  Bruce said disappointed that a soon to be ten year old just creamed him.  "Yes, and the point is that I dodged about twenty blows and ended up with this.  A mere slash on my face.  I think we both know that's the least of our problems.  Bruce I'm like you alright?  I just want to be more than a boy."  He finished. 

Bruce stopped in his tracks and brought his face closer to Richards.  "Then let's get to work."  The older man said.  Richard tried not to jump up in excitement.  He looked at the clock.  It was three am.  "Good thing today is Saturday."  He noted.  "Yes, and it's a good thing that you're already an observer."  Bruce teased.  Richard gave the older man a jokingly shove, as Bruce lead him through the halls of the manor.  And then they ended up back at Richards room.  "I thought we were going to-"  Bruce smiled.  "We will.  First thing in the morning.  Right now you need rest."  He told the boy.  He didn't want to jeopardize the agreement that had just been made, so Richard gave the older man a nod and hopped into bed.  "Night Richard."  The older man said while flicking the switch.  Once he shut the door to Richard's bedroom, he rushed down the stairs knowing that he only had a few hours before Richard would wake up.  He made his way down to the bat cave, and began working on his soon to be partners costume.  He already had the perfect idea in mind.

Richard woke up around seven the next morning to find Bruce sitting in one of the chairs across from his bed.  "How long have you been here?"  Richard feared that the man was there when he had his nightmare.  "Twenty minutes?"  Bruce estimated.  Richard exhaled, and was relieved that he wasn't there to witness.  "Coming?"  The edges of Richards lips curled upwards.  The next thing he knew he was in a huge underground cave.  It was very hard for him to take it all in.  Then Bruce came out of hiding.  "So... what are we going to call you?"  Bruce asked, holding a uniform.  There was a red tunic with yellow detailing, and a plain black circle on the left chest.  There were black long pants, and a yellow belt that appeared to connect the two.  A cape was attached to the tunic, and it was black on the outside, though the interior was yellow.  In his other hand, he held a pair of boots and gloves.  "Hmm...."  Richard thought long and hard about the question asked.  "How about Robin?"  "Very well."  Bruce walked over to a table with fabric and cut out a yellow R.  He then placed it in the circle and began to sew it on.  "Who knew the Batman could sew?"  Richard joked.  "Easy Robin, you don't like it when I ruffle your feathers... Besides its just like when I give stitches to myself."  The boy nodded knowing it was a valid statement.  He soon finished and handed him the costume.  "See how it fits."  Richard ran into the bathroom and changed quickly.  He walked out of the room clenching his fists in the gloves.  "I like it... but there's one problem."  Bruce gave the boy a small frown.  "And that would be.."  His voice had a bit of frustration.  "Where's my mask?"  Richard asked smiling.  "You didn't think I would forget?  Did you?"  He tossed the acrobat a piece of fabric and glue.  And then he came out looking complete.  "Nice."  Bruce said.  "Now... let me show you how this stuff works."  Richards face lit up as his mentor started pulling things out of his utility belt.  "Oh and your gloves have these projection computers..."  Bruce keep going on and on about all of the cools features that came with his uniform. 

The day soon pasted, and Bruce had taught him almost everything he needed to know.  It was about ten and the two were wrapping things up for the night so Batman could go on patrol.  Bruce told Richard he could be Robin, but he wanted at least two months to train him, and if that was enough time, then he could start coming on patrols.  Otherwise it would take longer.  So Richard was doing everything is his favor to learn everything fast.  

Truthfully though, he could already understand many of the things Batman was teaching him.   Especially when it came to the computers.  He was already doing a good job of proving himself worthy. 

Before Batman left he sat Dick down to go over some very valuable information that he had yet to share.  "Now this is important Richard."  The young boy gave him a reassuring nod that allowed the man to continue.  "A hero will rise above, when others had been taken under.  A hero will be strong, when others have become weak.  But most of all, a hero will stay calm, when society has lost it.  Because a hero must be one hundred percent focused, when everyone is distracted.  So there are a few rules.  Number one is DO NOT kill.  We are on the side of justice.  NOT VENGENCE.  Two.  NEVER be afraid.  Simply because fear is the root of all evil.  And three.  The citizens are ALWAYS  the priority.  A hero has no limits.  Which means we are willing to risk our lives if it means getting the job done."  His voice fell silent.  Richard gave the man a firm look.  He understood what he was saying.  "And Richard..."  He gave him his full attention.  "Yea Bruce?"  The older man took a deep breath.  "When I say you are willing to risk your life, I mean you only do so if it is ABSOLUTLEY necessary."

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now